Yes, it´s so true what you tell there.
Strange, that it seems to be the same all over the tells a lot about them doesn´t it?
When I was still in- I was alone with 2 boys-doing okay-saving every penny to send the youngest to a private school because I want him to get a good education.
But my house was always open for the "friends" and every summer I had the complete cong over for a party as I had the biggest garden.And they loved to come and enjoy themselves.In FS I would take the old bro´s and sis´in my car because the others already "had made plans who to work with". I would also often pop in at the old people in the cong and do some shopping,bring medicine or drive them to the doctor or so.Not many others helped them, no, they were in FS preaching about the love among God´s true people!
But never,truely never,has a brother helped me when there was something wrong with my car or if I needed a hand with something practical around the house...yet when bro x was building a new house they all helped there...or they would help each other with other things.
I was thinking that it might be because the JW´s are so paranoia about sex andthat their thought was that a single sister might just jump their bones and demand hot sex here and
I saw the old sisters,lonely and forgotten-the"loving" JW´s complaining when they had to pick them up to come to the hall or for FS-these old ladies who had been faithfull most of their lives,one even had the KH at her house and later donated the land on wich my old cong is built.another used to babysit for all the sisters in the cong so they could attend FS- now they were just a burden.
And I was thinking,jeeezzz is this MY future too?
Then, at a little come together a sis asked my son: well M.what are you going to do when you have finished your posh school?
And he smiled and said:well sis X ,I´ll go to a posh university,get me a posh degree and live a nice posh life.
You could cut the silence.
Then she looked at me and asked: do you agree with that?
Me: yes of course, why do you think I work so hard and pay for that school? Why should every JW become a window cleaner?Why should M let his intelligence go to waste?When I was young I was told not to have an education because the big A was just around the corner- and here I am today, struggeling on my own-do you realy think I want this for any of my children? no no no my son is going to study anything he wants.
And the woman said: well my dear, then you are not a strong JW.
She was right.