Thanks for the great replies!
I beat all of you guys . . . left the borg (2nd time and for good) at 44, I got my BS Telecommunications at 49 from SUNY. Currently working towards a MS Mathematics at 54!
Peace \/
a few weeks ago an elder from my old congregation stopped by (although a real company man, he is "a good cop" one) to invite me to the (anti)memorial.
frankly i was surprised to see an edler at my home .
have had some interesting confrontations with others on my porch .
Thanks for the great replies!
I beat all of you guys . . . left the borg (2nd time and for good) at 44, I got my BS Telecommunications at 49 from SUNY. Currently working towards a MS Mathematics at 54!
Peace \/
a few weeks ago an elder from my old congregation stopped by (although a real company man, he is "a good cop" one) to invite me to the (anti)memorial.
frankly i was surprised to see an edler at my home .
have had some interesting confrontations with others on my porch .
A few weeks ago an elder from my old congregation stopped by (although a real company man, he is "a good cop" one) to invite me to the (anti)memorial. Frankly I was surprised to see an edler at my home . . have had some interesting confrontations with others on my porch . . .
Anyway he was there with his stepdaughter, a pretty 17 yr old young lady. When he went to his car to get a tract I asked her about school. She is graduationg HS this month with honors. Then I asked her "So, where are you going to college?", she surprised me by saying that she is going on to a good local community college. I told her that that was "Wonderful! A good education is very important!, be sure to go on to a 4 year shool and get your Bachelors". She agreed with me, then her stepdad came back and she changed the subject. I could definately sense that she considered this a sensitive topic around her stepdad.
Anyway, although I had a hard time dealing with the "Kult Platitudes" it was worth it for my revealing 30 second conversation with the young lady. Step dad a robot elder (menial part time laborer), mother a pioneer. Knowing them like I do, this young lady is fighting tooth and nail for her advanced education.
is the watchtower society secretly a little embarrassed by its shunning / disfellowshipping policy.. i haven't seen much in the way of instructions on how to deal with the 'lliving dead' in the watchtower and awake magazines in the last few years.
they tend to talk about df'd persons as 'choosing a course of life that leads to df ing rather than that harsh nitty gritty of how to treat or rather mistreat such people.. is this mistreatment only discussed in the kingdom ministry pamphlets now and deliberately kept hush hush?.
i should imagine the high mortatlity rate due to df ing leading to suicides could be very embarrassing for the organization..
I feel that the new "Members (ingoodstanding) Only" edition of the Watchtower magazine will be the new platform for such things. That is where they will be able to discuss these things hidden from the light of day.
hey guys,.
if some of you have the time and resources, could you help me with two statements of the wt:.
somewhere...i only read these two ideas once....the society said two things:.
Garybuss, that's priceless. I'll have to remember that one . . .
a friend/co-worker of mine who is an inactive dub told me today that the old hall i went to is getting a new roof.
however, he was upset because only "special" people are being allowed to work on it (himself not included, nor his active, in good-standing father).
it seems you have to be "invited" to work on your own kingdom hall roof now.
Scully, the sign was not that bad, i think there were two letters gone, one on each side.
Funny thing, it was fixed within a few days, but not by me. It had been like that for over a year.
BTW, this same nut picked me up on a Saturday to take me to my first kwikbild. I had a tshirt on that had a Fender Stratocaster on it (I play guitar, subject of even more interesting threads . . .) He freaked, said i could not wear a shirt with worldly logo's on it. So we detoured to a locall store and I bought a frikkin plain tshirt. When we got to the qwikbuild I noticed immediately that the 3 sons of the most prominent elder in CNY (And head of the KwikBild commitee) had Heinekin, Van Halen, and NY Yankees tshirts on, I remember this distinctly because it screamed at me louder than the sign thing. . Then I noticed that I was just about the only one who actually had a tshirt on with no logo's of anysort. I felt like a maroon.
theres yer sign . .
a friend/co-worker of mine who is an inactive dub told me today that the old hall i went to is getting a new roof.
however, he was upset because only "special" people are being allowed to work on it (himself not included, nor his active, in good-standing father).
it seems you have to be "invited" to work on your own kingdom hall roof now.
"How did he justify that scripturally ???"
He didn't. He just said something like "You just can't take it upon yourself to do this sort of thing"
I could write threads all day about this guy, typical control freak mutt. One time he refused to study with me when I would not underline the answere in the study book, he just got up and left. I explained that I did not like to deface a book because I had a revence for them, and that he could be sure that I was prepared (I had handwritten notes with me every study) it was all about control. I think he was a closet case because he quite often mentioned how many times homosexuals hit on him. BC, if you are reading this . F**k You.
Wish I had time to post as much as some of you, I have some really good stories about these freaks.
Hope I didn't hijack this thread.
peace \/
a friend/co-worker of mine who is an inactive dub told me today that the old hall i went to is getting a new roof.
however, he was upset because only "special" people are being allowed to work on it (himself not included, nor his active, in good-standing father).
it seems you have to be "invited" to work on your own kingdom hall roof now.
I had a similar thing happen back in the Oneida, NY congregation.
It was one of a number of things that screamed to me that there is something fundamentaly wrong with the group-think in this organization.
The sign out front was one of those wooden ones with wooden letters cut out and tacked on. A nice looking sign except it was in pretty bad shape and some letters were missing.
I was new and eager and being a handy guy with previous signmaking experience, and concerned with the "witless" that our shoddy sign was giving I took it upon myself to anonymously rectify the situation. It would only take seconds to measure the letter size on the sign and determine the font, then home to cut & stain the plywood letters, then maybe 10 minutes back onsite to attach the missing letters. Easy to remain anonymous and do a good deed right? Wrong.
I don't to this day know how, but someone saw me measuring the letters (this was on a weekday about 11:00AM), called one of the elders (I will NOT capitalize that term) and while I was home cutting the new letters THE uberfine elder shows up at my house. You would have thought I was caught giving Beelzebub himself a BJ on the stage at the KH. That guy ripped a chunk off me about running ahead, gods org doesn't do thing like this etc. . . I was crushed and humiliated. Just one of the many incidents that make up the whole of why they are nothing but a heartless Kult.
I have MANY similar examples but they need their own threads.
what proactive things have you done [or intend to do] to warn others about the cult you have escaped?
the unfortunate fact of life is that we tend to look only at our own personal benefits from leaving the cult if not careful.
or we give up after a failed attempt.
I belong to Toastmasters International. My employer sponsors us in it because it does make for excellent presentaion skills.
My very first speech was entitled "When I was 7 Years Old I was Placed in A Box, I spent 37 Years in That Box, I have Recently Gotten Out". It was about my experience growing up in and getting away from the cult. It was supposed to go 7 to 8 minutes but I went over 16, with no protests. The district President was there ands he hounded me for months to take this speech on the Toastmasters Competition circuit, but I declined because at that tme, 2 years ago, it was too raw and emotional for me to do so. I am seriously considering taking it on the road with Toastmasters.
The District Pres said it was a shoe-in for the regional championship (NY including Rochester, Syracuse, Albany) . .
I used an essay I did at SUNY IT back in '99 for a scholarship for disadvantaged students (didn't win but got an honorable mention, I guess being caucasion, 49 and a full time student, no job, and out of options wasn't what they were looking for :0\ )
Peace and out \/
what proactive things have you done [or intend to do] to warn others about the cult you have escaped?
the unfortunate fact of life is that we tend to look only at our own personal benefits from leaving the cult if not careful.
or we give up after a failed attempt.
I belong to Toastmasters Int