The second Psalm immediately springs to mind.
JoinedPosts by ProdigalSon
Question about the Word and the Son
by wannabefree inmy question ... is the word of god ever referred to as the son in present or past tense in the old testament?
i realize prophetically god was to send a son.
but before the word emptied himself and was born from woman, was he referred to as the son?
Gentle JESUS, meek and mild . . .
by nicolaou inokay, this is a subjective choice of scriptures but i'm throwing them out here for discussion.
what do these texts tell us about jesus?
remember, this is jesus in his own words!.
These apparently contradictory teachings of Christ can only make sense from a higher spiritual standpoint, one that is not of "this world". The teachings of all the world's greatest Masters focus on not being overly attached to the material world and the present physical life. That is not to say that life should not be treated as valuable and precious while we are here, because we can do great work and evolve much faster on this level than higher ones, but Jesus is reminding us that we are much more than what we appear to be while we are trapped in our physical bodies. There will come a day when we will have to face death, and that means giving up one's family and friends, at least on this material plane. Since we are all one (John 17), the greater reality is that we are not separate from others or from God, it's only an illusion that causes much of our suffering.
I would recommend reading "The Third Jesus" by Deepak Chopra, it really puts Jesus' troublesome sayings into a very sensible perspective.
Demons and the WTS
by brotherdan ini remember growing up and hearing all sorts of stories about demonic activity from people.
some would be experiences that people had going door to door and visiting a "witch" or "warlock".
some would inadvertently go to a fortune tellers door and have a demonic experience.. i was always facinated by all the stories.
Consciousness is energy, and new research is showing that it can exist outside the near-death experiences. Sometimes, that energy hangs around awhile after someone dies, usually when the circumstances left a lot of unfinished life business for the person. In other words they are stuck, in "Poltergeist". The little lady that was in the movie was a "soul retriever"....they intervene in the psychic realm to let the spirit know that it can move release it.
Now that the Russians have better things to do than building nuclear missiles, they're making some interesting discoveries about human DNA
Matt. 17:20 "For truly I say to YOU, If YOU have faith the size of a mustard grain, YOU will say to this mountain, ‘Transfer from here to there,’ and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for YOU."
Can Spirituality Bridge the Science-Religion Divide?
by leavingwt incan spirituality bridge the divide between science and religion?.
writing in usa today, chris mooney argues that it can.. .
spirituality can bridge science-religion divide.
If we're talking about mainstream science, forget it. If you're an aspiring scientist in college, anything even slightly mystical in your research papers and you'll be expelled. If you ARE a scientist, you'll be blackballed. If we're talking about metaphysical science, then that IS spirituality.
The good news is, things are changing, slowly but surely, as more and more people become aware of a higher reality, just like my dog is aware of higher pitched sounds and the scent of a female dog a half mile away.
How did Jehovah's Witnesses come to use the phrase: New Light?
by Terry inin the middle of the 18th century in america, a crisis of faith arose.. traditional belief about the destiny of christians in the new world had been tested and proved false.
instead of spreading a pure and just society across north america which the whole world would see and hold in great esteem, everything was chaos, controversy and opposition!.
puritans, congregationalists, baptist, catholics hated each other even though christ was the center of their very worship!!.
I always thought they got the phrase from Proverbs 4:18....
"But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established."
What saves us from death?
by Quentin interry and i were able to get togather today for a pleasent visit.
we disscussed a number of things.
one thing we talked about was "near misses" we experienced over the years.
Sometimes the "Higher Self" looks out for us, because it can see what's coming and in subtle ways it will guide us to do something to prevent these disasters. Some may call it their "guardian angel". There are way too many stories like these for there to be nothing to it but co-incidence and random. There is an entire field of study on this called "Synchronicity".
Can You Now Clearly See That You Were In A Cult?
by minimus inthe longer away from "the truth", the easier it is to see that i was in a "cult"..
The GB members, like any underbosses, most certainly know that they are not in control. They follow the orders of the Illuminati Satanists that pull the strings from outside the organization. In return for these frontman services, they are allowed to keep living.
Help me...
by rafreuter ini wish this weren't the way i greeted the board.
i've been lurking here for about 2 years now, but was unable to really interact because of limitations of my ipod browser (you can't post from there) and the parental controls on my computer.. .
well 2 years later, i'm a big boy, turned 18 and moved out.
Raf, first of all, welcome. You are right in your assessment that homosexuality is not a choice. The Bible was written by men who had ideas about God, and they put their own emotions into His mind. Those emotions come from a place of ignorance, a misunderstanding of the grand scheme of things, which is the complete spiritual evolution of man. With each life that we experience, we grow, we evolve, we learn lessons that we take with us to the next life, where we can work on new challenges. We are all in this way contributing to the Book of Life. When it is finished, man will be reunited with his Creator, and we will all have had a part in it.
