I don't suppose they've been told this in writing, have they?
Wishful thinking on my part, no doubt.
a missionary from taiwan mentioned that the brothers in hong kong have been told that they are not showing faith in jehovah god by missing meetings because of the outbreak of sars.
they were told to rely upon jehovah and not stay away from the brothers......so, what do you think??
I don't suppose they've been told this in writing, have they?
Wishful thinking on my part, no doubt.
london ladybirds top sex disease league .
nine in 10 of london's ladybirds suffer from a sexually transmitted disease.
the figure is well above that of the ladybird population outside the uk capital and scientists have been looking for an explanation.
See what happens when you don't apply Bible principles?
i'm agnostic.
i was writing to this 21 year old kid who is having a hard time because he's gay and he believes the witnesses are the truth.
before he broke it off with me, he wrote this:hi mike,.
All I can say is that this world is going down the toilet and that despite the many flaws in the witnesses' religion, it is the only solution for all of mankind's problems.
Don't despair kid! There's always Socialism!
first, simon and other mods, please let this thread run its course for a while.
if it gets too dicey, then i will move or lock it.
my goal is not to have a big flame war, but to expose an issue for what it is.
I think the moderators are convenient scapegoats for when perfection isn't achieved, which is all the time, and for obvious reasons like the moderators being human. However, from what I've seen Simon has chosen people to be moderators who have demonstrated a good balance and input (amongst the many on this site). At the end of the day, why is it so important if one of your threads is locked? Is it really worth worrying about it if another thread on the same subject springs up shortly afterwards started by a moderator?
As for the Ray Franz stuff, this was all thrashed out months ago. As I recall, Amazing posted a Question From Readers style article written by Mr Franz justifying his actions on the Silentlambs issue. Also as I recall, Mr. Franz made some comments that were dismissive of the issue, and also claimed not to have come into contact with child abuse during his Watchtower career. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of Mr Franz ("The Silence of the Franz" is one of my nastier phrases), but will rehashing all this again achieve anything? Except for rancour of course. How about doing a cost/benefit analysis before getting into this whole thing again?
with all the recent political threads, i have a question.
what do you think/feel/believe the government or your country *owes* you as a citizen?.
i am talking about pensions, health care and other *social services*.
I'll tell you what the government should owe me.
It should owe me the barest minimum, the smallest amount possible to achieve security. That's because it should tax me as little as possible, and stay the hell out of my life as much as possible.
Currently, the Government of Canada owes me far too much, I'm afraid.
i was just reading moxy's post "biggest mathematical miracle in the world" .
and as i was reading all the logical reasons why it would have been impossible at least physically impossible, for that many israelites not to mention even one, to wonder through the desert 40 years and not leave a trace of their even having been there.. the only thing that seems to be more incredible then that is how many people on earth believe it.
regardless of weather it's true or not what is it that continues to inspire millions and billions of people to continue to believe?
Hmmm, let's see.
Cogito, ergo sum = I think, therefore I am
Cogito cogito, ergo cogito sum = I think I think, therefore I think I am.
Expatbrit, regurgito sum
get ready for the stars and stripes to become the union jack and stripes..
Get ready for the Stars and Stripes to become the Union Jack and Stripes.
(2003-07-25) -- the white house announced today that the u.s. does not really have the dead bodies of uday and qusay hussein, and the two are still on the loose somewhere in iraq.. .
"we showed those fake pictures yesterday in hopes of re-establishing some credibility with the iraqis," said an unnamed senior white house official.
"we just thought we had to do something after we lied about saddam's weapons of mass destruction.
George, I'm becoming concerned at your left-wing tendencies of late. Please see me under the special "illuminati cone of silence" in the oval office.
Expatbrit, level one reptilian
from the back of the 8/7/2003 awake!
so, who is this erik haaest, what is he an author of, and why would the 'tower flog the recommendation of a wordly author so enthusiastically?
can any of our european friends enlighten us?
Oh, quick warning, the article on Dorothea Arbing contains explicit pornography. Go Watchtower!
from the back of the 8/7/2003 awake!
so, who is this erik haaest, what is he an author of, and why would the 'tower flog the recommendation of a wordly author so enthusiastically?
can any of our european friends enlighten us?
Seems like the Watchtower is carrying on their grand tradition of quoting wierdos: