I've been on this site for a bit and I find it very informative. I've got a request and was wondering if anyone would be up for it. For all of those that have questions you'd love to ask a current JW, would you go to www.answerbag.com and post your question in the Jehovah's Witness category. Even if you've got proof that highlights WT error, just put it in the form of a question and see how current believers answer it! I would love your help! God Bless!
Posts by Vice
Helping those trapped in the WT!
by Vice ini've been on this site for a bit and i find it very informative.
i've got a request and was wondering if anyone would be up for it.
for all of those that have questions you'd love to ask a current jw, would you go to www.answerbag.com and post your question in the jehovah's witness category.
..If I went "Back to the Kingdom Hall"..
by OUTLAW inif i went back to the kingdom hall there would be no windows..lol!
!..and..many doctrines,i could no longer preach.i would be reprimanded,reproved or disfellowshipped for it!..doctrines we were told to preach,straight from god,given to us by the wbt$ are no longer valid.the wbt$ says so.......i left in 1974.i couldn`t preach "armageddon by 1975"..most jehovah`s witness`s will tell you wbt$ never made that prediction.although wbt$ liturature says otherwise....."jehovah`s witness will be the only ones who survive armageddon".now,no one knows....."jehovah`s witness`s can`t take blood transfusions".now they can use blood factions....."religion has no place with worldly organizations".the wbt$ had an assosiation with the united nations-ngo..make a big deal about that and you "will" be disfellowshipped!.....
"the generation of 1914 will not pass away.
Hello All,
I love this message board. I just wanted to ask if any of you would like to go to www.answerbag.com and post questions in the Jehovah's Witness category? I've got some hard core JW's trying to fight the fact that they're wrong, and it's very sad. I didn't know if any of you would have anything else you would like to share. Just "pose as a question" on this question / answer site? My profile is ViceGrip and there are a few WT indoctrinated people getting mad at what I'm doing. I state facts in the form of questions, so that maybe I can free some of these JW's on the site from the WT. Even if you just logged on and left a "good" question that they can't answer. That would be awesome! Any help would be much appreciated. God Bless!
The Whole WTS is a corrupt bunch of lying false prophets!!
by cultswatter inthis topic has been talked about before but it is worth mentioning again.
the revelation grand climax book is currently being studied ar the book studies world wide (4th time) usually on tuesday nights.
at the book study the jws are force fed false doctrine by the wts evil slave class.
I would like to add that apostate is given such a bad rap. JW's realize that if they convert a Catholic, Methodist, Buddist, Muslim into the organization, then the have apostates among them. You are so correct about the lies, and I feel for the lost souls in this cult! The focus of faith is on Jesus Christ who taught unconditional love and salvation by grace alone and not works so that no one may boast! This organization teaches conditional love (do x,y, and z and we'll love you), and salvation by works! This is NOT the message of Christ!
I need HELP and INPUT!!!!!
by webmustang ini need to know something and i need help finding out the truth:.
if i retired from military as pharmacist, before becoming a witness and receive pension every month + benefits, is it contradictory with witnesses not being part of military?.
should i give up my pension to be in tune and harmony with our beliefs?.
"I am not under some spell or what not and if I am, well I really LOVE it," What do you really love about it? Is it the part where you unquestioningly take in what is told to you as 'truth'. You openly admit that even if you are under a spell, you wouldn't care, because you 'love it'? We all love sin too, but that doesn't make it right! There is so much you don't know! For starters the WT teaches that Jerusalem fell in 607 B.C.. and claim that off this date they determined Christ's return in 1914! Jerusalem fell in 586 B.C.! That throws everything off, and makes this a false prophecy! Do you still not care, and chose to look past what the Bible says to flee from, because you LOVE it? How many false prophecies do you need to see that this organization is not of God? But, lets not forget; even if it's wrong, you LOVE IT?! I wouldn't be worried so much about your pension and be more worried about this cult!
I need HELP and INPUT!!!!!
by webmustang ini need to know something and i need help finding out the truth:.
if i retired from military as pharmacist, before becoming a witness and receive pension every month + benefits, is it contradictory with witnesses not being part of military?.
should i give up my pension to be in tune and harmony with our beliefs?.
