wish I didn't throw away and still had todays Post so I can confirm the address, but every time I hear Furman in Brooklyn I think of the Bethel bldgs plus the fact that theyre in Trump's family now since his son in law owns some of the former Bethel buildings
JoinedPosts by ShirleyW
More Brooklyn properties sold
by recovering inand the money keeps rolling in.
More Brooklyn properties sold
by recovering inand the money keeps rolling in.
Funny that this has been posted this evening, after reading this evening in either the NYPost or in TONY of one of the hot new hotels to stay inBklyn, they mentioned either 40 or 60 Furman, when I hear Furman I think of one of the Bethel buildings. But now, Bethel bldg or not, on the roof they have a pool and bar hangout, looks way cooler than pumping out Washtowels and Afake magazines.
How many times can you be DF'd?
by Fader812 inthere was one guy in our hall who got df'd 3 times, on the fourth time he never came back.
i wonder if they told him not to come back?
We had a brother that was DFd either three or four times, every time he came back he had a new wife, so I guess we know what he was DFd for. Have no idea where he is today, but I wonder why even bother with da troof if it messes up your lifestyle like that, sin get kicked out come back, wash, rinse, repeat. Maybe the Catholic Church is the place for you so you can confess and be forgiven.
Glen Campbell
by glenster inrip april 22, 1936 – aug.8, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rucysj4ibwi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etkzk9pxmio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxojkdqdnbi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/glen_campbell.
Hey Flip, another thing we have in common, I luv, luv, luv the song Wichita Lineman.
Surprised to see (unless I overlooked it) that there was rumor a few decades ago that his parents were Dubs, I doubt that just for the sake of some more witnesses starting another false rumor, but he comes from a large family so maybe one of his siblings are one of his many nieces are nephews may have attended a few meetings way back when
New Cringe Worthy Music Video From July Broadcast
by JW_Rogue inthe song is supposedly about marveling at god's creation but instead includes over the top adoration of the elders, conventions, and family worship.
lol getting a brother who sounds like a wannabe josh groban only adds to the cheesiness.
Impossible to watch the whole thing, but what caught my eye are the brothers with the mustaches. When my dad was made an elder he had to shave his off. Oh, I guess some "new light" was seen by the morons in Brooklyn and now you can have a mustache again? Wow, Jah's loving provision at work again.
Brother & Sisters, Aunts and Uncles.....husband and wife
by menrov inwas just thinking about the practice in wt (and i believe some other religions as well) to call your fellow female (baptized) jw a sister, a brother if it is a man.
children call older people aunt or uncle.
so, at home, i can call my wife by her first name etc.
Never called any of the brothers and sisters in the KH aunt or uncle, none of the kids did. My parents had many friends when I was growing that they knew before my mother got baptized and instead of calling grown folks by their first name it was always Aunt or Uncle, but not the folks at the Hall.
LDS leader James J. Hamula excommunicated
by oppostate inlds leader james j. hamula excommunicated.
in a rare action taken by the senior leadership of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, a disciplinary council was held for general authority seventy james j. hamula, and he has been excommunicated from the lds church..
Interesting that no reason is given, certainly the reason is known, don't they have any nosy "elderette wives" spilling all the info? I guess the LDS crowd are a tight lipped group, SO UNLIKE the Dubs
DId you ever fall asleep at the meetings, Assemblys??
by karter inif i'm tierd i fall asleep anywere so the meetings ect were no diffrent my wife would always try to wake me but im a deep sleeper.
karter .
How about the folks that fall asleep at the meetings and start snoring?
There are only 4 ways to leave the Jehovah's Witnesses
by new boy inthere are only four ways of leaving the jehovah’s witnesses.
so there are four ways that could lead to shunning.
i say “could” because options three and four has some loopholes.
what rebel8 said - if you've totally had it with all the lies and flip flops and bullshit the Borg comes up with just walk away, never to attend a meeting again, you will phone calls but just tell them to leave you alone it's your life, etc. if you get DFd in absentia, if you're not going back shouldn't really bother you, but some have had letters sent by attorneys saying any action taken without their permission and they will suffer legal consequeces
Anyone recall someone disfellowshipped for gluttony???
by James Mixon ingluttony seems to be a sin that jw's like to ignore .there are several scriptures that point out that gluttony is a sin, proverbs 23:20-21 "do not join those who gorge themselves on meat".....also i read somewhere that 1% is the number of disfellowshipped jw's each year......how do prove someone is a glutton and not just a person who love food???
He looked like he was about to explode.
i just can't stop laughing at that line, I've seen many obese people, but they all don't look they're going to explode. So I guess if someone stuck a needle in this guy like they're going to burst a balloon that would be the end of him.