it's all about priorities i guess. my brother will only pay cash for a car that he drives (his wife is another story), but then he doesn't have to feel guilty for dropping a crapload for a new harley. he just got that about a month ago. i'm not really sold on the new car idea, unless you've really got the money and/or don't have a good mechanic that you trust to do repairs. i lucked out--my parents just bought a new Ford 500. they love it and it's super nice--great gas mileage too for a fairly big car. they sold me their old sable--it gets around 27 mpg in town--not too shabby for a V6 with 135K miles on it. my dad runs amzoil in it and swears by the stuff. it would be tough to get used to the idea of making a car payment again............and for 5 years on top of it--ICK!
JoinedPosts by eyegirl
Would you buy a new car on a 60 month loan?
by Elsewhere ini have never done a 60 month loan and i have sworn i never would... but with how much cars are costing these days i'm wondering if i will have to do a 60 month loan on my next car.
that is five frigg'in years!
i paid cash for my last car ($4,500 - 1999 ford contour se, used) so i had no payments to make.
seen by jw while riding motorcycle....
by zev inwhile out riding this wendsday afternoon, . .
a jw i used to know saw me as i went by his house.
i love it when i see JW's i knew in my hometown while out riding. it's funny to see their reactions of me in my leathers and 'do rag.
Your thoughts about Wal-mart
by desbah in.
do you shop at wally world?
i can spend over $100.00 on little items, man shopping at wally world is the devil on my checkbook.
sorry, but i like is ok, but they just don't have everything there.
plus, when your car battery dies at midnight and you're 100 miles from home, would you rather be close to a Target or Walmart?
My Sister.
by Low-Key Lysmith inmy younger sister is coming out for a visit tomorrow.
we keep it a secret from the rest of the family because i am disfellowshipped and she's not supposed to be hanging with me.
we are just recently becoming closer as she is beginning to have her doubts about the borg, and is currently on "public reproof" status.
i agree with everyone too. don't push her, if she's come this far by herself already, she'll probably make the rest of the leap on her own. just letting her know that you're there for her, no matter what, will make it easier for her to decide.
If it's good enuf for Blondie.....
by HadEnuf ini see that blondie has morphed again in her avatar...i just can't keep up with that girl!!!
but i decided to change mine too...just because
do ya like the new look?
too bad she didn't let any of us Minneapolis peeps know--would've been fun to meet up!
What is YOUR middle name?
by Sunspot injust seeing the "quirkiest quirks" thread, i decided to ask this!
mine is "merriam" somewhere from the "merriam-webster" line so i've been told!.
i'm almost shy to post mine, considering the above post,'s the same as my dad's middle name, just spelled a little different--Lea.
I'm going to JW Hell, I'm going to die.....
by riotgirlpeeps ini thought this would be kind of fun to do is list some of the offenses that i have committed according to witness beliefs.
i thought it might be mildly amusing considering the lack of emphasis that any of these things are wrong according to the majority of the population.
i'll limit myself to ten.
i'm just saying for the record i would like in on the ouija/tarot card cocktail hour............emphasis on the cock, heehee.
Getting Married? No money for a Ring? Try this!
by Greyeyes in.
um, dont quite know what to say about this, and i'm into piercings...
i'm sorry, but i think that's just kinda nasty.
What's the best way to FADE away from the JW's?
by JH inwhat do you think is the best way to fade away from the jw org, without being df'd and without being bothered by them?.
just stop going and not answer their calls?.
change congregation, and never show up?.
i moved to a metropolitan area, changed congregations a couple of times and then just quit going all together. worked pretty well for me......
by Voyager in .
truck driving jobs for company drivers and owner operators is what we are all about.
that's what i was thinking jeff. very odd.............i'll have to send my brother the link