libertina - yes, he's been pictured as a fallen angel, and similar subliminal repose as this one.
(((((Blondie))))) Thank you, dear - that was like pulling the same tooth over and over wasn't it?
I thoroughly appreciate your compilations of all the material and especially the exposes of the WTS's falsehoods, history revisions, brain-washing techniques and oh, the loaded language! - I can't help but wonder if you've made yourself sick from what seems to be, for some of us(me included unfortunately) an inescapable desire to find and proclaim some semblance of real truth from the tangled web of JWism? You've done such an invaluable service for all the regular members and especially for those lurkers who dare read - but delving the slimey depths of this heart-breaking misinformation week after week - ?
And there, but for the grace of God, we all go. To find that elusive 'fine balance' we must have a strong will to not let it get us down mentally and physically. Sometimes my will isn't that strong and it really get me down. Mainly because there ain't a whole lot I can do about it. Don Quixote revisited.
As for this so-called 'study'. What a waste of ink - this is supposed to be nourishing 'food'? It's milk, old and sour - it should be a moot point by now in their 'in-depth studies'. There is no progression of knowledge there, only stagnation in the same twisted reasoning: " There, for 40 days Jesus had time to meditate deeply on the issue of sovereignty raised by Satan and on the course that He had to take to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty." This is such a stupid statement I won't even start... yet everyone will walk away from the KH's thinking this is really deep insight.
"Jesus' entire life course demonstrated that he came, not simply to be a great teacher or a miracle worker or even just a self-sacrificing Savior, but to uphold Jehovah's sovereign will and to bear witness to God's ability to fulfill that will through the Kingdom." JUST?They just can't mention him without knocking him back down into his place can they? What part of "honor the Son as you honor the Father" do they refuse to understand?
And good point re: the UN/NGO situation - the organisation(not individual JW's who couldn't imagine becoming enjoined to the UN for ANY reason) proved for all to see that they are NOT "FOR JEHOVAH'S SOVEREIGNTY".By WTS theory, the missionaries from Bethel, God's own and only, are sent to spread this [other] Good News in countries where the WTS has cult status and are therefore 'persecuted'.(duh. ) Well, ol' Satan's organisation, the United Nations, can provide basic 'human rights' better than Jehovah? Spittin' into the wind has it's own rewards! I'd rather say that if He wanted them there, the way would be made clear and undeniably by His Own hand - yes?
The twists and turns makes my stomach knot-up. I don't know how some of you actually sit there
One more thing - I've noticed Robert King's book ads on this board lately - which also knots my stomach up. Funny, though that his book and this WT article share the title. "Say among the nations: 'Jehovah himself has become king.'"-PSALM 96:10. Does the forum owner get paid lots of money(I hope) to run those ads? Just mpo, but Robert King is as misleading as the WTS - a wannabe cult leader. [you know what I mean ]