becoming a JW is a voluntary association.
I don't think people
who sign up to become JWs truly understand what shunning is all about. Sure,
they certainly mention it, but never really go into the details, or when they
do, they do it so briefly that it is difficult to grasp its true nature.
They make it sound
like the people being disfellowshipped are truly bad people, on par with murderers,
adulterers, violent alcoholics and lying deceitful cunning sinners that
actively want to harm you. They make it sound like a good thing, for your protection!
They dehumanize them. As for the others, well, its only a brief temporary disciplinary
measure; they’ll be back in a year or so.
Newcomers generally
fail to grasp that disfellowshipping is not about the sin, its about the adherence
to the group membership. Consider that many people get disfellowshipped for
some sin they eventually stop practicing, and yet, their shunning continues to
the end of their lives. They are not shunned because of what they did, they are
shunned because they did not try to get back into the group. And so, the group
simply takes the position that the person must still be actively practicing some
sin or another. For instance, think of all the young ones who got disfellowshipped
for practicing fornication and have since married; yet, they remain shunned by
their family.
We can also doubt that
new commers grasp the following possibilities: When you get baptized today, you
agree with several teachings and practices that will change over the years to
come. You may not agree with some of those changes and refuse to remain a JW. Or
perhaps, as you study into greater depth the history of your religion and the
basis of its teachings, you may choose to leave the group. Then again, you will
be treated as a relentless sinner, a perpetual evil doer and loose contact with
all of your JWs connections (friends and family).
Absurd situations like
these will happen because all these people will not have the right to make this
assessment for themselves, or to review their position over time. They are
ordered by their religion to do this and as a result, the majority of them entirely
avoid the process of thinking and considering the matter; there is no options,
only the one that is ordered.