In Quebec (Canada), police will look for illigally tainted windows. While I can understand the desire for more taint when there is plenty of sun outside, cars need to be adapted for all year round. It seems that during spring and especially fall, we have a lot of rain and sunset can be early (as low as 4:30pm), making it difficult to see even when your windows are not tainted at all. So I personally totally agree with the cops enforcing this.
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
Do you have dark tinted windows on your vehicle?
by Iamallcool inif you have one, do cops stop you to make sure it is not too dark?
Changes In Canada
by LetTheTruthBeKnown ini am surprised no one has mentioned what is going on in canada.. maybe they have but i missed it.
so here are some of the facts as i know them.
ontario only.. sault st. marie had their six congregations whittled down to two.
LetTheTruthBeKnown: Are you sure they are selling that Aylmer assembly hall? How have you come accross this information?
Its a wierd feeling I have about this one... I participated in the construction of that hall and always liked it. Its a very nice complexe that they are letting go if that is indeed their choice. But who will buy it? Its essentially a big conference building. Who would use that?
The Simpson's APU is now NOT politically correct...
by The Fall Guy he's being cut from the the programme.
the world is going bonkers!
Apu is represented as a family man who works all the time to maintain a valuable community service. Oh, and he loves america! What's wrong with that picture???
Jordan Peterson - Messiah or Poseur?
by cofty ina jp video came up on my youtube feed last week - he was on a panel in front of a huge audience and some poor disturbed guy ran on stage and started crying and wailing to peterson that he needed his help.
it was agonising to watch.. what was even more disturbing was the comments section.
i do not exaggerate when i say that dozens of people were extolling peterson's wisdom as if jesus had come again.
I don't believe JP ever compared himself to a messiah of any kind. To expect that out of him is to expect what he does not offer in the first place. A Messiah saves people while he wants to help people save themselves.
Were You Willing To Die For Jehovah?
by minimus inwe were supposed to be dedicated unconditionally to jehovah god.
we were willing to be persecuted to the death if need be.
if it came to taking a blood transfusion or dying, we were loyal to jehovah and would be a martyr for god.
For my faith, my beliefs? Of course, Though these beliefs have changed, I'm still willing to die for them. However, I would do anything I can not to die a martyr. For instance, if there was a regim similar to the nazis, I would try to take part in the resistance. However, I would have no problem to say heil Hitler and say things I don't believe to my enemis.
When you die a martyr, that's where your ability to resist stops. Better say Heil Hitler and blow up a train track at night.
Double Standards of the Watchtower
by Vanderhoven7 inare you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
They claiming that persecution proves that they have the truth while ignoring all the other religions being persecuted, often, by the same regimes!
Double Standards of the Watchtower
by Vanderhoven7 inare you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
I remember hearing talks where other bible translations added comments and illustrations. Now, they do the same with the Introduction to each book. Especially note worthy the place where they say "Governing Body" in Act while the word is never found in the bible.
Double Standards of the Watchtower
by Vanderhoven7 inare you aware of any double standards promoted by the organization of jehovah's witnesses?
here a a few i am aware of:.
1. the wts equated joining the ymca with apostasy but felt free to join the un for 10 years (1991-2001).
The Governing body if fiable and humble but don't you ever share your doubts about anything they do or that they say!
A Jehovah's Witness matter clearly not understood by a great many members (concerning imprisonment)
by Terry induring the vietnam war (1955 - 1975) young men reaching the age of 18 were required by law to register for the draft within 30 days of that birthday.jehovah's witnesses included.most jw's did not (perhaps never did) understand the situation faced by young brothers in the congregation.the general "understanding" among the rank and file went something like this.1.
jw's serve jehovah as ruler rather than men.
2. we believe "thou shalt not kill."3.
Great post! Thanks Terry!
Pressures from world is like wind
by road to nowhere inthat lesson for today likens holy spirit to wind.
any sailor knows you have to sail across or into the wind to get someplace.
the wind will shipwreck you.
You have to have the right position, or should we say, disposition of heart, for the holy spirit to act upon you. The spirit is there, but if you don't let it act upon you, you won't go anywhere.