: I need a NEW copy of the Watchtower's "Proclaimers" book - their Revisionist History of the Organization.
That stuff rots your brain cells, boy. It rots your braincells!
anyone out there want to work out a trade.. i need a new copy of the watchtower's "proclaimers" book - their revisionist history of the organization.. i've read that more than a few of y'all here are still hooked up with the org in different ways and some still go to kingdom hall.. well, since this book is " f r e e " , it shouldn't be a huge prob to secure a copy... and if someone can, i've got wt schtuff to trade for a new copy of "proclaimers" .. anyone wanna do a deal?.
: I need a NEW copy of the Watchtower's "Proclaimers" book - their Revisionist History of the Organization.
That stuff rots your brain cells, boy. It rots your braincells!
(entire article).
questions from readers.
in view of jehovahs willingness to forgive sins by the merit of the ransom sacrifice, why is it necessary for christians to confess to the older men in the congregation?.
: He felt that confession to God in prayer was enough, but clearly it was not, for he experienced feelings similar to King David’s. (Psalm 51:8, 11) How much better to accept the loving assistance that Jehovah provides through the elders!
Translation: God ain't big enough to handle the problem, but needs the assistance of uneducated window washers appointed by a lying religious printing corporation to help him out.
Makes perfect sense to me!
Uh, which edition of "Harp" would that be, Tom? The first edition? Or the second edition which contradicted a bunch of stuff in the first edition? Or would it be the third edition was contradicted a bunch of stuff in BOTH the first and second editions and was almost like another book?
I need salvation, so I "gots ta know" the answer here!
i was thinking (as i am wont to do) while driving this weekend, about god killing 279 million americans of the us kind at the big a. it is hypothetical, but something the 900,000 jws here in us believe.
is god so cruel that along with all the people he is going to kill all their pets too?
after all with 50 million households or more, most of which have at least a dog or a cat, (many one or more of each, plus fish, birds, snakes and whatever) who will care for all those animals once the people are zapped.
When in doubt about God's "plan," take a lesson from His history with man: the more killing the better. Therefore, all the beloved and pampered household pets, expensive racehorses, exotic talking parrots, pet chimps and other apes, elephants, llamas, amazingly brilliant and docile orcas in water parks and a whole host of other wonderful critters will be toast.
) the sydney bbq will be held next sunday, may 27th.. some may appreciate some instruction in the aussie language, so each day look here for a lesson in strine (that's australian language).. 1. at the bbq, if someone asks you: "wanna cuppa?
" they mean "would you care for some tea?".
simple, eh?
How long do you think it would take me to become "true blue?" Could I possibly make that rank before they tar, feather and then execute me?
Farkel, a Cheeky Galah and proud of it
guys i'm happy to report that the following authors have graduated from the goo's apostates apostate dont feed the trolls training academy:.
mummy .
I'm glad you didn't matriculate me. I don't accept certificates from a pair of lips. Don't know where those lips have been.
didn't find an appropriate forum for this unique perspective:.
'our planet spends billions on searching for extraterrestrial life.
have they never thought seriously about the question: what would happen if we found it, or if it found us.
: Any advanced extraterrestrials who discovered us would surely treat us in the same way.
That conclusion only follows inductively based upon a single set of reference. Your use of the word "surely" is therefore a big overstatement based upon the evidence, and lack of it.
I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but I am saying it is not a logically sound conclusion.
what we would like to see on the program hehehehe .
1. musical interlude (led zepplin, kiss, and selections from britney spears for the youf and barry manilows greatest hits).
2. kingdoom melodies selection (stand up adjust your shorts for the long haul, brothers...we hope you remembered the preparation h).
Your stuff is good! Really good!
i just recieved this today and thought i'd post it!.
a friend heard (already hearsay, right?
) that the wt society is thinking about or is already in the process of setting up a college.
: Fact is, they don't have enough educated people in their 6 million members to set up an accredited college.
They don't have enough educated people in their 6 million members to set up your basic grade school.
for the majority of humans, certain events are surrounded by tradition and ritual.
marriage, the birth of children, entrance into adulthood, and death are all life-events which will be marked by most with a form of religious ceremony.
for the few who have left off affiliation with a religious organization, these events are marked differently - more by tradition than by mystic ritual.
: I'd like to know: if any of you could choose your funeral service, what would you decide? Perhaps you have already made arrangements...if so, would you share them?
I've already got that part figured out. I simply won't show up for mine. No one else will, either, so it's perfect!