I never understood the logic behind the “ransom” teaching.
God's so loved the world that he sent his son to a certain and atrocious death so that he would not kill everyone. In the meantime, he has let everyone die, over thousands of years. What’s the worst death you can imagine? It is likely that it happened to someone since Jesus gave his life. Many who had a personal relationship with God as well!
Pay a ransom to who? Death? God created everything… life and thereby, death. If you say: "Death is the absence of life!". Than death is not a thing, it's a metaphor, it represents something, but what? God himself? Who exactly is the ransom paid to?
What it to prove that a human can remain faithful to the end? Could he not simply create another Adam and Eve? Restart the experience? Why make billions upon billions suffer and die? If it was to prove that humans without God would never be as happy as without him, wouldn’t his point been made as soon as Adam and Eve started getting old and experience back pain?
And how is Jesus an equivalent ransom? Demi-god is heavier in the balance than the first man, is he not? Jesus made miracles, talked to God and had infinite knowledge! He had special powers like a super hero! It’s like an athlete on enhancement drugs; it invalidates the result, it’s not fair, it’s not justice.