Christendoms religions including JW`s cant even decide on how many books comprise the Bible so how could they ever agree on what is contained theirein ? The numbers vary widely.
Their are also books mentioned in the Bible that do not appear in those lists such as The Book of Enoch , The Book of Jubilees The Testament of Noah and The Book of Jasher to name a few.
It all comes down to each different sects interpretation of what said scriptures mean , not what the scriptures actually say but what the sect says it means.
And no GOD of the Hebrews (OT) or of the Christians (NT ) has ever came to HIS defence to set matters straight as to what is HIS TRUE WRITTEN WORD
His silence is deafening .
It always puzzled me why the JW`s adopted the Protestant number of authentic books of the Bible.where they could have settled for a couple more just to be different from christendom and it still would have been considered a christian religion.
Bottom line is : It all depends on interpretation of what the scriptures mean by the interpretator and not what the scripture actually says .
Thats why we have over 40,000 different Christian sects nowadays and GOD is still silent ?
Is he a GOD of order or disorder ?