Farm grown chickens and eggs taste so much better than store-bought ones.
I hope success for you.
they are so cute in their cage with the red heat lamp warming them.
there are eggs in our future.
coop is built all i need to do now is put the fence in.
Farm grown chickens and eggs taste so much better than store-bought ones.
I hope success for you.
so which biblical 'kind' is it, a sheep or a goat?
a rare, hybrid animal that is part goat and part sheep has been born on a farm in the republic of ireland.
oh the irony!.
the society's latest bit of propaganda for teenagers:.
whats a real friend?.
Proverbs 17: 17 Friends love through all kinds of weather,
and families stick together in all kinds of trouble. The Message Bible
god is disappointed in you.
great title, eh?
has anyone read it?.
And a move on up ...
40 years ago today, hank aaron broke babe ruth's home run record.. hank's grandmother was one of our sunday school teachers.. she never engaged in any name-dropping, but encouraged us with kind words and loving deeds.. we have come a long way in the heart of dixie.. sylvia.
40 years ago today, Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's home run record.
Hank's grandmother was one of our Sunday school teachers.
She never engaged in any name-dropping, but encouraged us with kind words and loving deeds.
We have come a long way in the Heart of Dixie.
the ancestors used to refer to this type weather as the easter snap.. it's cold and rainy.. my teenage granddaughter is sullen and hostile.. my little jw daughter is cool and aloof.. i am so happy for this forum.. thanks, people.. sylvia.
Now, it's sunny AND cold!
...when i told them i didn't believe anymore.
they cried like i'd never seen before.
my oldest, 10, pleaded with me that she'd do anything to get me to keep going to meetings ("i'll get a's on my report card!").
It hurts, but you can't live a lie indefinitely.
One of the hardest things I've ever done is quit going and seeing my little daughter (16 at the time) carry on by herself.
The reproach in her eyes and the eyes of others was almost too much to bear, but I simply couldn't take it anymore.
Your daughters will soon get over it - love always finds a way.
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Good morning!
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Paradise Earth seems to be an illusion, no matter the allusion to or the occlusion of by feckless men.
object project subject
i'm not suicidal just fed up.. i did think of suicide (briefly), but as there is no painless way and it's not something i would willingly do just in case things would have been better the day after.
i do have a slight grain of hope.. money problems.....problems at home (that's another matter with a son up court for something he is adamant he didn't do.
first offence but the pigs police and the cps have got charges made.
Ahhh ... Punkie.
I've recently gone through that dark tunnel myself, so I feel you.
Here's a comforting hug from across the Big Water (((((((Punk))))))).
You've made me laugh out loud so many times; please know that you are loved and valued.
If I were near you, I would make you a big ol' pot of turnip greens and have you drink a steaming mug of the pot likker.
That'll fix you!
Love and blessings.