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JoinedPosts by brinjen
Should people be able to live on the dole ?
by fulltimestudent ina petite row is brewing in the australian teacup.
jenny macklin, a rather grandiosely titled, minister for families, asked by a journalist, whether she could live on the $35 dollars-a-day social services payment for job-seekers, replied that she could!
but her staff cut that comment out of the official transcript.. the row is a bit more complicated than that- but that's the gist.. the full story is at: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/minister-riles-welfare-groups-20130101-2c4ct.html.
Visit to Austrailia
by exwhyzee inwe're trying to rebuild our lives after leaving the org, have new experiences and create new memories for ourselves.
we're planning out our trip to hawaii, nz, austrailia and tahati in february.
i thought i'd see if anyone on here could give us some advice on places to see/stay/eat in brisbane and thereabouts, as well as places to steer clear of.
It will be extremely humid and hot in the far north Queensland at that time of the year also.
Should people be able to live on the dole ?
by fulltimestudent ina petite row is brewing in the australian teacup.
jenny macklin, a rather grandiosely titled, minister for families, asked by a journalist, whether she could live on the $35 dollars-a-day social services payment for job-seekers, replied that she could!
but her staff cut that comment out of the official transcript.. the row is a bit more complicated than that- but that's the gist.. the full story is at: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/minister-riles-welfare-groups-20130101-2c4ct.html.
I'm currently on unemployment. Nope, not easy at all... don't expect it to be but the gap between unemployment and the pension nowadays is ridiculous. $100 a week difference. It used to be around $25. You still have rent to pay, bills etc. Rent takes up half of that... big part of the reason why I left Darwin. Can't pay rent and eat at the same time on the dole there.
I realise it's not to be regarded as a long term income... but what else do you do when you are looking for work?
Visit to Austrailia
by exwhyzee inwe're trying to rebuild our lives after leaving the org, have new experiences and create new memories for ourselves.
we're planning out our trip to hawaii, nz, austrailia and tahati in february.
i thought i'd see if anyone on here could give us some advice on places to see/stay/eat in brisbane and thereabouts, as well as places to steer clear of.
I guess the question to ask first is... what would you like to see? Mountains? Beaches? What would be your dream holiday?
Visit to Austrailia
by exwhyzee inwe're trying to rebuild our lives after leaving the org, have new experiences and create new memories for ourselves.
we're planning out our trip to hawaii, nz, austrailia and tahati in february.
i thought i'd see if anyone on here could give us some advice on places to see/stay/eat in brisbane and thereabouts, as well as places to steer clear of.
Couldn't resist.
Lest we forget the religious right's view of today's tragedy....
by EntirelyPossible ina. douchebag.. http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/huckabee-schools-place-of-carnage-because-we-systematically.
former arkansas governor mike huckabee attributed the mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school in part to restrictions on school prayer and religious materials in the classroom.
"we ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed god from our schools," huckabee said on fox news, discussing the murder spree that took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults in newtown, ct that morning.
Not to mention when someone opens fire in a church.
The world ends on May 27, 2012....
by pseudoxristos inor so says ronald weinland;.
may 27, 2012april 29, 2012. as readers of this site know, may 27, 2012, is the time that i have stated as being the date jesus christ will return as king of kings over all government on this earth.
for such an event to come to pass, the trumpets of revelation must all sound, the united states and dollar collapse, the ten nations of europe arise to fulfill the final revival of the holy roman empire, and russia with china must unite against europe in wwiii.. .... http://www.ronaldweinland.com/.
So he's following Harold Camping's footsteps. Oh well... at least I won't have to worry about finding a job for much longer. **puts her feet up and leans back**
Lest we forget the religious right's view of today's tragedy....
by EntirelyPossible ina. douchebag.. http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/huckabee-schools-place-of-carnage-because-we-systematically.
former arkansas governor mike huckabee attributed the mass shooting at sandy hook elementary school in part to restrictions on school prayer and religious materials in the classroom.
"we ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed god from our schools," huckabee said on fox news, discussing the murder spree that took the lives of 20 children and 6 adults in newtown, ct that morning.
I find Huckabee and those who think like him to be far more offensive than any of the gun control arguments I've heard of today... from either side.
Man In India Facing Jail Time For Debunking a So Called 'Miracle'
by brinjen inso this statue of jesus appears to be weeping which brings in the flock.
parishiners begin collecting it and distrubuting the water as 'holy water' and people drink it in hope it may cure then of their ailments.
man investigates and discovers it is actually coming from a leaking sewerage pipe.. in exchange for telling this, he is now being charged with blasphemy... for intruding on the church's right to believe that it's holy water... gimme a break.
I'd also like to know where the building codes stand in a situation like this. Surely there should be some responsibility on the church to investigate any water leakage... not just assume it's a miracle of some sort.
Man In India Facing Jail Time For Debunking a So Called 'Miracle'
by brinjen inso this statue of jesus appears to be weeping which brings in the flock.
parishiners begin collecting it and distrubuting the water as 'holy water' and people drink it in hope it may cure then of their ailments.
man investigates and discovers it is actually coming from a leaking sewerage pipe.. in exchange for telling this, he is now being charged with blasphemy... for intruding on the church's right to believe that it's holy water... gimme a break.
It's not like anyone can not still believe that the water is holy if they want to. He provided a rational explaination... that's all.