I have CACAphobia,
fear of watchtowers
as the general rule i don't scare easily and i am always looking into the unknown corners.
i like the creepy and spooky.
spiders and snakes dont freak me out either.
I have CACAphobia,
fear of watchtowers
i have been an observer for a while here.
i would like to meet a former female jw late 20's early 30's and get to now her for a close relationship.
i have always known i was bisexual.
Damm it salsita,
I am envious. Now you will double your chances of getting a date :)
inquiring minds want to know who out there is single.
lets see if we can hook anyone up.
how about a love connection on the jwd.
I Hold PHd's in Neurosurgery, Law, Divinity, Psychology, and Quantum Physics, and have written pseudonimously 53 romantic books which have been in the top 10.
25 years old with a body that has doubled for Arnold Swartzeneger, when he really looks good, and my face appears in almost all the issues of GQ
Have taught Kong Fu in China, Karate in Japan, and have a tennis court in my jet, but it is unavailable now because I lent it to my childhood pal George Bush, so now I have to keep on my tennis exercise on my yacht
Sperm banks have given me five million dollars for a cubic millimiter of my seed, but I donated it to the Watchtower, my favorite charity since they do all this marvelous charitable work.
I believe the bible is the word of god and should be distributed worldwide.
You could say that I am perfect in all ways, except that most of the times I am a pathological liar.
as the general rule i don't scare easily and i am always looking into the unknown corners.
i like the creepy and spooky.
spiders and snakes dont freak me out either.
13 th _Apostate,
I deny any knowledge of your condition or of any plans to use my fear to destroy you. but I may know something about plans to slip a new designer drug into your coffee to make you sterile so that you won't reproduce
Damnit, Now you have done it. Don't you realize now that you'll send me into caffeine withdrawal for fear of not being able to reproduce at the tender age of 57? What will my 20 concubines do now to keep busy, if they cannot have any more children? Now I will have to get reinstated so I can reproduce in the new system of things, or join the Taliban so I can get my promised virgins in heaven after committing suicide by blowing myself in the name of Jehovah Allah in a fiery crash of a gasoline or gas tanker after destroying some infidels in select Allah hating sects, preferably in Pennsylvania or Brooklyn. Yeah, I know they said all religions other than theirs are from Satan. Allah is not Satan. They must die for desecrating his Holy name and Jihad must be declared against them.
which, incidentally, we just narrowly avoided last year by happenstance; a druggie shot up one of the local Wal-Marts and in the newspaper article he said something along the lines of "I was going to go to the library but there were closed so I went to Wal-Mart...". the druggie was a prominent doctor's son. we were closed for an in service day at the time.) I have seen things that would blast a weaker person's mind to shreds. Trust me on this. You should all fear sauerkraut and banana sandwiches. Don't ask why, just.... trust me on this.
I am telling you, you just cannot trust the hired help nowadays. Next time I will send them on an errand I will have to provide them coffee mugs. That idiot must have run out of it when I sent him to the library and went to get some to Wal-Mart, and those idiots probably had none.
First and foremost: Arachnophobia. Inherited from my mom, although she is just a little worse than I am. Just once I tried to lose my fear or at least get more comfortable around those things. When Pat was living with me (whole nuther story, don't get me started) she bought a Mexican Rose Hair Tarantula. I contributed the name: Damien. As in that spooky kid in 'The Omen'. I let Damien crawl on my arm. That was the spookiest feeling in my life. This huge tarantula perched on me, and I'd swear it was staring at me in a malevolent way, walked around, and I could barely feel it.
First of all, you have to know your enemies. As I understand it, in there are only two spider species the United States capable of killing someone: the brown recluse and the black widow. I let non-lethal species them live in my house because they control some of the insect population that gets in my house. I sometimes kill an occasional daddy long legs when it fails to kill a mosquito that lands near it. As for tarantulas, we used to vacation in Cordoba, Mexico. Banana trees are full of tarantulas, which hide in its trunk. We would put our arms to the tree and let them crawl all over us. We were about 110 students, and no one ever got bitten. The trick is not to move suddenly. Their eyes are different from ours, and really have no expression. I did get stung there, however, by two wasps when I malevolently threw a stone at their nest. The pain felt like fire and had my face distorted for three days since one stung me in the eyelid and the other in the lip.
personally, i do not believe god ever has or ever will exist.
i have my reasons -- i guess i could be considered an agnostic, rather than an athiest.
i was curious to see what the larger part of the former borg community believed, now looking from the outside in, rather than the opposite.
In modern times mere men take action to attempt to prevent or end such pain and suffering so rampant in this world, yet God does NOTHING. Is something wrong here?
In recent times when someone asks me my religion I tell them I think that there may be a god, but not the lying, murdering, meat hungry god of the bible. They ask me which god do I believe in I tell them my doctor. He has saved my life twice. Other gods have done nothing to save me.
some of you have seen my previous postings on this ongoing battle i am having for the heart and soul of my loved ones, a battle now focused on my 13-yearold.
here is part two.
* see theocratic war strategy at my house link below .
First of all,
Don't put anything to her in writing.
Take away all documents from your house (bills, paystubs, stocks, etc, and hide them, preferably out of town with a trusted friend/relative. She already probably has copies of those.
Keep at work a diary of negative things she has done to you and your children. If you can still get magazines showing how they work to break families and make children obey the Org rather than their parents, how they are segregated from the rest of the children, etc. It will also make it harder for other JWs to see her when you are not present.
I she moves the children from the house, run, do not walk, to the nearest judge to put a stop to her moving the children on the grounds that it will disturb their life.
Keep the times and dates she spends preparing and taking the children to their religious activities.
