Nice. Any bowing down at any gates going on at the KH? AhHah! Not following scripture.
JoinedPosts by NotaNess
meetings once a week
by Kosonen inmeetings once a week is sufficient according to the bible.
in ezekiels tempel vision we get direction to how often meetings should be hold.
ezekiel 46:1,3:this is what the sovereign lord jehovah has said, as regards the gate of the inner courtyard that is facing east, it should continue shut for the six workdays, and on the sabbath day it should be opened, and on the day of the new moon it should be opened.3and the people of the land must bow down at the entrance of that gate on the sabbaths and on the new moons, before jehovah.. a similar thougth you find in isaiah 66:23. an extra meeting once a month could be nice too.. .
Jehovahs Witnesses care for victims of child abuse RELEASE
by NotaNess ini'm sure this article has come up on the forum.
can any one give me information on the numbers quoted below, in respect to them being inaccurate, correct, or what the number is more like, when you add in jw's that aren't elders, where it seems like they fail to mention here.
it almost seems they try and minimalize the the amount of abuse by only speaking of the elders here.
Thanks everybody.--
My bosses are JW, today we had heated exchange & I've got to vent....
by NotaNess ini haven't been around for a while, but i had to post this and get this stuff down for commentation and maybe any help that can be given.
it might be a long-winded, but if you can stick it out...thanks.
(see my note at the end about the 400,000 member growth a year thing).
Thanks for all the responses. I've been ready to move on for a couple years atleast, from that job. Some circumstances, however, leave me hanging in there and toughing it out. This last episode, brought me to the edge of the door, but I've got other things in the way.
Never planned on a suit or anything, but I have been taking notes on many things for over 2 years. In the end, I felt like I was just the non-witness of the company who is looked at now, as the trouble maker. I got no help of support from the females involved, claiming.."that's just so & so, it didn't bother me". But we all know, coming forward and speaking up about this guy, and stirring up the hornets nest is not something this 18/19 year old would do anyway due to the teachings of the WT. Another JW girl also involved in one of the sexually suggestive comments this guy has made, confirmed to her JW dad that he did make the comments...but AGAIN...the dad says "that's just _ _ _ _". So it's like the witnesses verses the worldly guy. I know that if a friend of mine from my church asked my daughter to make out with another JW girl so he could take a picture of it and email it to himself, (and he's married), I'd have some things to say about it very swift like.
To the owner's credit, they did write him up so it would be legal (or was it just a show for me).
On the membership numbers, you guys are awesome once again. Thanks for the info.
Thanks to all.
Jehovahs Witnesses care for victims of child abuse RELEASE
by NotaNess ini'm sure this article has come up on the forum.
can any one give me information on the numbers quoted below, in respect to them being inaccurate, correct, or what the number is more like, when you add in jw's that aren't elders, where it seems like they fail to mention here.
it almost seems they try and minimalize the the amount of abuse by only speaking of the elders here.
I'm sure this article has come up on the forum. Can any one give me information on the numbers quoted below, in respect to them being inaccurate, correct, or what the number is more like, when you add in JW's that aren't elders, where it seems like they fail to mention here. It almost seems they try and minimalize the the amount of abuse by only speaking of the elders here. Where it says we do not silence victims, I believe this has been shown to NOT be true based on memos and "elders only" type manuals from Brooklyn on how to handle these situations. Does anyone have links to the copied text or scanned pages of this material?
Anything else that can be said about the article is appreciated.....thanks!
This article link is here:
For Immediate Release
November 21, 2007"Printable Version Jehovah’s Witnesses care for victims of child abuse
For the sake of the victims in these cases, we are pleased that a settlement has been reached. Our hearts go out to all those who suffer as a result of child abuse. Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide are united in their abhorrence of this sin and crime.—Romans 12:9.
We do not condone or protect child molesters. Our elders expel unrepentant sinners who commit this crime. (1 Corinthians 5:13) In the United States, over 80,000 elders currently serve in over 12,300 congregations. (Acts 20:28) During the last 100 years, only eleven elders have been sued for child abuse in thirteen lawsuits filed in the United States. In seven of these lawsuits against the elders, accusations against the Watchtower Society itself were dismissed by the courts. Of course, one victim is one victim too many. However, the incidence of this crime among Jehovah’s Witnesses is rare.
