Darn, I feel left out on this one.
JoinedPosts by NotaNess
You chance to be heard!
by pratt1 inhere's the scenrio:.
you have the captive audience of all the witlesses that you have associated with and loved in the past (including family members) but now shun you, for 5 minutes.. you most chose one and only one topic to proved that their religion is false and not based on love.. 1. who would you pick to be part of this audience?.
2. what topic would you choose to discuss?
Santa Clause, Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy...
by changeling ini recall witnesses saying how evil wordly parents were by "lying" to their children about these characters.
how witness children were fortunate that their parents always told them the truth.. so, i wonder, have you ever met an adult who was messed up because of having found out that santa clause and friends were not real?
are therapist's couches everywhere filled with these poor souls?
Good subject. I like this topic. I grew up with this fun, and now my child has the fun with it. JW do go overboard when it comes to this stuff. Being around witnesses, and experiencing them lying about various things, even if little "white" lies, really blows credibility with me. Even worse, when they are caught lying to each other.
Scripturally, having fun with these holidays has never taken anyone's salvation away, unless maybe you're anti-God, a devil worshipper, satanist who would like to kill people on halloween or something.
Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and the generally innocent fun of Halloween are just fun themed periods during the year that we have fun with. Some could care less about these holidays, that's there choice.
JW feel they have to always work towards "Jehovah's" favor, and are told they are in less favor if they partake, thus the possibility to lose salvation. They will never understand the concept of God's Grace, as it truly is. We are saved not by works but by faith, and those who try and tie salvation to the "faith without works is dead" scriptures, is mislead. It says nowhere in there that you lose your salvation in those scriptures.
THIS IS MY STORY (And I'm Sticking To It)
by snowbird ini joined this forum on 1may2007 with a promise that i would tell more about myself as time went on.
well, here goes.. i was born and raised in the black belt of alabama in wilcox county.
it is supposedly called the black belt due to the color of the soil, but i have a strong suspicion it is also due to the fact that there is such a heavy concentration of black people in the dozen or more counties that make up the black belt.. my parents were sharecroppers which was simply a form of whitewashed slavery.
Ethan, not giving up on Christ, good for you.
Is the Watch Tower name going away?
by garybuss inis the watch tower name going away?
i'm seeing more use of the "jehovah's witnesses" name where the watch tower name once was such as the sponsors of the summer conventions.
is this new, or am i just noticing it?
Just a thought. Theyre aiming for a higher percentage of persecution. Having the general public even more on the attack, on the Jehovah's Witnesses, will make the rank and file more aggressive, causing another possible surge in click members. It will also give them that sense of "we are Gods persecuted people", even more. The public has always associated the "cult, outcast, bizarre, un-scriptural" feelings towards the name of Jehovah's Witnesses, not WTS. Putting their name on more published elements and signage, will bring a higher persecution.
We had a JW at the door today...how I handled it..
by megsmomma inmy first instinct was to tell him to go away and my husband was going to answer the door and i said, just tell him we are disfellowshipped.
(i am da'd....he hasn't ever been, but, he is "guilty by association" and conciders himself da'd too...).
so, it is one older man and he is handing out the "follow the christ" convention invitation.
Having never been a witness, the confrontation is different, yet the same for me as well.
Being a believer in a different Christian faith, for me it's like I'm getting ready to confront evil when I approach them or vice versa, out in the community. My heart and adrenaline gets going too. I throw out a couple of things for them to chew on, and am on my way.
Last time I left my card with a couple, so they could have someone call on me for an in house visit, but I haven't heard from anyone. Maybe when I told them, they were the ones belonging to false religion, it let them know how it was gonna go down at my house .\
Sounds like you did fine.
Can The Dead Be Brought Back To Life?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-size: 18px; font-family: arial; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: xx-small; } .style5 {font-size: xx-small} .style6 {color: #ff9900} .style7 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> can the dead be brought back to life?...there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.-acts 14:15. .
an article published by the bbc, sparks some controversy about dying or near death experiences.. the article goes on to state that individuals who were clinically dead were brought back to life.
individuals who past on to the "afterlife" claimed: "it was beautiful, one of the most wonderful.
If your heart stops and the blood is not flowing, and you are out like a light, you are dead...period. To make everything work again IS being brought back from being dead.
Pointers please in writing my letter of Disassociation!
by tremoka inwooohooo!
i've made my decision!
i'm doing it, can't live in limbo any longer.
Where and the heck did your husband read the books!!!???? Under the covers in bed with a flashlight at midnight?
Glad you and the hub are on your way. Good luck with it.
May I direct your attention to pages 220 & 221?
by NotaNess inof the proclaimers book.
no doubt many of you have read this jw book on the wt version of the history and origins of the society.. my issue is on pages 220 and 221 where they "briefly" show some images of things and practices, that the org has abandoned.
some of these were practiced for many years, and even were at the very creation of the organization.. according to jw/wts teachings and beliefs, this organization has "pagan" origins based on the given evidence.
Justahuman.....thanks for the response. Nice attempt, but one doesn't equal the other. It is a good argument though. The WT also tries to make connections with scripture and translation in sort of the same way. "This and this happened, so it must mean this and this"
B_deserter(did I type that right?)....go through the history of killers in the last century via internet, library or however you choose. Let me know how many of them were over 60. You'll find plenty, no doubt. Thanks for the response.
If I read correctly somewhere; I think a site that had past "Letters to the elders" and "Letters to the WT from the elders", there was one particular letter referring to a member who had previously killed people or someone in his past but the elders were told to keep the information to themselves and not alert authorities, even though he had never been caught or jailed for the crime(s).
Thanks everyone, and please know that I don't post topics only to try and counter other's replies. It happens sometimes, yes, but I truly appreciate the opinions and facts given in all matters on this forum. Without you all, people like myself would be that much un-informed of issues.
Some of my topics and posts are also attempts to give "new " to Lurkers or atleast give them some reality, like many others do here.
What's the JW take on downloading Pirated Movies still in theaters?
by NotaNess inhave seen them on more than one occasion & even purchasing black market videos, that were made from someone videoing the movie on a hand held in the theaters, then burning to dvds and selling.
(not saying the jws did the recording, but bought the dvds from door to door solicitors).
any info or opinions on that?
Have seen them on more than one occasion & even purchasing black market videos, that were made from someone videoing the movie on a hand held in the theaters, then burning to DVDs and selling. (not saying the JWs did the recording, but bought the dvds from door to door solicitors)
Any info or opinions on that? What would the elders say or instruct. Obviously, there is no excuse that can be made like "I didn't know it was illegal", with this issue.
Ave Maria, FL
by Flowerpetal injust heard a report on the today show about this new community northwest edge of the everglades which is going to me all catholic.
doesn't rest well with the aclu.. here's a little bit about the place: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ave_maria,_florida.
Curious, can you work at Bethel, and not be a JW? If not, where's the ACLU?