During my last few years as a dub, it started bothering me like I was talking about someone else, not God.
That's correct.
whenever i hear the word jehovah i still feel warm and fuzzy.
he was the god that i spent hours talking to in prayer, petitioning, thanking, pleading with.
he was my father, the creator, the one who we would worship for eternity.. jesus on the other hand i never spoke or prayed to.
During my last few years as a dub, it started bothering me like I was talking about someone else, not God.
That's correct.
first, i want to state that i am not against protecting our planet and i think we all should do what we can to conserve and be more environmentally conscientious.. i dont have facts but this whole earth day concert doesnt seem to sit right with me.
is the green earth about the environment or is it about green money, are some environmentalists really green bigots or am i green with envy?
im sure there are many who are sincere but have they thought out what this event contributed to the pollution of the earth?
Guest with Questions, you just officially moved up to "Guest with Answers"
here's my self-centered little update post.
after seeing all the hardships so many here are enduring, it helps put my little "problems" into perspective.
but i'm posting this lil' update anyway, not because i want the attention or want people to feel sorry for me, but because i feel a strong connection to this board and the people here and every so often want to let y'all know what is up with me, and indirectly, what is up with mike/openfireglass, as he is not (at the moment) interested in spending any time online.
Sorry I can't resist.
Were you and mike in on the decision making when you and your sis left your purses in the car, which created a snowball effect of problems the next few days after that?
Leaving your purses out for the real world is never gonna be that fun.
Hope everything is getting back to norm.
talk to other jws about why you had been dfed?.
i have heard some pretty amazing things about what i supposedly did.
and i recall the rumors that went on about other jws who were dfed.
Oh, sorry, need to clerify, the 4th male on my list was always drooling over other females in front of his JW wife, until he found out it bothered me. He still does it when ever he can, but it's usually silent and in a sneaky way. I pay attention to him when other females are around. He's so obvious. He surely hasn't paid attention to any of the recent Marriage or Husband/Wife talks in the watchtower in recent months or years.
This guy would fight for his life over "Jehovah" God. It's such hypocrisy.
talk to other jws about why you had been dfed?.
i have heard some pretty amazing things about what i supposedly did.
and i recall the rumors that went on about other jws who were dfed.
Since knowing JWs, in respect to DF stuff, I've expereinced:
1 male going to jail over sex with 2 under aged females
1 male inpregnating a JW female while being engaged to another female and seeing another female on the side ALL AT THE SAME TIME
1 male put in jail and is still there
1 male avoiding commenting and slobbering over females other than his wife (which was normally in front of his wife), because I didn't think it was appropriate(his words), NOT because it's the wrong thing to do or it hurts her, or something God would not approve of
1 male groaning (in a sexual way) over a female JW taking her coat off, and touching her head all the time when he has another JW girlfriend
---should I go on?
All these were different JW males. See a pattern here?
If you're in the "TRUTH" and lurking here, and you think your people are something different and special.....think again, God is neither director or a backer of your false organization or the people in it. Ponder this, and the org's history. What an embarrasement, truly.
and if it does,can you tell us where we could find that info?
if this is true,i might not even be able to "fake it" for love ,ya know?
Perfect Point OUTLAW
true peace and security--from what source?--pdf!--1973--(35-mb) what does the front cover of this book look like?
click here:http://img2.freeimagehosting.net/image.php?8e3425a1fd.jpg the 27 new testament books not applicable to the average jw!
weren't the 144,000 vacancies filled in the first century?
Atlantis..... Thanks a ton Here's a cold one!
i was raised as a witness and have been miserable for my entire existence.
i have hated every moment of it.
after about 10 years of struggling, i decided 2 years ago that i was done w/ the charade and wasn't going to return to the meetings.
If love can make you feel as bad as I feel right now, how terrible is hate?
It is not love that makes you feel this bad, it is the Watchtower Society. THE BEST thing you can do in your situation is to live and lead by example from here on out. Live a decent life as you know it, don't get caught up in JW stereotypes for "Worldly" people, (even though they really are living "worldly" lives them selves and pretend they aren't).
You can still be a role model for your sister. Treat people with kindness, act loving, help people when you can, stick to good manners, don't get caught up in drinking and sex. I Hope you still wait for marriage(if you're not married now).
Keep to these good "Human" qualities (you know how JWs think they only have these qualities), and I think that your sis will open up to you, and maybe follow your lead, out of this mind contr-hole.
Welcome to the forum!!!
my 18-year old daughter came home after her first day at the convention in a foul mood.. she kept griping about this and that until i thought i was going to have to pimp slap the little heifer.
i guess all the talk about the internet and inactive ones had really gotten to her.. on a side note, my co-worker asked why it is called follow the christ.
she wanted to know how many christs are there.
I told her when they say "Christ" they are really referring to themselves.
Confused. So you mean JW''s think they are all annointed?? Or are you meaning, they just really want everyone to follow them? Like- "Follow the them"
here's the visual.... tonight is jw jeopardy night.
2 suits and a dress are standing behind the contestant podiums with buzzers in hand.
tribec starts to unveil the topics on the tv screens to the 3. you, as the question and answer director, have uploaded your topics to the main computer.. what were your 6 topics?.
Oh Gosh, you're setting him up again!!!!