Start making a list of reasons why you should be keeping the children, and she shouldn't. Your lawyer will want one of those.
If you haven't done so. Make your wife work, or else they will be taking a chunk of your salary for her. This will also stop her from giving away so much time to the bOrg. Start reading to your children at night, and putting them to bed, help with chores at home, do the shopping and cooking, learn the names of your children's friends, your children's clothes sizes, their favorite colors, books, etc.Take them to the pediatrician and establish a rapport with her/him. Encourage her to go to her "christian activities" but keep times of how much time she neglects the children. Think of yourself as being already separated and make yourself doing all that a one-parent family would do.
Start creating independent thought on your children based on logic and facts. Take them to other churches, synagogs, temples, etc. or really study the bible with them to show them how contradictory it is, and why this is the basis for so many religious sects in any religion, but especially christianity.
Never, ever, ever talk bad to your children about their mother. Make her the monster and you the victim, but not by talking bad about her. Take your children to team sports (JWs hate this). Take your children to birthday parties and celebrate their own with fanfare and plenty of gifts.Celebrate Halloween. This is fun for children.
If she hits you, call 911 immediately. This will establish a precedent for violence. Make sure the cops follow through, and take her to court. Especially if she hits you in front of the children.
If you paid for the house with a loan from funds you had before marriage, get a second mortgage and keep the money. They will say that you gave the loan as a gift for the marriage.
Keep on going to meetings and tape their wacky messages. Make sure you include the name of the orator and date. You can also use these materials in court. Discuss the meetings with your children from your own point of view.If your wife is opposed to this, make a note on your diary.
Take your wife to a marriage counselor, and your children to a therapist (preferably one with experience in cults). It will look bad for her if she refuses to go. It will be cheaper than a divorce. Always keep your cool and answer with facts.Take to the therapist hard evidence (books, magazines) to show that the WT is a danger to your family. Don't show those books to him/her in front of your wife.
Let your wife know that all the money spent on divorce could be spent in your children's inheritance or their education.
If the judge orders an attorney ad litem for the children, do not ramble when talking to him/her, but always focused on the children. Keep your correspondence brief. Attorneys ordered by the state are cheap but lazy, or at least it happened in my case.
The judge may also order a psychiatrist for the whole family to make the decision. They are extremely smart people who can see through drawings and questions what the whole family is like. If by this time you have not earned the love and trust of your children. It will be very hard to get custody because if you lived surrounded by JWs, the witnesses will be stacked against you.
If there is a breakdown, let her know that you have as much right as she does to raise your children according to their beliefs, and an amicable divorce will be best for all. One on which you will share the custody, you will let her raise the children according to her beliefs, and she will let you raise them according to yours. You can then resolve issues through a counselor or a mediator. Put this in writing.
Show your children the silliness of the blood issue, the earlier beliefs of the WT, etc. The sites at the bottom of the page are worth exploring.
hardly a week passes without some story of a witness who is suddenly.
enlightened as to the real nature of the organization.
happens to an old-timer, it's very sad.
Or the ones trying to set things right.
Remember Oklahoma City? IMO it would not have happened if the ATF murderers of children in Austin would have been brought to justice. Hey, the bible says, a life for a life. ATF got their wake-up call.
The Witchtower has been breaking families, causing illnesses, emotional distress, suicides, and deaths for too long. Someone in one of these groups is bound to set an example sooner or later, but I am sure that the Publishing and Real Estate Corp. already has thought of this and has a spin already for this, and somewhow will benefit from it.
personally, i do not believe god ever has or ever will exist.
i have my reasons -- i guess i could be considered an agnostic, rather than an athiest.
i was curious to see what the larger part of the former borg community believed, now looking from the outside in, rather than the opposite.
I neither believe that there is a god nor that there is not a god, but the opposite.
Thank god I am an atheist.
Actually, I don't know. You can neither prove or disprove that there is a god/s/dess/desses. So I consider myself an Agnostic
I am with SYN in most of what he says.
I most definitely do not believe in the brutal God depicted in the Old Testament, although some of the things Jesus is purported to have said do make quite a lot of sense, e.g. love your neighbour is something sadly lacking in our world, and has always been lacking.
The bible is at its best only a collection of mythical fables. At its wost, it is the most dangerous book in human history. It has caused more bondage, deaths, ignorance, mental anguish, and innumerable maladies than any book on Earth. I know for a fact that the god of the bible cannot exist.
If there is/are (a) true god/s/dess/desses I would expect them to have direct contact with me, or at least through some logical book. Not one that says on the one hand he does not need anything, but on the other requires blood, temples, labor, money, and power.
as the general rule i don't scare easily and i am always looking into the unknown corners.
i like the creepy and spooky.
spiders and snakes dont freak me out either.
Hey 13th,
and a fear of unwashed, schizophrenic, NRA members suffering from caffeine withdrawal.
I know you are talking about me and disguise your plans to get me killed as fearing my kind. So maybe not. I had my 15th daily cup of coffee of a dayly 25 cups diet (I am trying to cut down now) only 45 minutes ago, and I cannot find my NRA Identification card. As of being unwashed it has its advantages because for some weird reason I always find plenty of seats and room in a crowded bus. I am presently a Jehovah's Witness so I cannot be schizofrenic, I see new lights all the time and I know you will be destroyed as soon as the generation that saw 1914 finally croaks. I will make sure those old farts don't slow down armaggeddon any longer. To tell you the truth your name bugs me because not only you flaunt your apostate name but show no fear of bad luck by displaying the number 13, a clearly demonic number.
just wondered how many people this this is all true.
feel free to really think about this one and provide proof and examples.
You can chech some questions to JW, including some about their dishonesty in translation at