A happy wife makes for a happy life , I know I`ve been married for 56 years.
Well done Chook you never know the seed may take root someday
i was at my brother in laws house and seen them on opposite of road so i went and sat on brick fence ahead of their route, as they walked pasted they asked is this your house to which i responded no.
i asked what are you selling, then they showed me a tract.
my first question was to this middle aged couple was " what is the youngest age someone in your church gets baptised?
A happy wife makes for a happy life , I know I`ve been married for 56 years.
Well done Chook you never know the seed may take root someday
this latest attack in manchester u.k. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ?
and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?.
The west is sadly becoming desensitised to such acts of bastardry...Simply pretending a difficult problem doesnt exist doesnt make that problem go away.The british media were urging Britains to carry on as if nothing had happened { .How insane is that ?} How about Britain responds by targeting those responsible as well as the ideology behind the attacks ?
Its time to tackle this problem head-on and that starts with an honest discussion about the terroism threat without fear of offending those seeking to wrap themselves in the cloak of victim hood,
Yet many of our leaders opt for the head in the sand approach preferring to avoid uncomfortable truths
I have used excerpts of an an article by an Aussie journalist Rita Panahi a herald sun Columnist who was brought up I believe as a Muslim.
I think she makes a lot of sense in her articles on Islam and what the Muslim community should do to dissassociate itself from terroism and also to abolish sharia law. { These are my thoughts }
wt has always taught existing members to slowly indoctrinate new prospects - i.e., go slow with: everyone dies at armageddon, 7 men in new york are directed by god, even though they are not infallible or inspired, god owns a corporation on earth, etc.
etc.. so, one would expect a similar leadup in the bible teach book.
after the hook of an endless supermodel lifestyle, with a lakefront property and a backyard of all of your favourite zoo animals, we will be led to the importance of the seven elite.. search words: governing body, faithful and discreet slave (all variations), watch tower, watchtower.. zip, nada, nothing..
Paradise Earth comes to mind as well as Gods name in the" New testament" / "Christian Greek Scriptures" that does not contain the tetragrammaton
Then their is Organisation , Sovereignty ,or reinstatement .
How about shunning ,marking ,spiritually weak .....,I`m sure their are more.
yesterday i had my weekly "mandatory" study with an elder, and i brought up child abuse and the whole issue with reporting it to the police.
he told me that they are required to report to the police immediately, and that they never deter people from reporting anything.
may i remind you that i am from denmark.. i find this interesting, as everything i find elsewhere states quite the opposite, or atleast provides statements that does not agree with his statements.
Some countrys such as Australia have different laws for different states,some states
have mandatory reporting laws and others dont .
Thats why Geoffrey Jackson recomended Australia adopt a national mandatory law covering all states in Australia at the ARC.,taking the onus off the JW religion for not doing the right thing when morally they should have done so......1006 cases they failed to report to the Authorities over 50 years.
Where their was no mandatory law to report they didnt do so ,only where their was a mandatory law were they obliged to do so
I could never get him out of my head as "The Saint" also i didnt realise he made 7 Bond movies .
However I loved "The Saint"
RIP Roger
this latest attack in manchester u.k. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ?
and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?.
This latest attack in Manchester U.K. targeting a venue attended by mainly children and teenagers who go to a concert by their favorite singer and then to be attacked by a terroist has to be the last straw... Surely ?
22 dead at last count mainly young girls enjoying a concert of their favourite singer ? and at least 50 others suffering injuries ?
okay, that new video about 1975 has got people talking, and yes, the child abuse cases will always require us to remain vigilant...but after my having left in the late 1980s/early 1990s, it seems all the real "exciting" stuff is gone.
when i left the witnesses were still preaching that the "generation that was old enough to understand the events of 1914" will not pass away before armageddon comes.
no blood cards were our badges (not that stupid jw logo) and that card meant what it said, "no blood"!
A very interesting post David Jay ,i was a convert in 1960 and i agree that JW`s did appear to have "meat for the due seson" in those years .Beliefs /doctrines that scriptures appeared /seemed to fit the times we were living in back then.
Lets look at some of the publications that came out from about the 1950`s. (I hope my memory serves me well here)
"Jehovahs Witnesses In The Divine Purpose" a book that highlighted the developement and increase in the ranks of Jehovahs Witnesses.
" Your Will Be done On Earth " the green book dealing with Daniels prophecy that spoke of the "king of the north & the king of the south" identifying them as the USSR as the king of the north and the Anglo-American power as the king of the south. { And in those days that was a plausible explanation}
Then their was "Babylon The Great Has Fallen Gods Kingdom Rules " giving an over view of history of religion prophecying the downfall /irrelevance of religion and the vindication of Jehovahs witnesses .Not so much the ealier references but certainly the later references
If you became a witness well after these times I mention do yourself a favour and read these publications then google what was happening in those years..
If your lazy like me watch these movies. "The Bedford incident" , "Fail safe " , Dr Strange love ," On The Beach"
Or President Kennedy and The Cuba Incident .
within the organization, jehovah's witnesses know that they must be dutiful and set an example for "worldly ones" as well as for their own brotherhood.
if a witness fails in setting the proper example, they may lose some 'privileges"..... what privileges did you look to have and what privileges did you lose?
The first time I grew a beard I was told i would be setting a bad example in the congregation and that I would be viewed spiritually weak and I could not progress in the "truth"
That occured within the first 10 years of my baptism.
The second time I grew a beard was when I was a MS about another 10 years later and after a few subtle hints that I didnt take notice of I was told i would lose my "privilege`s if I didnt remove it
As I was still committed I buckled again and did rmove it still thinking they had the "truth"
In 1993 I walked away grew my beard and its been with me ever since and its going to the grave or the furnace with me.
And I can live/die with that.
i forgot my wallet and went back home to get it.
i see 25 yr old jws working the door next to me.
i attack shaking my head at them.
sparrowdown when I was still " in" over 30 years ago now a young Elder (is that an oxy moron ?) was ranting to us in a group how he got stuck into a couple of Mormons who kept coming to his door trying to talk to him
Obviously they thought he was a good "return visit" as you said "Oh the crazy irony"
Even then I thought it a bit rich for him to complain when we did it all the time.
in russia it is.
now there going to say its coming to you!
jookbeard :,what about the cry of "Peace And security ?"
That occured donkeys years ago by the United nations no less. 1Thes.5:3 in the 1980`s
and we are still here.
And we are further away from any prophecy that the JW`s ever predicted .for either the Great Tribulation or Armageddon.