..He was quoted to show his apriori bias toward materialism.
?Hense the "falsifiabilty" argument should not be used as an excuse to apriori exclude creation from consideration along with evolution.
...Also it has been shown that many evolutionists have apriori limited themselves?
...You see, his apriori bias towards materialism casused him to deny creation as a possibility
Could someone tell me if apriori is the new word of the week?
First I consulted http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=apriori . The answer was:
See the Top 10 Ask Jeeves results for "apriori"
No entry found for apriori.
I then consulted http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=a%20priori . I received this reply among others.
a priori adj 1: involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to a necessary effect; not supported by fact; "an a priori judgment" [ant: a posteriori ] 2: based on hypothesis or theory rather than experiment adv : derived by logic, without observed facts [ant: a posteriori ]
Are these two last words the ones that are meant by apriori?
If there is a meaning for apriori, could someone please define it for me? I noticed its extensive use in this thread, and would like to answer properly.