Congregation elders comply with child abuse reporting laws. (Mark 12:17; Romans 13:1) We do not silence victims. Our members have an absolute right to report this horrible crime to the authorities. The October 2007 issue of our monthly journal Awake! features the cover series, “Keep Your Children Safe!” These articles clearly show our concern for protecting children from sexual abuse.
Thank You for that email
by startingover ini just want to thank all of you for your educational emails over the past year.. .
thanks to you, i no longer open a public bathroom door without using a paper towel.
i can't use the remote in a hotel room because i don't know what the last person was doing while flipping through the adult movie channels.
I needed that laugh, thanks!
My bosses are JW, today we had heated exchange & I've got to vent....
by NotaNess ini haven't been around for a while, but i had to post this and get this stuff down for commentation and maybe any help that can be given.
it might be a long-winded, but if you can stick it out...thanks.
(see my note at the end about the 400,000 member growth a year thing).
I haven't been around for a while, but I had to post this and get this stuff down for commentation and maybe any help that can be given. It might be a long-winded, but if you can stick it out...thanks. (see my note at the end about the 400,000 member growth a year thing)
I'm not sure if my employment will with-stand the things I have to deal with at work anymore. I've been coping with this train wreck I call Co-workers for so long now that I'm not sure how much more I can endure. A couple of them, I pleasantly get along with on the most part, but the others is toleration.
At this point I don't care if any of them are reading this forum and see this, or even someone they know. They have a long time employee there, that just can't seem to be fired. Tonight I directed that towards the owners, based on things about him that have been brought forth to them by me, experienced by them, and confirmed by others. Things of a sexual nature have been going on there, in the form of sexually suggestive comments, jokes, R rated sexual & foul language movies being brought in an watched like PORKY's, etc with females in their teens (16 & 17/18), with responses like "their mom & dad let them watch stuff like that, so she's allowed to see it". Totally un-acceptable attitude and work ethics, especially from a male in his 30's and who is married(not one of the owners). Instead of this "Brother" looking out for the best interest of these young "Sisters", and being a role-model to them, this is his way of reacting to me telling him he shouldn't have that playing on the tv. But when he's one of the one's who makes the sexual jokes and suggestive comments to female co-workers, it's no surprise right?
So this guy and I get into an argument yesterday over something stupid he said that was round-a-bout directed towards me. Well, that opened up the can. I pretty much opened up on him telling him how I felt about the stuff he's been doing, while also bringing to light, things to the others in the office. I was so PO'd I felt like I was having an ulcer for like 2 hours. My stomach was in so much pain from the stress of it.
Today I needed to meet with the 2 owners of the company, Husband and Wife, to let them know how I felt, and to see what was going to be done about him with all this stuff he has done. A few years ago, he told them both "screw your business" when he got in trouble over something, amongst other things that they've wanted to fire him over. But he still stands like a ROCK employee without any consequence.
After about 10 minutes of talk about this employee, our discussion turned into a back and forth argument about the Watchtower, it's origins, 1914, sex abuse in the society, and a variety of things. One thing that was STRESSED by the Husband multiple times, was for me to watch and see "SHORTLY", how the UN is going to do away with and ban all religion, That it will be enforced in the US. He said I will be able to see it happen and expressed not knowing exactly when, but that I will be subject to the wrath of Jehovah God(although not said exactly like this), when the time comes.
Everything I brought up to them about why the FDS was not really the FDS and I had proof, basically got shot down as, "doesn't matter...the scriptures tell us that we are imperfect, but that we would be a people in the darkness, would be shown the truth over time, and light would get brighter and brighter, and that Jehovah's people would stand out" and how they have corrected themselves over time, doing away with pagan ways, etc, etc.
