JoinedPosts by bluebell
Noah picture exclusives
by KW13 inwell i just realised how terrified i look holdin' him, and i was terrified!
didnt want to break the new baby!!
btw havent forgotten other topic, meg and i will look at that later.. megan had a long long labour, the induction took aaaaaaaages but things suddenly sped up at 15:00pm and by 16:45 he was out.
Revised "United in Worship" book leaves out chapter on blood???
by Witness 007 inthis blue book united in worship, was studied before baptism.
in 2002 we got the updated version...was it any different?
only two small changes.. 1980 - united in worship-.
I disagree - I can't see how they could ever leave the blood doctrince, just make it a little more flexible.
Also, when I left a few years back I'm sure the dubs only studied one book before being dipped. But I doubt any get dipped w/o knowing about the blood issue, isn't it part of the questions?
A couple of comparisons: the WT of today vs the early 1970s
by Skimmer inthe other day i happened to make my monthly stop at the local fast food joint when i usually borrow one of the community newspapers for an afternoon read.
this time around i see a couple of wt magazines.
as always, my concerns for my fellow man caused me to grab these toxic items for a later meal -- a meal fed to my cross cut shredder at home.
Slightly off topic because I talking "Awake!" here but do they still say that if you were to read the mag for a year and able to retain all the information then it would be equivalent to a degree? I remember that from my father and from the platform in the UK as one of the resons we didn't need higher education - the borg gave us all the higher education we needed...
My story- Here goes!
by Younglove1999 ini've just been writing away the past few days about my thoughts and feelings since my husband and i decided to finally call it quits and stop going to meetings.
in fact, he's the one who told me about this website.
he's a lurker though, so i don't think any have heard from him.
Side note: isn’t it sad that as a couple, we weren’t comfortable being honest with each other because of our religion? One that encouraged communication and honesty among marriage mates, but reiterated limitations or repercussions of what would happen if we truly expressed our feelings?
so true! welcome to the board
Reinstatement questions
by RebelWife inwould somebody give me a detailed rundown of what occurs?
and what would i (the evil ubm) notice my husband doing that would give me a clue that he might be planning this?
i've looked at some old threads and see that there must be letters & meeting attendance.
And could I go to meeting, spilling a little cleavage and reading Stephen King?
Sure, wear pants. I show a modicum of submissiveness by getting permission for my outfit and my meeting toys before we set out. He's made a mistake a few times, but I firmly reminded him I'D ASKED FIRST. He now begs that I leave my SUDOKU at home. Too obvious. I always bring a blank notebook and pencil.
that made me laugh. i am not a UBM - thats my hubby i spose although we met when i was leaving and he was my support.
as for confession - i have read many times that the elders will ask really detailed questions like they get some sort of perverted hard on from it all. but thats only if something is being confessed. if he is asking for reinstatement, then that means he is living his life as they want him to and he just needs them to agree that he is worthy again.
Life and times of Metaspy
by metaspy ini am going to tell my story, it will probably be the dumbest thing to do.. especially since i am trying to fade.
however, recently i have decided that i need to get.
the ball rolling a little faster.
ow a discounted rent for pioneering. thats tough. make up the hours - they lie to you, its only scriptural warfare to lie straight back!
i wish you good luck in your search for other work and accomodation, it's a good job you have education to help.
How Many of us Have Shared Our Stories on JWD ? Helps us Know you Better
by flipper injust thought of starting this thread because of the problem of living in an emotionally disconnected society as we do.
some of us have shared our personal stories with you all, my wife and mine was , " the story of mr. & mrs. flipper ".
i think it would be good to share some insight into ourselves , then perhaps others on the board will be understanding more deeply about posts that we start.
mine is in my profile :)
boosting morale
by quietlyleaving inhere's something from the arts good study guide.
finally, be ready to recognise your needs as a human being:.
set out to get as much fun as you can.
yep definitly against humanity - especially this bit:
Don't drive yourself too hard - take a good break from time to time
if they stop driving the r&f to do more, they may find time to stop and think for themselves!
How Many Here Got Depressed Once You Realized It Wasn't The "Truth"?
by minimus inwere you extremely saddened or in despair once you realized you'd been duped??
i was depressed while i was in. when i realised i had been in the "false" alot of my depression disappeared.
The jws just came in our block...
by fullofdoubtnow in....but they didn't ring our bell, they know better!
they almost did though, one of them was about to when another one of them (there were 4 of them, hunting in packs lol) said "no, don't do that, it's an apostate household!".
needless to say, they didn't get much of a reception at the rest of the flats either.
they never come to us either :)