a life. A career, a boyfriend, experience, happiness, friends, a clear head.
JoinedPosts by snowangel
I left the JWs and all I got was ..........
by Satans little helper ina life, a career, a woman that can think for herself and real friends .
what did you gain?
How did you dispose of your JW books? (Or did you?)
by exwitless inlittle drummer boy and i have a small house and we do not have room for the wasted space all of these books are creating.
here's a brief rundown of what we have:.
several nwt hardcover bibles, chinese bibles (lots of chinese students in our town), insight on the scriptures, concordances, a few bound volumes, song books, km books, reasoning books, the entire bible on audio tape, and more.
I just trashed them little by little. I was moving out of my parents house at the same time I was leaving the org, I didn't want to crush my mom's heart more than I was already, so I threw out the magazines and small stuff there and threw the books out when I got to my new place. It felt weird but liberating at the same time. :)
Jehovah's Witnesses and Myspace
by tsunami_rid3r ini haven't been to a meeting in ages.
whats the rules on getting on myspace?
i ask because i added a friend of mine from my past congregation because he was cool with me, but later he removed me from his friends list.
My friend who was recently DFd had to explain his myspace page to the elders at his DF meeting. The elders brought a laptop and pointed out all the bad stuff!! As far as condemning the site at meetings, I specifically remember a Ministry school or local needs part about a year ago when I was still attending that mentioned it by name as something Christians should be no part of.
by themonster123 ini'm totally new to this...so it's nice to be on here-quite an interesting site.
well, i'm a 22-year old girl.
i seriously just stopped being a witness like this past month.
We want to welcome you to the forum too!!! We are glad to have you here, and are happy to hear you are happy and well after your first year out!! It feels good to use your brain doesn't it?? We look forward to hearing more from you!!
by themonster123 ini'm totally new to this...so it's nice to be on here-quite an interesting site.
well, i'm a 22-year old girl.
i seriously just stopped being a witness like this past month.
hey, our stories are kinda similar...I'm 23 and recently stopped going to meetings. Although I was coerced into baptism at a much younger age of 12. I had a divided household growing up, my Dad was an athiest.
It's difficult to dismiss teachings that you've been taught your entire life, it really messes with your head sometimes. But, I've been away from the organization for almost a year now, and I couldn't be happier. My advice is to just do what makes you happy, and thank god (pun intended) that you've started to think for yourself.
What was your greatest motivation......
by onlycurious in....to get out of bed to do massive hrs of service each month?.
My mother treated me like garbage for days afterwards if I didn't. I slept-in every so often, but it was just easier to keep her happy.
What do you do with your time???
by nonamegiven inwell, now that you are out of the organization, what do you do with the time you gained?
let's see how much time we gained.. assuming you were a publisher you spend at least 2 hours in service 3 saturdays a month plus the service meeting and drive time to and from the kh, let's call that 10 hours a month.. 5 meetings a week plus "fellowshipping" before, after and drive time, let's call that another 40 hours a month.. then there was meeting prep.
another 8 hours a month.
I sleep-in on the weekends!
I go out and have fun on meeting nights, or I stay in and enjoy being able to do whatever I want.
Specifically, I go out to bars and clubs to listen to music, I go out on dates, hang with friends.