Brought up old light, new light and could the FDS really be trusted with new light with so much old light having been changed. "Jehovah just hadn't revealed those things fully yet" is an answer I got about why they had been teaching things one way, and then switched to new light.
I briefly told them about Russell's Pyramid, and you should have seen his facial expression as he threw his head back like I was crazy, saying he didn't believe it. Then that kind of lead the way into the Evil Slave class putting things on the internet that is false. They're totally duped by the instruction from the FFDS (False FDS) on this subject. "Everything's a lie, unless it's something positive about us". I brought up Ray Franz, and he was immediately tagged as the Evil Slave.
I went to the Trinity booklet, after he started in with the cross on me. I went straight to pointing out the issue with E. Washburn Hopkins' being used as support by the Watchtower to back up the Trinity is pagan issue. You could tell they were stumped on what to say about that. I asked if it was responsible for the WTS to use this guy who thinks all of Christianity is Pagan, as a source reference to put out to the general public. After some laime excuses I told them the point is that the material is not GOD DIRECTED.
I went into asking them if they really thought God wanted his organization to start out with Paganism. They said yes, and the scripture shows it.
I touched on how they were teaching the 1870's for Christ's return until the 1930's (I was off about 5 years?, so many dates and info in my head) but they said it wasn't true, and I said I could prove to them in their own materials. They fully believe it was being preached before.
In the end, they just stated that I really should come to the KINGDOM HALL and check them out, and do some research there. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT MESS? I'm convinced now, that the smart one's leave after being shown some truths about the society, and the OTHERS are just clueless and apologetic.
Pertaining to my problem with this employee, they said they are warning him, and going to "legally" write him up. Slap on the wrist in my opinion, but atleast they've agreed to do something. (bet I'll never see that write up). I just can't understand why they want to keep this character hired on, when there's so many other "brothers" that could probably use a good job....
So I'm pretty much locked into this job for now, in a place I am mostly uncomfortable being in, and now it's getting worse. (I've been there about 4 years) This one "bad seed" employee, is like an ingrown hair that won't go away, who I can't even stand to be in the same room with. (it's been an accumulation of 3+ years dealing with this guy's BS) - He called me a "RAT" in our argument, cause I brought forth his R Rated Movie stuff, etc.
Thanks if you read through to here.
The Membership growth thing... one of the owners said the TRUTH is the fastest growing religion with about 400,000 members attained last year?, and only about 25,000 lost. Does anyone have information supporting this? What are some actual figures? Compared to other faiths?
I got a jesus question
by lancelink inwith the memorial season behind now, there is a question i have that in over 30 years as a jw i never got a solid answer.
jesus died for our sins; he was the perfect sacrifice, etc, etc.
i always heard how tough it must have been for god to watch his only begotten son die the way he did.
Yes, why would he be so sad. God knew the whole plan already. The sacrifice is symbolic among other things.
Thoughts on Rush Limbaugh
by dawg inwhile watching the network's coverage on the election, i kept noticing how the announcers kept talking about what impact the rush limbaugh show might have on the republican vote... they felt his show might sway the votes away from mccain... .
now, all you conservatives out there, isn't it one of the biggest embarassments you can ever have, to know that rush limbaugh can have an effect on how your party votes?
if i knew that people thinking like rush limbaugh were voting for my candidate, that would automatically make me vote the other way.. i mean honestly, how can you not be embarrased that your party holds a man such as rush limbaugh in high esteem?
I hardly ever you guys mention their names... of course we hear Lincoln, a great president
Yeah, "freakin" great president. Caused over 600,000 American lives in war, and was a racist.
Good one.
Memorial: Partaking of the Emblems
by tula inif you partake of the wine and you are not "approved" status..... are you supposed to be cursed?
would you be "reproved"?
would they ignore you or call a jc?.
WT teaches misinterpretation of scriptures that teach all Christians, those deeper in the faith, and those newbies, to come to an understanding of faith in Christ on the same level, including "the memorial". They force interpretation of the separate classes and who supposed to be doing what. It maintains their false doctrin.
In child Daycares, there's a mandatory Teacher to Child Ratio.....sounds similar.