The first image, I can't go into detail on it at all, but just want to know if anyone knows what these are for?
The second image, anyone want to take this image and play word scramble in one of your graphics programs and repost it for fun?
the first image, i can't go into detail on it at all, but just want to know if anyone knows what these are for?.
the second image, anyone want to take this image and play word scramble in one of your graphics programs and repost it for fun?.
The first image, I can't go into detail on it at all, but just want to know if anyone knows what these are for?
The second image, anyone want to take this image and play word scramble in one of your graphics programs and repost it for fun?
in all the years that you were an active jw did: 1. going out in the ministry when you were down or felt depressed every make you forget your problems and cause you to feel better?
2. going to meetings when you had to rush around and practically yell and scream at your husband/wife/kids to get there ever cause you to feel better that you went instead of staying home to relax?
these are the top two elder solutions to jw problems.
"The Happiest People on Earth"
i have, for the most part successfully faded.
no elders calling, my parents know i don't attend meetings, but have a don't ask/don't tell policy.
they don't ask if i went to a meeting, i don't tell them i haven't.
What I would do is show up at their door, wearing a Santa outfit, holding an Easter Basket and a live turkey on a leash. When they open the door say..."we need to talk".
I'd love to see their faces with that!
Seriously, I hope it all goes well for you.
it's making me want to rush the convincing of my wife - i want confrontation now, and i want it to go good, and i want her out with me!
how can you folks do this to me... before starting on this site i was just trying to get by myself w/ my decision - see what you've done!!!!
now i'm convinced i have to talk to her and make her see what i see!!
Separate, and she'll start wanting to listen to you.
Sounds pretty straight forward and blunt, but I think this is what it will take. She can't be with anyone else, she'll have her mate gone, she'll cry to her "sisters", and she'll be compelled to listen, just to get you back home.
Will stink to have to go through it, but in the end, the prize will be worth it.
Make sure she knows from your heart that you will not be unfaithful in anyway...this is very key. And, be careful how you word your comments/notification of separation, so the elders don't give her "scriptural" reasons other than adultry, to divorce you. I believe they can't though, only for separation, true, but you never know with these flip floppers.
Just another angle to look at.
the one that the jw use as a two witness rule for any wrong doing?
Glad to see you're doing this, and good luck.
nothing new here just a reminder to those who havent been to hall for awhile.. a workmate just had his study cut off.
there were some things he was being taught that he agreed with (trinity) some he didnt (faithful and discreet slave being a group of old men in ny).
here are a couple of interesting facts:.
I say he should try and get setup with another congregation (KH) and ask the same questions again. Maybe 2 JWs can have that seed planted, and atleast 2 will be released possibly.
If anything, that would be a positive accomplishmnet for your friend.
i was wondering when 1 of them at work was gonna give me an invite.
i asked if it was about the "follow the christ" theme.
they said yes, and followed with..."savior".. i just left it with, "i've read about it online".. thanks to you all!.....
Just a verbal invite. Since they are in different congregations (the people at work), Some have already had their assembly, and I heard that at one, there were so many people, you could hardly find a seat.
I was also told..."You should go for the dramas"
i was wondering when 1 of them at work was gonna give me an invite.
i asked if it was about the "follow the christ" theme.
they said yes, and followed with..."savior".. i just left it with, "i've read about it online".. thanks to you all!.....
I was wondering when 1 of them at work was gonna give me an invite. I asked if it was about the "Follow the Christ" theme. They said yes, and followed with..."Savior".
I just left it with, "I've read about it online".
thanks to you all!....
Must have made her wonder where, why and from who....
just curious to hear any stories on any "brothers" or "sisters", you witnessed getting into a fist fight or getting physical at a k hall or just in general anywhere?.
how about maybe some major cursing arguments?
i know this would probably be pretty rare, but...... any stories?
Just curious to hear any stories on any "brothers" or "sisters", you witnessed getting into a fist fight or getting physical at a K Hall or just in general anywhere?
How about maybe some major cursing arguments?
I know this would probably be pretty rare, but.....
Any stories? What was the outcome?
i think for me,,expressions of hatred and anger only fueled my persecution complex.
pity bothered me..
Before knowing witnesses, I feel I felt like the majority of non-jws.
If any dis-like was shown toward you when you were in it, it's more likely that it was people just don't like to be approached on the street or bothered at home by "religious" AND/OR sales people in general.
True, some in other faiths who know a small bit about JWs might show a truer dislike for dubs, thinking they are anti-christ, anti-family, etc.
I remember in high school the Dubs would come knocking at our door when I was alone sometimes, and I would jump behind our couch to hide. (we had windows you could see thru)
People just don't want to be bothered by it...I didn't want to get caught up in some conversation I wasn't asking for.
When I was doing outside sales in Pest Control in the mid 90's, going door to door in new developments was a "female dog"! Very rude, people can be, as you know, but I was "bugging" them, no doubt. Remember one lady opening the door, snatching my materials out of my hands, and saying "That's just what I need!!!!!!", and then slammed the door.
Atleast, that's my view on it.