Wow Eyegirl! I should put on my high-heeled tennis shoes and we should start our own apostate volleyballl team
heehee chevs, that would be a good plan except that i have no coordination
we've learned so much about each other and i thought i'd toss this out atcha.....
i'm five feet tall (or short---however you see it :-) and wondering how tall you are!
Wow Eyegirl! I should put on my high-heeled tennis shoes and we should start our own apostate volleyballl team
heehee chevs, that would be a good plan except that i have no coordination
we've learned so much about each other and i thought i'd toss this out atcha.....
i'm five feet tall (or short---however you see it :-) and wondering how tall you are!
i guess i'm in good company in the tall girls club..........6'0 even here.
i've had a terrible time the last 2 weeks with headaches.
they usually come on in the early afternoon and by the end of the day i can hardly see straight.
i don't wear glasses but i noticed that after working on the computer or documents and i get up to walk around my distance vision is poor, i.e.
maybe i can throw my 2 cents in here. what's actually going on is that the crystalline lens inside your eye (that's what makes the eye focus) starts to harden as we get older. so the range of focus is decreased. the reason that you can see fine up close, but your vision is blurred in the distance after reading, is that your eye is working harder and squeezing the lens into shape to help you focus. after you're done, it takes longer for it to stretch back out for you to focus at a distance. the reason that the reading glasses will help, is that by using them, the crystalline lens doesn't have to do as much focusing, so you shouldn't notice the blur going from near to distance after reading.
i hope this made sense, if not, let me know :)
now that i am no longer a jw, i can associate, and celebrate holidays and other family traditions with my non-jw relatives.
however i am sometimes bitter because i missed so many experiences as a child with my relatives that they seem almost like strangers rather than relatives.. does anyone else feel this way, and how have you bridged the gap?
i guess i'm fortunate in that my worldly relatives realized i had little control in the past. now, as an adult, i make my own decisions. we enjoy the time we spend together and don't take it for granted.
anyone got any views on "bikers" in the cong ?
has anyone turned up to the hall in leathers....if so what reaction did you get ?............any loving comments from the elders?
i never knew anyone who rode their bike to the meeting, but my dad has had a bike as long as i can remember. as far as i know he's never taken any flack for it either. there were plenty of guys who had bikes, but come to think of it, i only knew one woman who did. maybe that's why my mom is freaking out about me getting one.
i did take alot of grief for buy my mustang when i was still in. my dad came to my defense though. he reasoned that it was no different than him owning a pickup, so no one really had a reason to complain about what i wanted to spend my money on. seems like perfect reasoning to me
last weekend alan alda of mash fame did a documentry on the new hybrid cares by honda and toyota.
ford is coming with on and chrysler is about to launch.
also are new fuel cell hydrogen cars one even with little discs the size of a skeet that contain hydrogen in solid form.
i'm eagerly awaiting the Ford Escape hybrid. lately i've been thinking about how nice it would be to have a 4 wheel drive vehicle here in the frozen tundra, but gas is soooooo expensive it would kill me to drive one.
no, i didnt score with cookies.... but i did get someone to make me home made cookies.
and they are yummie.
heres how i did it if you want to try.. 1. break your hand.. 2. hold a training class in a training room that doubles as a break room.
too bad you're not in our neck of the woods. my seester and i are excellent bakers.
well, our lorries are different to your trucks.. ours are flat fronted, yours have a bonnet.. ours are taller, yours are wider.. ours go like sh*t off a shovel, your kenworths couldn't pull a greased kitten out of bed.
these are a little outdated (obviously) but the peterbilt my dad drove was his pride and joy........
women are invited to read this but they most certainly won't be able to relate.
i know there have to be a lot of men out there who can't pee while in a crowded public restroom (bathroom).
personally, the more people who surround me while i'm standing at the urinal, the more difficult it is for me to pee.
But isn't it WOMEN who always go to the bathroom together? What the hell is up with that?
well, personally i like to do that if i'm somewhere unfamiliar and i don't know where the ladies' room is. that way, if i get lost, at least i've got my buddy! my albino twin refuses to do this, however. it annoys the hell out of her.
women are invited to read this but they most certainly won't be able to relate.
i know there have to be a lot of men out there who can't pee while in a crowded public restroom (bathroom).
personally, the more people who surround me while i'm standing at the urinal, the more difficult it is for me to pee.
yeah, i could never understand how you men could all pee together. it would freak me right out!