I no longer have my 1969 edition KIT (or 1985 for that matter), but I'm very curious as to how the literal English sublinear beneath the Westcott and Hort Greek Text translates the words "aion" and "aionios." The NWT usually idiotically translates as "system of things" when in actuality "aion" means "eon" or "age" and "aionios" means everlasting, eternal, and according to some translations such as Young's Literal and the Concordant Version "age lasting" and "eonian."
Here are some verses to look up to let me know how the KIT translates the above Koine Greek terms: Matthew 13:39,40,49,28:20
Thanks very much!
JoinedPosts by FireNBandits
A Question About The Kingdom Interlinear Translation
by FireNBandits ini no longer have my 1969 edition kit (or 1985 for that matter), but i'm very curious as to how the literal english sublinear beneath the westcott and hort greek text translates the words "aion" and "aionios.
" the nwt usually idiotically translates as "system of things" when in actuality "aion" means "eon" or "age" and "aionios" means everlasting, eternal, and according to some translations such as young's literal and the concordant version "age lasting" and "eonian.
here are some verses to look up to let me know how the kit translates the above koine greek terms: matthew 13:39,40,49,28:20 .
The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures in pdf format?
by IndependantThinker ini've spent the last 2 months listening to talks of former and current jw's, reading, using the wt cd, going through my collection of watchtowers from 1879-1947 (which i do have on .pdf if anyone is interested) and books i've managed to not lose in many moves since 1964.. is there a .pdf of the 1969 the kingdominterlineartranslationofthegreekscriptures anywhere?
i got one as a gift in 1969 when was a little girl and after going through many boxes of publications i can't find mine.
i need it to collaberate some things i have heard and unless i can read it for myself i can't take someone else's "saying" that the kit says something.
I tried this link but it no longer works. Any idea where I might find the 1969 edition of the KIT online? PDF would be great, but evn just posted on a site would be very good. (Yes I did try Google) Thank you very much.
Martin -
How do I get my file from the Congregation I used to attend?
by QuestioningEverything inyears ago, i was df'd-then reinstated.
is it possible to get my file and all of the personal information obtained it in from the congregation.
i recently was informed that those are kept on the kh premises and others may occassionally have access to them.
Set fire to the outside of whatever part of the KH is closest to where you think the file is. In the ensuing pandemonium, be the brave brother who rescues the precious files. While all the noise and commotion is going on, find your file and leave. Or you could hire a couple of gigantic hairy smelly thugs to lean on your PO to cough up the files. Or you could burglarize the KH. Or, you could bribe one of the elders with money or sexual favors.
Realistically speaking, I don't see any way to get the files other than to hire an attorney or just "let it go" as I did.
Saint Martin the Bloviate -
What means "poor in spirit"?
by cameo-d indoes poor in spirit mean you are lacking something?.
why is "poor in spirit" a qualification to "see god"?.
It means your ghost is broke and looking for a handout.
Actually my own on-the-spot hyper-literal translation from the Koine Greek manuscript (photocopy) I'm looking at would be "Happy the spirit the poor to theirs is the kingdom of the heavens." (Greek is in no way related to English and the two share very little in common grammatcally.)
"Basilea ouranos" (kingdom of the heavens) is simply another term for "basilea theou" (kingdom of God) for they're used interchangably from one synoptic to another.
I think the verse was written to comfort poor people so they wouldn't rise up in revolt against the rich. Religion has always placated, mollified, and pacified the masses of poor, which most humans are and always have been. Or else all I have to be is dirt broke and I'll "see God." Some people interpret the so-called Sermon on the Mount dispensationally and say this applies to Christs future literal rule of the earth from Jerusalem. Why there would be poor people in a Theocracy is beyond me, but dispensationalists are masters of blarney. Others say this is a moral code for the here-and-now follower of Christ. This is why many become "monos" and have lived alone in a forest, desert, or cave so they could be poor and better commune with God.We call them "monks." (Or nuns in the case of the Western churches. Male and female renunicates of the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church are both referred to as monks because "monk" is derived from "monos" which simply means "one" as in mono-theism or one-Godism.)
Take your pick, do some study, it pretty much means what you want it to mean. That's one of the main reasons there are about 35,000 Christian sects registered with the IRS. Start your own and slurp some of the gravy.
Saint Martin the Bold -
Is this new theocratic warfare?
by kzjw injust go with it if it's what you wanted....tell her she can touch you again.. otherwise you may end up like me in my marriage hugging the dogs for some affection.....sad!.
Yeah man, just go with it and reward her positive behavior!
Martin -
Oh my Prophet has a first name
it's J-O-S-E-P-H
Oh my prophet has a second name
it's S-M-I-T-H
Oh I love to praise him every day
and if you ask me why I'll saaaaaaaayyyyy
Cuz prophet Joseph has a way
with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!-Saint Martin the Flatulent
Last of the 1914 generation!
by JWdaughter inhttp://www.thenews-messenger.com/article/20081105/obituaries/811050350 .
i saw this obit of an elder in a jw congregation.
he was born on aug. 8, 1914 and recently passed away.
OBVIOUSLY YOU HAVEN'T RECEIVED THE NEW LIGHT! "A wicked and adulterous GENERATION seeks a sign." THATS what Jesus meant by his use of "genea" (generation) not a LITERAL generation! It's, like, way kewl and stuff, when, like, reality is only a theory and stuff, and everything is, like, totally up for grabs and stuff, you know? Gotta PLOW now!
Martin -
Defence of watchtower society Links
by reniaa ini thought long and hard before making this thread, that many will not agree with it but i think there needs to be balance and people to realise there are alternate viewpoints out there on many of these subjects, the ones that are most spoke about on this forum.
i was recently sent a full message containing mary's book and these links give the rebuttal to many of her points.
those that are still open-minded enough feel free to look over them even if in the end you still don't agree at least you have heard both the defence as well as the attack as they are on the internet.
Just as the rest of the folks here, I'm a former JW who was put through Sheol and Hades COMBINED in my sojourn with the Watertower Bait and Tackle Shop. I don't need any third opinions or defenses of the WTBTS or the GB or the NWT or GFB (Great Flaming Baalzebub) or anything else. *Blech*
They're the sneakiest bunch of lying slithering snakes in the grass I've encountered in my well over half a century of life.
Martin -
Did the WTS with all it's lies take away your interest in the Bible?
by RULES & REGULATIONS instill interested .
still read .
still study .
I still have an abiding interest in the "Bible" the sacred scriptures of my culture. It's different now, of course. Now I know the Great Whore of Babylon really IS a great whore because I'm one of her clients.
Martin -
IT is not true that members of the Jehovah's Witnesses do not vote.
by fokyc injehovah's witnesses do vote in ghana .
they do, nathaniel gbedemah, of the public affairs department at the group's headquarters in accra.
You'd be amazed at the damage we can do to the WTBTS if all of us picked a date and time--coordinating various times zones--so that for fifteen minutes on that one day we all sent out our most negative vibes while visualizing a watchtower collapsing. Somehow, this mojo works. The more people involved, the stronger it is, and it has to simultaneous. If we did this once a month as a group the sect would collapse and be gone in a year or two. Guaranteed within a month you'd all be "believers" in the power of mind over matter.