welcome, Greg from Poland
I have not seen any posts from that part of the globe
That's because he usually lives in the Vatican. He is known as "The Pope"
welcome, Greg from Poland
I have not seen any posts from that part of the globe
That's because he usually lives in the Vatican. He is known as "The Pope"
galatians opens with the direction to not listen to opposing religious views.
it goes so far as to say that even if they (ostensibly paul and his party) or an angel from heaven presents another opinion, they must refuse to listen even then condemning the messenger as an enemy.
ironically this very obstinance is condemned among the jews in the bible, when they supposedly refused to listen to the new direction from the christians,jesus and even the angels who according to the story announced this new faith's arrival.
I thought Angels were supposed to be listened to.....like John who spoke of such in the beggining of Revelations. An Angel delivered the message to John, which message came from Jesus, who got it from God, yet paul say's not to listen to one if it spoke, and listen to what men say is true about Jesus?
Especially since Revelation, supposedly being the last book in the Babble, was written after Paul's warning, the message should be ignored.
i havent' been to kingdom hall in over a year, and i haven't talked to any dubs other than my parents for three years now.
i was wondering if anybody still had any contacts in the truth and how the average dub is feeling about the immediacy of armageddon?.
i remember growing up that this was an omnipresent motivation, especially when the whole "peace and security" thing happened in the early nineties, and we were expecting "sudden destruction" after the collapse of the soviet union.. but safe to say, i'm not worried about armageddon anymore - and i was wondering what the feeling was in the congregations.... czar
Anytime a news article about a parent killing a child my parents murmer in shocked awe "Having no natural affection"...when they watch the war coverage in Iraq they say "Things are so awful...the end has to be near".
You may show them the following link.
Ask them what they think of Larry and Constance Slack (The first case on the link), who murdered after torturing their daughter by lashing her 160 times with a rubber coated wire.
Hitting children is common in their religion, even during services.
The Babble is not wrong. Their members believe.
Proverbs 23:13
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.
These links are about the same story.
Hey. After all they were following Babble advice. I could testify about the stories, but nah!!
What makes it worse is that the mother was a Registered Nurse.
Both parents were Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing at the time.
Edited to add more thoughts
multiplying sorrow.
women who are jehovah's witnesses have a 44-fold greater risk of maternal death due to obstetric hemorrhage than do other women.
Multiplying sorrow. Women who are Jehovah's Witnesses have a 44-fold greater risk of maternal death due to obstetric hemorrhage than do other women. Researchers found that 6% of 332 JWs studied experienced obstetrical hemorrhage, two of whom died, yielding an average maternal mortality rate of 521 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, compared to 12 maternal deaths for non-JWs per 100,000 live births. Source: Mount Sinai Medical Center Study; American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oct. 2001
i havent' been to kingdom hall in over a year, and i haven't talked to any dubs other than my parents for three years now.
i was wondering if anybody still had any contacts in the truth and how the average dub is feeling about the immediacy of armageddon?.
i remember growing up that this was an omnipresent motivation, especially when the whole "peace and security" thing happened in the early nineties, and we were expecting "sudden destruction" after the collapse of the soviet union.. but safe to say, i'm not worried about armageddon anymore - and i was wondering what the feeling was in the congregations.... czar
In my Geology class we have just being studying scientific (and other) methods of predicting those catastrophic / cataclysmic world events. A part of this was to look at the relguarity with which they happened and it appears that we are due one within the next twenty-five years or so!!!!
Yes, but did those scientific studies say that no JWs would be killed by them?
continuing from dmouses topic our new enjoyable hobby............. .
Why Do Women Fake Headaches When Asked To Give Head?
Inside: Should You Give Head To Your Head: A Christian Perspective.
10. you don't need a special permit for a gun...just a jw's publisher's card.. 9. watchtower and awake magazines don't blow up in your hands like those cheap iraqi grenades do.. 8. you can go up to people like "you know" and say, "do you feel lucky today, punk?
" and then you pray to jehovah in hopes of him starting aramegeddon right now..... 7. no one can legimately say you're putting youth at risk for suicide missions...you just bore them to death with the newest printing of "young people ask....".
6. no need to wear a mask over your head....people already shut their curtians/doors when they see you a half-mile away.. 5. no advance college degree is needed...just a dogged sense of fanaticism and your best stepford wives' smile and you're set..... 4. it's a great way to get revenge on all those little turds who pelted your door this past halloween.. 3. you can expose santa's true identity all in the name of "religious freedom"..... 2. the only thing you could be charged with is "being stupid without a license...".
When trick-or-treat time comes, you can trick all the neighborhood kids by giving them WT magazines instead of candy.
If they are not terrorized enough show them some of their literature depicting Armaggeddon.
note: "lord" all capitals =yhwh hebrew
the lord of hosts
"in the year that king uzziah died i saw also the lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.
And your point is?
I know you can cut and paste, but what is your main point?
the ultimate taboo of being a jw is the unforgivable sin, a direct action of going against the leadings of the holy spirit.
did this used to bother you, and do you think you are seen by jw's as having committed it?
for instance, is apostasy the only occurance of it, or in you opinion would it include adultery etc.
I called a body of elders Pharisees -- does that count?
Of course it does. Next to JWs Pharisees are angels. It would be like calling Caligula a "Clinton" instead of a degenerate.
I never heard of a Pharisee chastising someone because s/he made the organization look bad by saying the truth.
Pharisees did not impose heavy burdens on all Jews, such as having to attend five meetings a week plus doing field services, preparing their brain washing meetings, personal study, family study, etc. Heck, they even insisted that you rested at least one day per week!
Shame on you for calling the elders "Pharisees" instead of "Jehovah Witnesses".
Witnesses are crueler and more controlling.
i didn't even know this kind of info was out there
The operating paragraphs are at the end
Whatever the legal merits of its objections may be are not our concern here. There is another issue. If the Jehovah's Witnesses are the self-proclaimed "third-largest Christian religion in France" what do they consider are the other two Christian religions? Are they referring to Catholics or Protestants? The Watchtower Society never refers to Catholics or Protestants as being "Christian religions," but only calls them by what the Society considers a derogatory term, "Christendom."
For the love of money, however, the Watchtower Society has hypocritically by-passed one of its central doctrines: that it alone is the only Christian religion. It has attempted to fool those outside the organization unaware of its deviousness. By its teachings, the Society has already fooled its members.