I agree that is is a two-step process, the first step would be to actually permit one's self to think whatever one wants, the second is to use that permission to re-examine what one HAS been thinking.
I don't have too many left in the b0rg,
My mom is 79 yrs old and beginning the slide into alzheimer's, she was never too sharp to begin with. Big hearted, creative, fervent, but not exactly sharp. I don't see her breaking free before her mind goes too far, and It's a shame.
Older sister, Mrs. PO (and husband) are enjoying the dub life from the upper crust, I don't think either of them would want to give up all they have worked for. Too much to start again from the bottom in your fifties unless you are MADE to, but they are about as unlikely to slip up as anyone I know.
Younger sister SRLB. I could see her coming out one day. She has always had a worldly streak a mile wide and is only suppressing it now by sheer willpower I believe. She is very much afraid of me, and as we used to be very close I feel safe in saying what she fears is the truth about the truth she knows I have. In the back of her mind, she can see something is NOT RIGHT and knows if she gave herself permission her whole house of cards would come tumbling down around her completely invalidating all her previous works of self righteousness.
Niece and her husband. I don't even know them anymore. He's still a bigtime rock and roller, she is very very cozy with SRLB so if SRLB ever comes out, she will probably take niece with her. Not out of concern for niece, or altruism, but so that she won't be alone.
My older bro DF is already out, but that does me no good since he is pond scum in OR out. I wouldn't cross the street to piss on him if he were on fire. Ptui!
I got two exes, the first (X-Box) is completely delusional and as long as the WTS mindset provides an excuse (her being rejected by it) for her to whore it up and drown in liquor, she will never disbelieve it. She believes as truly and sincerely as any dub, but from the outside where the parties are louder.
The fella that ran off with X-box was associated, but I think he's pretty much done with it for good. The last vestiges of doubt seem to have been killed by the new Kool-Ade WT arrangement.
2nd ex, (haven't thought of a cutesy nick yet) Is kind hearted, friendly, naive, and completely unstable. Oh, not terribly intelligent either, but she had HUGE cans...
She's in for life, perpetually trying to measure up and 'get in' but never quite making it. I think they keep her on the fringe because they are scared of her instability. I don't blame them. If she messed up and they shunned her, she would still go, sit in the back, and revel in the tragedy with huge silent tears rolling down her face and into that enormous cleavage until they trespassed her, or let her resume her fringe position.
God, I am long winded.