I have no idea what's in it, but i distinctly remember my best friend once bought "lick me" incense which had a definate effect on us - and on other people who didn't know what it was... lets just say nipples were licked that day when they really shouldn't have been.
JoinedPosts by chelsea
by *summer* indo any of you enjoy lighting incense?
if so, what is your favourite scent?
which reminds me...i always light a stick of incense an hour or so before the "girls" show up for study.
Favorite All time Beatles Song- Please List
by flipper ini've been inspired by ip sec here starting a thread on all time favorite led zeppelin songs.
so i will give credit where credit is due, thanks, ip sec !!
so what was your favorite beatles song of all time ?
From me to you
Favorite Zep song
by IP_SEC inthis might be a bad time to post this because all the zep fans are prolly in bed .
edit: sorry what prompted this post is several zep songs have been mentioned on several threads tonight .
Whole lotta love
do you have someone you can truly rely on???
by chelsea inis there someone in your life who you know will be there when you really need them without a shadow of a doubt???
as much as i hope my girlfriends or whoever else will care about me and be there when i really need them, no one consistently has been, except for him, time and time again.
there are many very good reasons why i'm not with him anymore... but the fact that he cares more than anyone else is fairly persuasive... i don't want to go back to him, but what does one do when everyone else is too busy to care???
is there someone in your life who you KNOW will be there when you really need them without a shadow of a doubt??? I have ONE, and unfortunately this one is my ex-boyfriend. As much as i hope my girlfriends or whoever else will care about me and be there when i really need them, no one consistently has been, except for him, time and time again. There are many very good reasons why i'm not with him anymore... but the fact that he cares more than anyone else is fairly persuasive... i DON'T WANT to go back to him, but what does one do when everyone else is too busy to care????
Lets get a recipe topic going for Thanks Giving and Christmas....
by restrangled ini know its early, but so many of us were denied the thrill of the holidays for so many years, i think most of us on jwd tend to look forward to holidays more than the average person.
the weather finally changed today here in florida, and everyone i talk to is thinking about the holidays which inspired me to start this thread..... so lets get your favorite dish or dishes you are willing to share.
this gives everyone time to try it and add to their menus.
I tried to build a tofurkey (tofu turkey) last christmas and it was crap... i think i have to experiment with the recipe a bit more before it's edible... there were WAY too many spices in that thing, i was overcompensating because i thought it would definately be too bland... if anyone has tried making one and had any success with it i'd love to know!!!!!!
Today is my 10th Anniversary and my birthday
by jwfacts inbeing a jw that had never celebrated a birthday i thought i would get around the system and get married on my birthday.
today i turn 38 and celebrate my 10th anniversary.
to top it all off, in a few days my wife and i will be having an ultrasound and finding out the sex of my first baby.
HEY YOU!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pleased for you and i am SO excited for you about your baby!!!!!!!! You have done so well i'm telling you... and yes, i'm sure it is a far cry from what you would have thought it would be like to be "worldly." I remember you as this guy in a grey suit... and now you're out there finally enjoying yourself. Congratulations to you and your wife and have a wonderful anniversary and birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does it give you a creepy feeling when ...
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inyou hear a voice being projected over a loud speaker or microphone?
That was the feeling i had INSTANTLY when i listened to the John Kerry speech... before the "question."
student questioning Kerry about skull and bones gets tazered
by ninja inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se76lqwt6qa copy and paste
I was mortified when i saw this. They tried to get him off before he'd even finished his question... so what if he seemed "rude"???? Can you get arrested for being rude now????
Holiday to Tasmania and my incredible book find
by jwfacts ini have just spent the last few days in tasmania, where i was born and raised until the age of 20. my grandmother is a jw in her 80's but let me stay at her house because "no one is going to tell her she can not speak to her own family".
i visited relatives and friends, and found that almost everyone that i grew up with are no longer jws.
it was quite eye-opening; some have become christians, some have new age beliefs, some are athiests.
I just got your PM. Thanks!!!
Holiday to Tasmania and my incredible book find
by jwfacts ini have just spent the last few days in tasmania, where i was born and raised until the age of 20. my grandmother is a jw in her 80's but let me stay at her house because "no one is going to tell her she can not speak to her own family".
i visited relatives and friends, and found that almost everyone that i grew up with are no longer jws.
it was quite eye-opening; some have become christians, some have new age beliefs, some are athiests.
Is your grandmother the lady i think she is??? Your grandmother on your mother's side???