Hello all, Robert here.
I just wanted to keep you updated on my current situation.
As many of you know I was finally deleted as a MS and Pioneer. Now i'm hardly receiving any contact from the local JWs. However, one elder has been giving his all in contacting me in the last couple of days. I knew by his authoritarian tone and the frequency of calls that he wasn't checking on my well-being. He never cared much about me to begin with.
Anywho, something was telling me to let my sister know about this. Well come to find out, she told me that she doesn't like the congregation and sees why it's number of members are dwindling. By the way, my sister never was baptized, she only studied with a pioneer sister for quite a while, never making any "progress" after that.
The elders like to try to reach me through my family when it's obvious that I avoid them. Sis said that they better not try contacting her AT ALL. I also told her that I was avoiding them and she understands why completely! I was surprised about that! There are some congregation members that she herself doesn't like and avoids.
There was also a tad little bit of info I forgot about. A couple years ago, I caught sis online reading apostate material. I didn't even care back then. The funny thing about this is the fact that mom went in the room and started reading as well. Of course, before she started reading, she was saying how it's probably a bunch of lies, but as she sat in front of the computer screen she was in complete silence as she read. I was shocked that both of them even read it in the first place.
Even though that has taken place before, I don't want to tell them just yet about me true feelings about the entire organization. I'll let time reveal to me as to how I will handle that.
As for me, i've been in a much chipper mood lately. I had been very down about alot of things, but as many of you have reminded me, i'm going through a grieving process after so much that has happened in recent months.
I'll also mention again the mini-apostafest we had had here in the Little Rock, AR area. So many good laughs that I needed, and I hope to meet many more of you in person eventually.
Ok so perhaps this update isn't much shorter than the others, but thanks for reading anyways.