Data-dog: I whish there was a sad emoticon I could have clicked on your post. :(
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
My congregation is something else!
by nowwhat? innot only do they want everyone dressed up for the zoom meetings( which i won't do) they decided to keep the zoom meeting at 1pm sunday!
so they don't upset their spiritual routine!
My congregation is something else!
by nowwhat? innot only do they want everyone dressed up for the zoom meetings( which i won't do) they decided to keep the zoom meeting at 1pm sunday!
so they don't upset their spiritual routine!
According to my PIMI parents, they started with multiple remote sessions during the week to get people accustomed to the new platform. Now, it’s back to the same time as usual; one meeting during the week and one meeting on Sunday. They don't have to dress up special for the meetings though they need to be presentable IF they want to turn on their camera, which many choose not to.
As for field service (phone calls and letters), that’s only for those who want to attend. Nothing changed there. So, yeah, they are scheduled, but no additional pressure to attend those.
So, quite frankly, I was a bit relieved for my parents as it’s far from being as bad as I originally thought.
While my parents and in-laws are in three different congregations that act about the same, I guess the experience differs in other congregations that have been mentioned in this thread.
No Need to pass the bread and wine!
by eyeuse2badub inlogged into a zoom 'pep talk' from one of the local elders last night.
about 9 families were connected via zoom which was pretty cool.
however the information shared was even better.
Before I became a PIMO, it was important for me to pass the plate and wine along as it gave me time to pause and imagine they were indeed the flesh and blood of Jesus and I took the time to medidate.
When I became a PIMO however, I realized how this practice was not in line with the bible at all. I realized that "Do this in rememberance of me" was taking a meal with your close ones who shared your belief and to drink and wine meditating on Jesus' sacrifice. To do this at the kingdom hall took away all the personal relationship with your close ones and your lord.
Now that I have left entirely, I don't even practice this at all any more as I don't even in the concept of a loving God condeming billions of people to suffer over thousands of years for the actions of the original parents.
All this to say that if I had still been PIMI, this would have been a huge deal for me.
They're all alone in their respective houses!
by StephaneLaliberte inwhen you look into all the publications and predictions about the last days, the jws are always represented in groups in someone's house.
this isn't happening right now.
they are all told to stay in their individual homes and watch jwsteaming!.
When you look into all the publications and predictions about the last days, the JWs are always represented in groups in someone's house. This isn't happening right now. They are all told to stay in their individual homes and watch JWSteaming!
I guess they will have to update a lot of artwork in their publications!
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
I voted for Trudeau as I felt we needed a change and to move away from the conservatives. However, what happened in the last days is outrageous. While the prime minister of Quebec stepped up and did all he had to as a true leader and someone who genuinly cares about his fellow citizens, I have seen the Trudeau make broad, general meaningless statements. Not even blocking the borders between canada and the US. What a shame.
Can single sisters get Breast Augmentation?
by friedchicken ini am curious can a single jw sister get a breast augmentation?
will the elders disfellowship her?
will jehovah be angry with her or upset?
probably depends on the size of the augmentation. For instance, if the girl was flat and than goes for C size, probably it will be welcomed by everyone. Seriously, I doubt anyone would complain about this.
However, if the sister already has a decent size (B or C) and goes for a E, there will be talk.
School project on evolution
by Leonie1234 inhey!.
first of all i want to mention that i'm not a member of the jehovahs witnesses.
however i'm open and non-judgemental towards any kind of religion.
Most of the arguments in favor of creation will often use a strawman approach: That is, to attack a position that someone does not really hold. For instance, they will say that the theory of evolution is "just a theory", making it sound as if it stands on shaky grounds. Or that evolution is a random series of fortuitous, almost miraculous changes. Or that there is no missing link. All these are easily debunked as these arguments are based on dis-information.
You are welcome to search religious teachings. Science is open to you searching facts and has a lot of respect for people who study religions and history. On the other hand, many religious groups, such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses will often dissuade their members to even consider portions of what science teaches calling them out as devil propaganda.
Science believes in the truth being challenged. If it is indeed the truth, it will withstand challenges.
What Makes. Person A Pedophile?
by minimus init seems the news always has another report of a pedo stalking children or hurting them.
i know this has gone on forever but i read another report of an illegal alien with a history of abuse taking advantage of another poor child.. i just don’t understand why some people do this.
is there an actual brain abnormality?
RubaDub, based on your logic, we should kill everyone who ever fantasized about killing someone else. I mean, they are potential murderers, are they not? So, why not kill them in case they act on their urges.
What Makes. Person A Pedophile?
by minimus init seems the news always has another report of a pedo stalking children or hurting them.
i know this has gone on forever but i read another report of an illegal alien with a history of abuse taking advantage of another poor child.. i just don’t understand why some people do this.
is there an actual brain abnormality?
Pedophiles don’t choose their sexual orientation in the same way LGBTQ+ don’t choose theirs. The difference however is that pedophiles cannot act on their desires.
A doctor in Quebec reported on radio that for every pedophiles that acted on their desires, there were 10 more that didn’t.
While I understand the desire for capital punishment on those who act on their desires, I believe that the others need help, they need to be understood and have the support of their friends and families.
For instance, many people know someone who quit drinking all together as they have a problem with alcohol. You won’t offer alcohol to them and perhaps won’t even drink in their presence! The same goes with pedophiles. If Uncle Johnny is a pedophiles, I’ll make sure not to leave him alone with the kids and won’t create scenarios that will make it difficult for him.
We need to work on prevention, accepting them for who they are. This will empower them to seek the help they need, including therapies and, perhaps, even voluntary chemical castration.
In essence, it is not by calling these people out as monsters that we will reduce the occurrence of the crime.
Donating Blood a Disfellowshipping Offense?
by HiddenPimo inwhen i served as an elder i never heard of this scenario presenting itself - giving blood.. has anyone heard of a judicial case where a person donated and was disfellowshipped?
are there any references to this in the jw publications, manuals, handbooks?.
not so hiddenpimo :-).
What about providing our blood for a Health check up.
Interesting point. If they were taking the law of the bible to the letter, they would indeed be against this type of usage for blood. However, like their rule on the "Sub components of blood", they decided to draw the line there, because they said so.