Is it one of those smaller pamphlet type booklets? I have a couple of those. Got em at a Christian book store one day.
JoinedPosts by NotaNess
Has any one read this book
by GODLOVESME inhow to respond to... the jehovah`s witnassas by herbert kern this is the first book i read on the and it opened my eyes.
thank god i was born and raised a luthern.
Mind Freak with Criss Angels.......
by FreedomFrog ini absolutely love it....i'd like to know how to do some of the stunts and tricks he can do.. anyone seen this show?.
i'm watching it now..
Angel has Blain beat, hands down in my book.
I can do the Blain hovering thing to friends, and they freak out, until you show how it's done.
What Rock Bands did you miss in concert due to WTS pressure?
by NotaNess inso what rock bands (or any other groups) did you miss out on seeing back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, due to being in the organization?.
who of you sneeked to a concert, and which groups were they?.
c' know you wanted to see led zepplin!
So what Rock Bands (or any other groups) did you miss out on seeing back in the 60's, 70's, 80's, due to being in the organization?
Who of you sneeked to a concert, and which groups were they?
C' know you wanted to see Led Zepplin!
Punished by our friends for the letter we sent.
by LennyinBluemont insome of you may have read our exit letter from august of last year which we sent to about 50 of our close jw "friends", many of whom we had been very close to for decades.
we just told them what we had learned regarding the un scandal and provided all the documentation.
we never disassociated ourselves, nor have we been disfellowshipped.
Shorter ways to spell "Jehovah's Witnesses":
You all no longer belong to the "In-Crowd"....congratulations!
Russell's Gravesite Pictures - (just got back from Pittsburgh)
by thecarpenter inwell folks, got back from my trip to see russell's grave site.
it was quite a interesting experience and sobering to see the pyramid right by his tombstone.
i'm kind of tired and will be hitting the sack soon but i wanted to post a few pictures.
Juni, you are funny!
If you read further in that 1919 program, it states that they just celebrated the Birth of Christ and how great the new year was. (excellent resource! THANKS!)
Thanks for the pics Carpenter, good job.
How can anyone with a level head learn of these things, and think THIS is how God wanted to start his organization? PU-leaze!
a POST ate
Are UFOs Fact or Fiction?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #006699; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #006699; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style5 {color: #990000} --> are ufos fact or fiction?
recalling my days as a jehovahs witness i recall the watchtower society or jehovahs .
witnesses explaining away the phenomena of unidentified flying objects as something .
Once again, what proof could they ever have that the UFO's are satan originated? Say whatever you want, is the staple.
In John chapter 8, on the Mount of Olives Jesus encountered a purple haze, undoubtedly brought upon by satan as to make Jesus' path foggy to make him trip on a stone, so sayeth the Watchtower.
No help or charity for anyone else??
by lavendar ini found this on the wts website.
do jw's ever help anyone else but their own??
(words in red - my emphasis).
I like how it seems to imply the lady in Brazil is still living in poverty, yet if you asked most witnesses, they will probably tell you we take care of our people and you won't see other faiths taking care of their own people like we do.
Really, is this why the lady is still living in poverty? Takse some of the millions and help a brother (or sister) out! Stop waisting money on printing materials and buy houses for your brothers and sisters.
You "Evil Slavers" are doing your jobs WELL!! LOL Read more....
by NotaNess in( a day ago) - so a couple of witnesses were talking and i heard one mention that he was on the "security" group of dubs for his convention.
they all had to meet early to discuss the barrage of "evil slave" class coming in and handing out cards with apostate information and also to watchover the restrooms, cause the "evil slave" likes to put flyers and stuff in there as well.
there was mentioning of how they would handle those ones.... just a note of encouragement, i guess, but it seems as if you ex-dubs that try and release the other actives, definitely are having an impact in some ways.. .
Yes, Lore this is a perfect opportunity for you.
Make your cards or small flyers up. Part way through the day, each time you meet up with another "security" dog, hand him one and say "I just found some of these, so be on the look out for them in stacks"
Then walk away. Absolutely undercover brother!
Something I noticed in the famous "1975" Watchtower article...
by B_Deserter ini decided to read for myself the articles my father and mother were reading during this interesting time in witness history.
i stumbled upon the following paragraph that scared the bejeezus out of me: .
"one thing is absolutely certain, bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of mans existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation!
THIS is why I love coming here!!
You all are great at picking them apart. Keep it coming.