Brother A,
How can you be sure I'm not? After all, this is cyberspace.
i just dawned on me that we must be in paradise now!
after all 1975 brought the end of the world, for which end we all sacrificed having children, careers, interesting work, hobbies and oral sex.
i missed some of those things [some more than others], but in the end it was good to set foot in that new earth, especially once we got the stench from the 6,000,000,000 dead behind us, and the shite off our 'newly inherited' luxury automobiles [those damndable carion birds].
Brother A,
How can you be sure I'm not? After all, this is cyberspace.
i just dawned on me that we must be in paradise now!
after all 1975 brought the end of the world, for which end we all sacrificed having children, careers, interesting work, hobbies and oral sex.
i missed some of those things [some more than others], but in the end it was good to set foot in that new earth, especially once we got the stench from the 6,000,000,000 dead behind us, and the shite off our 'newly inherited' luxury automobiles [those damndable carion birds].
Last week we put the finishing touches on the new Theocratic Library of Indoctrination down the road. Since we destroyed all history books, the resurrected ones are truly enjoying the educational opportunities here locally. Hopefully they all get to go to Patterson within a few years to see where God's Holy Spirit directed things not long ago. The hardest part is telling them that, sadly, all the relatives are dead and bird-eaten, but thankfully for them, they got to die before Armageddon, and did not get judged for the wicked things they were doing then, like 'eating and drinking' instead of 'service and meetings'.
This was undoubtedly my favorite part.
i just dawned on me that we must be in paradise now!
after all 1975 brought the end of the world, for which end we all sacrificed having children, careers, interesting work, hobbies and oral sex.
i missed some of those things [some more than others], but in the end it was good to set foot in that new earth, especially once we got the stench from the 6,000,000,000 dead behind us, and the shite off our 'newly inherited' luxury automobiles [those damndable carion birds].
Yes Jeff. Now you get it! Isn't it so much better to have the proper spiritual outlook on matters?
i just dawned on me that we must be in paradise now!
after all 1975 brought the end of the world, for which end we all sacrificed having children, careers, interesting work, hobbies and oral sex.
i missed some of those things [some more than others], but in the end it was good to set foot in that new earth, especially once we got the stench from the 6,000,000,000 dead behind us, and the shite off our 'newly inherited' luxury automobiles [those damndable carion birds].
Here's some soon-to-arrive "new light" about Paradise:
The January 1, 2036 Watchtower will contain a study article explaining the appropriate way to view the thousands who have abandoned Jehovah's organization in the previous year: Paragraph 20. It is unwise to associate with all those who have stumbled due to "new light" regarding the paradise earth. Such ones have shown that their motives for serving our God were selfish. They fail to appreciate that though some amongst Jehovah's people at one time entertained the hope of living forever in a paradise earth, a more spiritual perspective reveals that the Paradise is amongst us in the form of the bounteous spiritual provisions of the slave class. Due to their fleshly view of things, many such ones have become bitter because their expectations were not realized as they would have liked. Some made great sacrifices to promote their hope of enjoying physical healing and blessings in the paradise. Yet others were negligent with regards to planning for their financial security later in life, and caused themselves and others burdens due to their lack of foresight. They now resent the situation they find themselves in. Such ones do well to ask themselves,"Did I not do so willingly? Was I forced to do as I did?" Of course not! Their own strict manner of interpreting the well-intentioned counsel of the slave class, now numbering into the tens of thousands, is where the real fault lies. All who continue to appreciate the channel that Jehovah has used to feed his servants here on earth for the last 156 years have accepted the new understanding with great rejoicing. One excellent way they show their loyal support for true worship is by sending the appropriate tithe to the slave class. New and exciting ways to support the Kingdom with our valuable things will be considered in the next article.
ok--i have decided i do want to answer the door when the elders return.
i won't let them speak at all, i am going to hold up my hand and tell them to let me have my say.
i am planning to say the following, and i'm trying to keep it very simple and to the point:.
I would just like to add that if they see you as angry they will walk away justified that you are dead wrong and evil.
Instead of invoking personal attacks (like saying 'you have the nerve' & slamming the door in their face), I would suggest simply saying the same thing in a calm and passionate manner. You could say in the sweetest voice 'i just have never gotton over the amount of evil I witnessed in your organization, i wish never to be contacted by you again'. Then close the door on them without a word, like you're life depended on it.
It's alot eaiser to write somebody off who lashes out as opposed to a person who acts in a very respectful manner. The message you give could be just as harsh, but you would not be giving them a reason to think that you had a wicked heart.
Don't get me wrong, the other responses are fun to fantasize about but the above suggestion really is the way to go. It'll add so much more weight to your declaration. Be antagonistic and they'll discount you and your comments immediately. Who knows? You may be able to add yet one more doubt to the many they surely have tucked away in their subconcious minds.
first time posting, long time lurking.. came upon this site on accident a few years ago and dismissed it as a site for disgruntled people; however, in the past months i actively searched for it as it stuck in my mind.
believe it or not, i practically read all of the topics.
i felt, wow, i wasn't alone in my thinking and feelings about some things.. it all started years ago in my last year in high school and then into college.
Welcome Rethinking,
Cool name by the way. I too lurked for years. Just started posting a few weeks ago. It's great therapy and the people are kind and thought-provoking. I especially enjoyed the following in your post:
There are many WRONG things that are happening and through this site I can see that I'm not the only one experiencing or 'witnessing' such evils. I mean, we all can't be crazy. We, who've most likely never met before, can't be making these things up, right??
That's the bottom line for me. Reading that someone around the globe is experiencing exactly what you have(only the names have changed) is both comforting and convincing.
in 1930 more than 34,000 people professed to be of the anointed.
they did not believe themselves to be the faithful and discreet slave, as a class; they believed c.t.
russell had been and that j.f.
Why wouldn't Jesus have informed them of their position as his faithful and discreet slave appointed over all his belongings at least when they were chosen by him in 1919?
Following the logic in drew sagan's comment:
Jesus did inform them of their position in 1919. They just weren't spiritually mature enough to hear. Thankfully, in time they got the message in all it's radiant glory. And to this day we are benefitting from their loving watchcare. See. It always works out in the end.
i was just watching the repeat of the history channel cults program.
needless to say a lot of the cults they talked about and their beliefs reminded me of the dubs to an extent.
but, it got me to thinking...has the wt$ ever featured an article on cults and recognizing them?
Relying upon them for the answer to the question, "Are you a (dangerous mind-control) cult?"
could be likened to asking a political candidate, "Isn't there a reason we shouldn't vote for you?"
"If we put you in office, are you going to enact tax hikes or laws that we would object to?"
Beautiful, OTWO. Well done.
ok i have listed all the intresting and thought provoking things.
hear they are from a to z.
<----------- yep nothing.. .
Ok 24 bapt. 2300 max attendance. 1/2 male 1/2 female all but 2 minorities Guess mainly which ? ( hint TEXAS )
i had three mini strokes last july.
i went thru a lot of tests august thru november and nothing was found.
this past saturday, i had another one.
I can't get into alot of detail, I reveal too much info about myself to begin with. But I can tell you that you can live a long life, with monitoring of the situation by medical professionals, in spite of your condition. Don't look for death around every corner.