STAGE TWO:GOD THE ALMIGHTY (Reactive Response) If stage one is about survival, stage two is about power. There is no doubt that God has all the power, which he jealously guards. At the beginning of the scientific era, when the secrets of electricity were being discovered and the elements charted, many worried that it was sacrilege to look too closely at how God worked. Power was not only his but rightfully so. Our place was to obey - a view that makes perfect sense if you consider heaven the goal of life. Who would endanger his soul just to know how lightning works? - Sovereign
- Omnipotent
- Just
- The answer of prayers
- Impartial
- Rational
- Organized into rules
Compared to the God of stage one, this version is much more social. He is worshipped by those who have formed a stable society, one that needs laws and governance. The Almighty is not so willful as his predecessor; he still metes out punishment, but you can understand why - the wrongdoer disobeyed a law, something he knows in advance not to do. Justice is no longer so rough; the kings and judges who take their power from God do so with a sense of being righteous. They deserve their power - or so they tell themselves. As with Macbeth, the wielders of power get caught up in urges that are all but irresistible. |