Very cute Darth Frosty! I like it!
JoinedPosts by jelcat8224
Butt prints in the sand
by darth frosty inone night i had a wondrous dream,.
one set of footprints there was seen, the footprints of my precious lord, but mine were not along the shore.
but then some stranger prints appeared... and i asked the lord, "what have we here?
Strange announcement about "donations" at the S.A.D.
by Doubting Bro inat a recent s.a.d.
i attended, something caught my attention during the accounts report about how to make donations by check.
in the past, they have always instructed persons who want to donate by check to make that check payable to watchtower (if i recall, they even told you to capitalize the t).
I think I remember them saying to make the checks out to Jehovah's Witnesses. This may have just been in the past couple of years ... I haven't been to one in almost two years.
Disfellowshipping question
by emilyblue inmy ex-boyfriend who i am trying not to see anymore was disfellowshipped last monday, but he sent in a letter of appeal because he felt two the the three elders who made the decision were biased against him because they knew his ex-wife and were automatically sympathetic to the woman's side.
he's disfellowshipped for having relations with me, even after he was divorced (before that, his divorce was unscriptural.
) how soon does the appeal take place?
Hi sweetie! Sorry I don't really know anything about appeals or the whole process at all as I have yet to go through mine. I'm glad to hear you are trying to break ties with this man.
I guess I just feel guilty because I'm the one who confessed our "sin" to my bible study teacher before I understood that she was going to have to report him for what I told her.
You really have nothing to feel guilty about. YOU did NOTHING wrong. HE KNEW what he was doing ... HE KNEW what the consequences would be for HIS actions ... HE KNEW he needed you to cover for him (which in itself is wrong). Please don't blame yourself even just a little. If he remains DF'd, it is his own doing. If he didn't want to be DF'd he wouldn't have done what he did. That was HIS decision ... ok?
by BR25 ini read most of the posts on here and i was just trying to get an understanding on certain topics.
i read some peoples material and why they dont believe in the jw faith.
i understand that some people left the jw faith and some people on here may never have been jws or believed in it, so i understand why you post and give info back and forth, but i have trouble understanding some of the disfellowshipped ones on here.
To be disfellowshipped most of the time it is for something that even a non jw would not think is right, but I feel that some come on here for an outlet or try to find some relief of being disfellowshipped, whereas if you just left the congregation and was not disfellowshipped you might not even care to come on here. ... Most of you dont know what is said on here, what scriptures or info is on here, but when you find out, your posts turn into I am glad I am out, I always knew that it was a false religion, and so forth. This is total BS in my opinion, most of you probably dont know or think these things till you come on here, and some of you would never come on here if you did nothing wrong and you know it.
Ummm ... I'm sorry but you CLEARLY have no idea what you are talking about. I am not DF, or DA, ... yet! I have not done anything worthy of being DF'd other than ask direct questions which have fallen on deaf ears. This site was the LAST stop for me in my journey out of this organization. So for you to say we had no knowlegde of the info on this site till we came here is just ABSURD!!! And I have yet to read anyone on here say that they ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS A FALSE RELIGION, although there may be some who feel this way! For most of us who were in it, comming to this realization was a process. For some, this process is on-going.
I think your generalization is BS!
Home Schooling - Yes or No?
by winnie inwhat are your opinions?.
it seems that alot of jw's are into this.. i think there is a time and place for this, ie if you don't have access to a public/private school.. it doesn't seem regulated to me.
my mother home schooled my sister because she couldn't be bothered taking and picking her up from school.
I think it depends on each individual child. Both of my younger siblings were homeschooled through the first few years of school, when most of the curriculum circles around cutting out snow men, valentin's hearts, christmas trees, easter eggs, and the like. (not that there is anything wrong with these, but I do think that there is far too much time spent on these activites and not enough on actual learnng IMPO) What we found, however, is that when they DID reenter the school systems, they were LEAPS and BOUNDS ahead of the other children with regards to their education. right now my youngest sibling is two grade levels ahead of his age group. Now, of course this would not be the case with every child and I would never say yes or no across the board either way. There are pro's and con's to both sides and every parent needs to wiegh those in light of their circumstances and children.