The Watchtower Owned Warfare Technology! The Watchtower Secretly Owned 50% stock in Rand Cam. When it was made public they quietly sold. You should write your headquarters if you feel it's not right. They made profit off of war! What about their involvement in the UN? They contradict themselves all the time.
Wanted: Outrageous WT Qotes
by Gerard ini post regularly in an international web-based group regarding the sport i do.
one of the group members is a jw and always signs his posts with: "that people may know that you, whose name is jehovah, you alone are the most high over all the earth.
i kindly asked him three times to stop his preaching in our sports forum but he persists.
This is one of the JW's favorite language experts they like to quote in favor of the poor translation of the NWT!
Dr. BeDuhn makes note, "I am sure you are aware of historical objections to the (re)insertion of 'Jehovah'' into the (NWT) translation. Of course, no Greek Gospel manuscripts support this, but I will not quibble with you about that".
- or use Php 2:9 "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow," NIV (don't let him try and correct you and say there should be the word [other] 'in brackets' between every - name. They put brackets around it because they know it doesn't belong there. Just like in Col 1:16-17 they add [other] to try and lessen Jesus' divinity, but there is no Greek scripture anywhere that has this word "other" in it. It doesn't belong in there. They add a word and say it makes the reading smoother, when in actuality it alters the meaning.)
- (New World Translation, 1950 ed., 1961 ed., 1970 ed.)
Hebrews 1:6 says - "But when He again brings his First-born into the inhabited earth, he says: 'And let all God's angels WORSHIP him' ."
(New World Translation, 1984 ed.)
Hebrews 1:6 says - “But when he again brings his First-born into the inhabited earth, he says: ‘And let all God’s angels DO OBEISANCE TO him’.” - 1898 - "Question … Was he really worshipped, or is the translation faulty? Answer. Yes, we believe our Lord while on earth was really worshipped, and properly so … It was proper for our Lord to receive worship …" (Watchtower Reprints, July 15, 1898).
(they stopped worshipping Jesus in the 1950's and say it is wrong to do so now. Doctrine flip flop. Light getting dimmer!) The WatchTower says that the fall of Jerusalem was in 607 B.C. and conclude from that date that Jesus returned in 1914A.D. Any credible source will tell you that Jerusalem fell in 586 B.C.. The date 607 is needed for their prophesied return of Christ, in 1914. Way off! (This is known as false prophecy!)
Ask about the 2nd president "Judge" Rutherford deeding the "House of the Princes" to King David, Gedeon, Barak,and others in the TIME article of March 31, 1930, California Cults! (This is known as false prophecy!)
Ask about the founding president, Charles Taze Russell's Pyramid Theory! He used measurements of pyramid tunnel passage ways in inches to make prophecies. Not only were his measurements wrong, but the dates he mentioned came and passed without being fulfilled! (This is known as false prophecy!)
Make your signature - Isa 44:24 Jehovah says "I, Jehovah, am stretching out the heavens BY MYSELF, laying out the earth" Heb 1:10 Jesus laid the foundations of the earth itself, and the heavens are the works of His hands?
Use the NWT's terrible translation of Amos 4:11 "I caused an overthrow among you people, like God's overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah" is the utterance of Jehovah. So the WT has Two Gods?
You could always ask or post something about Johannes Greber being a spirit medium and the influence He had on current JW theology. Just type him in a search engine and you'll see.
There are so many. I hope this helped a little. God Bless!
Something I will never understand is how a blood transfusion is the same as ingesting blood. If you ingest blood, your body will chemically convert the blood into energy. When you get a blood transfusion, the blood stays blood and your body uses it as a vehicle to deliver oxygen to the body. Two totally different things! They didn't have blood transfusions in the OT! It is different!
Convince me
by Liza ini am highly considering becoming a jehovah's witness.
i have been raised in the congregration, but left it when i was a child because my mom left too, but we still retatined the core belifs including the ressurection and the blasphemous pagan influence on mainstream churches.
my mom has recently returned to the congregation, and it has helped her a lot.