That being said, and since this is such a delicate subject, please allow me to refer you to one of my favorite spiritual guides...
QUESTION:Dear Kryon: Regarding homosexuality or transsexuals. WHY are they the way they are and WHY are they not accepted in mainstream society?
ANSWER: [From the Kryon Office]
There is often a tremendous amount of information on subjects that are not necessarily part of the on-line magazine Q&A database. Kryon has been channelling for fourteen years, with 9 books covering many, many topics. Homosexuality was one of them from the very beginning. Please see our "Books index page" for subjects contained in the Kryon books: []
An excerpt from Kryon Book 6, page 306
Question from the book: Dear Kryon, I am gay, and an enlightened man. I live in an American society that barely tolerates me, and actually has some laws against my way of life. The church I used to belong to cast me out as being evil and anti-God. I don't feel that I am violating some Human ethic. My love is as true as any heterosexual, and I am a light worker. Tell me what I should know.
Answer from the book: Dear one, less than two generations from now, there will be those who find this book and laugh at the quaintness of this very question. Before I answer, let me ask you and those reading this to examine a phenomenon about Human society and "God."
Thirty years ago, interracial marriage was considered to be wrong by the laws of God. Now your society finds it common. The spiritual objections around it were either dropped or "rewritten" by those divinely inspired and authorized to do so. Therefore, your actual interpretations of the instructions from God changed with your society's tolerance level--an interesting thing, indeed, how the interpretations of God seem to change regularly to match a changing culture!
The truth, of course, is that you find yourself in a situation that is known to create a test for you. Right now, in this time, you have agreed to come into your culture with an attribute that may alienate you from friends and religious followers. You have faced fear of rejection and have had to "swim upstream," so to speak, just as an everyday life occurrence. Your contract, therefore, has been set up well, and you are in the middle of it. Additionally, like so many like you, you have a divine interest in yourselves! You feel part of the spiritual family. What a dichotomy indeed, to be judged as evil by those who are the high spiritual leaders--interpreting God for today's culture.
Now I say this: What is your intent? Is it to walk with love for all those around you and become an enlightened Human Being in this New Age? Is it to forgive those who see you as a spiritual blight on society? Can you have the kind of tolerance for them that they seem not to have for you? Can you overlook the fact that they freely quote their scriptures in order to condemn you, yet they don't seem to have the love tolerance that is the cornerstone of their own message?
If the answer is yes, then there is nothing else you must do. Your INTENT is everything, and your life will be honored with peace over those who would cause unrest, and tolerance for the intolerable. Your sexual attributes are simply chemistry and setups within your DNA. They are given by agreement as gifts for you to experience in this life. Look on them in this fashion, and be comfortable with that fact that you are a perfect spiritual creation under God--loved beyond measure--just like all humans. But then you know that, don't you? -
Christians: Do you believe Jesus is the only way?
by sabastious ini was walking around town and a guy on a bike comes up to and shoves a cardboard bum sign in my face with "jesus is the only way" written in classy sharpy marker.. check out this scripture:.
john 14: 6 - jesus answered, "i am the way and the truth and the life.
no one comes to the father except through me.. according to this scripture the guy's sharpy message was correct.. do you believe this message?.
The "Christ" is an energy, just like God is an energy, which Jesus incarnated completely. He was a FULLY awakened individual and experienced total ONENESS with the Father. So he was referring to himself as the "CHRIST" because up until right now NO ONE has incarnated this energy and awakened to such a level. Not even Buddha.
Einstein said we use two percent or our brain...this goes hand in hand with the Gnostics and New Agers who say we are 97 percent asleep. "Christ" is not a physical man, it means "Anointed One" so Jesus was not talking about "himself", as he is not the only Christ! Even the scriptures say that there are 144,000 Christs, and even the Watchtower speaks in such terms of the "Anointed" among them. If it is presented in the scriptures in such a way where it is dogmatically referring to Jesus the man, the we have to keep in mind that this Bible as we have it came out of Nicea, where it was carefully fabricated to deceive the world over the course of 18 months. This is not the word of God! They had an ecumenical religion to force upon the world that would empower them to dominate it. As THEIR story goes, Jesus was not only the CHRIST but he was GOD TOO!!
I think the truth is pretty obvious folks, but hey that's just me and my crazy intuition.
"Shadenfreude" is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others
by ini have only resently come across his german loanword, but it has become my new favourite word.
we don't have an english equvalent, but it sums up so joyously what i feel everytime i hear some misfortune regarding jw organisation.. am i bitter & twisted???
I came across that word recently also.... you must be doing some heavy reading.
Bitter? Probably. Twisted? I don't think so. You are un-twisting, from the heart and mind-bending of the Borg. It's a process that goes in stages. Maybe the day has already arrived that you just don't care. Having a deep-rooted, uncontrollable desire to help others unbend might never go away though, until the Cult is gone and can't claim any more lives. There's no bitterness in that, only love.