Archangel Michael ...
by jelcat8224 indoes anyone know if the wts is still teaching that jesus is/was the archangel michael?
i think i remember hearing that they were trying to phase this teaching out.
i can't remember why.
Drew: That is a very good point. I have actually done something very similar to that regarding the teaching, or lack thereof, of hellfire. I actually had a very good friend of mine practice with me. We reversed roles. He was to argue against hellfire using only the bible, and I was to argue for hellfire using only the bible. It was interesting because I had always been so used to arguing against the doctrine that when I was put on the other side of the issue, I ws AMAZED to see how easy it was to teach hellfire from the bible!!!
I think I will try your method with this one too!
Archangel Michael ...
by jelcat8224 indoes anyone know if the wts is still teaching that jesus is/was the archangel michael?
i think i remember hearing that they were trying to phase this teaching out.
i can't remember why.
To be honest I don't really care whether they believe Jesus is Michael or not. (It matters not to me since I know what I believe about Jesus) All I am interested in, are the subtle shifts they try to make, no matter how small. I am trying to build my armory against them right now so I can have as much as possible to show my family. Therefore I am looking for every tiny morsel.
Again ... this whole topic of them moving away from this teaching may or may not be purely speculation, but I think it's worth watching.
I'm back..JW's at my door left stunned and in tears
by toladest inwell, i'm back after a couple years away from this site.
i still recognize a lot of names here, but there are a lot of new ones too.
i wanted to share an expierience i had with two witness "sisters" at my door a couple weeks ago.
Thank you so much toladest!
I greatly appreciate your story and you for sharing it! I just hope these sisters follow through with what they have heard annd don't just swallow whatever the elders feed them. Wherever this takes them, you did your share, and a wonderful job, of showing them what the WTS is really all about!
If the Watchtower ceased to exist right now, what would this mean for you?
by JH inwhat would it change in your life right now if the watchtower fell apart and didn't exist anymore?.
maybe some would want to join another realigion right away, because they still believed a bit of what they preached and didn't want to join a false religion, just as the jw's brand all other religions..... .
I have to say it would most likely be one of the happiest and most fulfilling days of my life, (especially if I were involved in it's obliteration )
I understand that this would probably have some major impact on the mental health of some of it's followers, but when you consider the amount of mental anguish the WTS inflicts by being in existance, I think the affects of it's demise would pale in comparisson.
Think of all the reunited families. Think of how many eyes could be opened if the whole thing could be exposed and destroyed in one day! Think of all the lives saved, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually! Think of the grand consequences for all those who had perpetuated the madness!!
oh ... to dream!!!!
I can only hope that someday soon they will end up destroying themselves. I would have to think that eventually the whole thing will just IMPLODE!!!!
Archangel Michael ...
by jelcat8224 indoes anyone know if the wts is still teaching that jesus is/was the archangel michael?
i think i remember hearing that they were trying to phase this teaching out.
i can't remember why.
choosing life: I Thess. 3:16 states The Lord called With "an" archangel's voice. If there is only one, then why doesn't it say "the" archangel's voice?
Pahpa: But it is when the Watchtower steps beyond these statements to conclude that "Jesus is the archangel, Michael" that it oversteps its authority and "goes beyond what is written."
I agree with both of you! They just like to put things together wether they belong together or not!
PrimateDave: I see no effort underway by the org to distance themselves from this doctrine, and why would they?
I used to be in contact with woman who is a very outspoken JW 'apostate'. She is one of the people who started me on this road of leaving the org. She claimed to have inside contact(s) within the org. Not sure if it was true but she did inform me of some of the WT moves before they happened. I vaguely remember her mentioning this teaching of the Jesus/Michael thing, saying that she anticipated a move away from this teaching. I don't remember why. (I have since lost contact with her) And for the life of me I can't figure out why they would either. It doesn't really seem to be a teaching that they would need to change. Nevertheless, I have a gut feeling. I just can't seem to put my finger on it!