It boggles my mind that some people on here try to defend the JW mentality. There is enough material on this site to topple the entire JW organization and yet it still goes on. I am learning that you can't help people like this "Fred" guy, with real conversation and debate, if they like the flavor of the WT kool-aid. Fred likes to think logically, then I'll give him some "logic": Eph 4:4-6 "there is one God and one Lord" If Jesus isn't God then God isn't Lord. Anything and everything in existence can be tested whether is it true God or False god with a simple question. Man is referred to as god. So would man be true god or false god? Satan is called god. Would Satan be true god or false god? Some people view, and put material things in place of god, i.e. money. Is money true god or false god? What does the bible say about false gods that exist both in the imaginary and material world? Turn and flee. Don't pay them any attention. Jesus is referred to as God many times throughout the Bible. Is Jesus True God or false god? There is no in-between answer. It is black and white, clear-cut, one or the other. If your answer is false god, then you've got big problems. The message of the bible is that Jesus had two natures, with each being 100%. He was 100% God, and 100% man. JW’s are good at pointing out His human nature, but where the Bible speaks of His divine nature, they either change or add words to their own translation (NWT:Needless Waste of Time) to lessen His position. When you try to demote Jesus and His position, remember that He limited himself so He could be the perfect sacrifice Php 2:7-8. Who is the Almighty Jehovah in Rev1:7,4:8? Who is the one coming? Jesus. Who is the Alpha and Omega, First and the Last? Both God (Isa44:6) and Jesus(Rev22:13) are called this. They share so many names that can only apply to God (Light, creator, judge, savior, rock, “I AM”, Lord of lords and King of kings). If you can’t see it, then you should pray to the Lord to open your eyes and your heart, that you may see His message and feel His love! Why did the organization worship Jesus until the mid 1950's, and all the sudden decide that it wasn't appropriate and that He isn't worthy of worship? Bad light isn’t from God, and isn’t light at all. Then who could it be from? Someone trying to muddy up the gospel? Type into your favorite search engine: Johannes Greber, and see how he and his wife being spirit mediums affected the doctrine and translation of the NWT, that JW's have today. God Bless!
John 1:3
by VanillaMocha73 inhow do jw's get around this verse?
john 1:3 - "3through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
" i honestly can't remember and can't find anything in the pubs that deals with it.
Ok unbaptized. Easy as 1,2,3 huh?
You ready for this?
- Where does the bible say that Jesus was created? (if you say because He is called firstborn, then one has to ask, why is David called firstborn in Psalm 89:27, and Ephraim called firstborn in Jer 31:9 (ref. Gen 41:50-52), when they were both younger than their siblings? Maybe because firstborn doesn't mean frist created in this context, but it gives a status or title, meaning heir to everything.)
- Why does Jehovah say he is doing everything, "stretching out the heavens by myself, laying out the earth(Isa44:24,Ps102:25-27); when in the NT it is recorded that Jesus did it all(Col1:16,Heb1:10-12)?
- If Jehovah resurrected Jesus, then why did Jesus say "Break down this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."Joh2:19
Problems arise when finite minds try to simplify and contain an infinite God! When one uses the context of the whole Bible and not just bits and pieces of the message, things are made clearer and it turns out to be not as easy as 1,2,3. God is not simple and the message is not easy, but it has been recorded, and He teaches us who He is! We have to ask ourselves if we truly want to know Him, and seek Him, outside of our head and focus solely on our Heart! We must use context, and not proof-text.
Doctrine flip flops
by reneeisorym incan you guys give me some examples of some of the flickers of light?
a jw threw the "the light gets brighter" thing at me and i want to ask what it means when they flip flop between yes and no on issues.
I got the same response from my father in law! It seems every JW I talk to says the exact same thing, word for word. He said he too had doubts at one time and he did his research and everything he found only strengthened his belief. ( I want to know what WT suggested material he did his research from!) I wanted to, and will mention one day that the whole "light has never been brighter" remark is kinda humorous, just because I've heard it so much. The ironic thing is true light should build upon light if it is going to be brighter. If new light extinguishes old light, then it was never light to begin. It should raise the question of how was it ever considered "light" in the first place. If the new doctrine does a total 180, then the old "light" was not of God. The lights not brighter, it's that the bug zapper is closer.