Iam now as what was announced at a recent meeting that Iam "NO LONGER A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS" All of my family and friends are witnesses so this will ailenate me from all of my friends and family. But I feel like I don't want to go back. I really hate the feeling of isolation and shamefulness while Iam sitting in the meeting, what's the point of it all. The elders don't reach out to you and give any spiritual guidance and support during the most spiritually weak time of your life. You are told that you are disfellowshipped and what you cant do and make all your meetings and thats it. I feel depressed and if I didn't have my work to keep me busy I think I would allow the depression to take me over. I grew up as a witness and never experienced such isolation before in my life. I feel that I should just move on, seek God and spirituality and make new friends and leave this religion behind. They throw people away as if you don't mean anything, but consider this as a loving thing; I just don't see it as loving. Personally it makes me feel angry.
Any one out there been disfellowshipped? How did it make you feel when at meetings?