The west is sadly becoming desensitised to such acts of bastardry...Simply pretending a difficult problem doesnt exist doesnt make that problem go away.The british media were urging Britains to carry on as if nothing had happened { .How insane is that ?} How about Britain responds by targeting those responsible as well as the ideology behind the attacks ?
Its time to tackle this problem head-on and that starts with an honest discussion about the terroism threat without fear of offending those seeking to wrap themselves in the cloak of victim hood,
Yet many of our leaders opt for the head in the sand approach preferring to avoid uncomfortable truths
I have used excerpts of an an article by an Aussie journalist Rita Panahi a herald sun Columnist who was brought up I believe as a Muslim.
I think she makes a lot of sense in her articles on Islam and what the Muslim community should do to dissassociate itself from terroism and also to abolish sharia law. { These are my thoughts }