Actually, doing the wash is a chore for me, since I take care of my 2 daughters at home: 9 and 12 year olds.
I divide the laundry in seven different baskets:
1) White clothes: Set it on one rinse only. Hot wash, cold rinse. Heavy duty speed (fast). I add Quick Dissolving Tide to the hot water as soon as it starts flowing. When the washer starts agitating, I add Clorox and then the clothes. When it stops, I put it in the liquid softener previously diluted for the second rinse. Transfer clothes to dryer. Clean filter and set it on Cotton.
2) Socks and bottom underwear (all colors except white). Almost same as above, except I place washer in normal speed. (I still use Clorox due to the fact that I want to kill the germs).
3) Jeans and black clothes: Same as # 1 but I use warm wash and Oxi Clean instead of Clorox.
4) Red clothes: Set it on one rinse only. automatic warm wash, warm rinse. Permanent Press setting. normal speed. I add Quick Dissolving Tide to the hot water as soon as it starts flowing. When the washer starts agitating, I add Oxy clean and then the clothes. When it stops, I put it in the liquid softener previously diluted for the second rinse. Transfer clothes to dryer. Clean filter and set it on Cotton
5) Beige & yellow clothes: Same as #4
6) Light blue & green clothes: Same as #4
7) Delicates: Set on cold wash and cold rinse. Permanent press setting. Extra delicate speed setting. I add Woolite to the automatic cold water as soon as it starts flowing (automatic does not allow it to go too cold in these regions in cold weather). Set dryer in "knits" temperature. Add anti-static cloth.
Colored clothes: Add four cups of Clorox before water starts to flow. That is it. It will kill all the germs, and she will thank you for the tie-dye look of the seventies. No need for fancy detergents. You can also add her favorite mink coat and designer dresses. It will save her a bundle and will beg for you to do her laundry again!
White clothes: a pint of Liquid Plumber in her wash will wash all soap scum accumulated through the years and at the same time will clear your washing machine of any organic material left there through the years.
If it doesn't work, her motherly instinct will surface and volunteer to do the laundry for you.