Almost 10 years ago, I lost two friends to cancer withing 3 months apart. Both had battled cancer for 2 years, were married, in their 30s and had a young child.
The wife of the first told us, at her husband's funeral, how she was interested in another brother. Within 2 months or so, she was remarried.
The wife of the second carried her husband’s name for another year at the hall, then dated and remarried a year and a half later.
I understand that the grieving process starts way before someone dies of a terminal disease. I easily understand how the wife of the first could feel this way. What I don’t understand is the total lack of honor, respect. She felt entitled to these feelings and got remarried with no consideration for the grieving process of everyone around her, especially her son.
The wife of the second did it right. You could tell there was something between her and her future husband. But everyone could also tell that they wanted to make things proper and respectful. For that, I will always have respect for them.