LOL..........did people even recycle back then?? the stitches were the result of me running into a wall just call me grace, heehee.
here is a pic of me and wildturkey when we were dating, i was 17 and he was 18,,,, not a great picture quality , it was snowing.
i will never forget that day playing in the snow.
if ya want to go way back , here is my baby pic,,,,,,,,and yeah , i had my mouth wide open laughing even back then!hehe .
LOL..........did people even recycle back then?? the stitches were the result of me running into a wall just call me grace, heehee.
here is a pic of me and wildturkey when we were dating, i was 17 and he was 18,,,, not a great picture quality , it was snowing.
i will never forget that day playing in the snow.
if ya want to go way back , here is my baby pic,,,,,,,,and yeah , i had my mouth wide open laughing even back then!hehe .
warning: this post may contain some venting.
the last time i wrote about myself, half of the people who responded wanted my head on a stick.
so, if you didnt like my last post or if dont want read about someone elses problems, leave immediately!
thank you again Tony Robbins heehee
no mac, remember, it's WARM applie pie!
please correct my thinking if i'm wrong, but........... i regret pretty much all of the jw friends whom i've loved.... and now lost due to my now no longer viewing things the same as them.. i regret the many very special events in life which i shared with them.
am i right to feel this way?.
i can't say that i really regret them. there are many fond memories and if anything, i feel bad for those friends. my last year or two that i was in, that had to be the most fun i had as a JW. lots of parties, lots of good times. if that same group was out today, i'd still be partying with them. and email said it the right way--all of those things make you who you are today.
as many of you may now, ms. xenawarrior is hosting an apostafest for this upcoming summer (july 19).
there sounds like there may be many of us coming in from out of town (including me, ms. joannadandy and eyegirl .
anyone interested in staying at the holiday inn in green bay?
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love single island!! draping freely, pillowing goodness, and indian wrestling. could it get any better??!??
as many of you may now, ms. xenawarrior is hosting an apostafest for this upcoming summer (july 19).
there sounds like there may be many of us coming in from out of town (including me, ms. joannadandy and eyegirl .
anyone interested in staying at the holiday inn in green bay?
ugg--well hey! if you ever get over by duluth you should give scooter or me a call--we live very close. it would be great to meet you!!
as many of you may now, ms. xenawarrior is hosting an apostafest for this upcoming summer (july 19).
there sounds like there may be many of us coming in from out of town (including me, ms. joannadandy and eyegirl .
anyone interested in staying at the holiday inn in green bay?
whatever jo!! we can get 4 people in a king size bed--what are you thinking??!?!?
yep, new campaign ad's on tv basically links the owning of an suv to the need for lots of gas, to that money going to countries that supply that gas, to the terrorists who get funding from those same countries.. so, based on this - what kind of car do you drive?
do you think that we american's have a moral or ethical responsibility to self-reduce our need for oil, and reduce just in general all the "materialistic" things in life to which we feel entitled?.
i drive a geo prizm - 35 mpg - because of our environment (and plus i'm just a cheap ass!
geez, why don't we go totally cuckoo and throw recreational activities into that category too!!!?!
just a reminder to the minnesota flock.
just because i am not there to oversee the festivities does not mean i don't remember what happened the last time i visited greater north.
i would hate to think that there are divisions among the flock that would not allow for partaking of spiritual food.
LMAO--are you really prepared for that answer???