Flavious Josephus was a Jewish historian, who lived around the times near when Jesus was supposed to be alive. (from 37 CE to circa 100 CE).
For centuries Josephus' works were more widely read in Europe than any book other than the Bible. They are an invaluable eye-witness to a momentous turning point in Judaism, Christianity, and Western civilization.
The WT claims that a snake was in reality being made to talk by the devil. Let?s see what Josephus has to say about the fall of man and if big J really said that there will be a savior for all humanity after mankind sinned.
(4)[40] God therefore commanded that Adam and his wife should eat of all the rest of the plants, but to abstain from the tree of knowledge; and foretold to them, that if they touched it, it would prove their destruction. But while all the living creatures had one language, 5 at that time the serpent, which then lived together with Adam and his wife, shewed an envious disposition, at his supposal of their living happily, and in obedience to the commands of God; and imagining, that when they disobeyed them, they would fall into calamities, he persuaded the woman, out of a malicious intention, to taste of the tree of knowledge, telling them, that in that tree was the knowledge of good and evil; which knowledge, when they should obtain, they would lead a happy life; nay, a life not inferior to that of a god: by which means he overcame the woman, and persuaded her to despise the command of God.
What! All living creatures had one language?
The snake was living together with Adam and his wife?
The snake itself, and not Satan, was the one showing an envious disposition?
But when God came into the garden, Adam, who was wont before to come and converse with him, being conscious of his wicked behavior, went out of the way. This behavior surprised God; and he asked what was the cause of this his procedure; and why he, that before delighted in that conversation, did now fly from it, and avoid it.
Was god surprised because he didn?t know what was going on?
Someone besides little J saw, and even conversed with big J?
? which state of labor and pains-taking would soon bring on old age, and death would not be at any remote distance:
Hey, What happened to dying on the same day?
He also deprived the serpent of speech, out of indignation at his malicious disposition towards Adam. Besides this, he inserted poison under his tongue, and made him an enemy to men; and suggested to them, that they should direct their strokes against his head, that being the place wherein lay his mischievous designs towards men, and it being easiest to take vengeance on him, that way. And when he had deprived him of the use of his feet, he made him to go rolling all along, and dragging himself upon the ground. And when God had appointed these penalties for them, he removed Adam and Eve out of the garden into another place.
What happened here?
Snakes had feet?
You have Josephus writing the Jewish history, but he does not say the Mesiah would smash his head. It says that they (both Adam and his wife) would do it. I wonder if he was such a devout Jew, why he did not even know a messiah would destroy Satan so that all would live forever in paradise.
See, that's what happened in the first century because they had no Watchtowers in print.
Any thoughts?