IslandWomen, May you have peace! I was moved with love to respond in regards this posting. There are many misunderstands that Man has enforced upon society since the days of Jah-Eshua (Christ). Even during His time the Pharisees did this to the people. Keep in mind it is MEN that put together a book of what THEY 'believed' was Inspired of God; for this Jah of Armies had instructed us to 'test out the inspired expression to see if it originates with God' or not. (1John 4:1-4) Yes the disciples of the first century were Christians...but they were not 'made perfect' in the sense as our Master Jah-Eshua was. So they did make mistakes from time to time. That is why we are instructed to put Faith In Jah and Jah-Eshua for they are your, as well as my, leaders. It is instructed for us that we are in ' no need for anyone to be teaching us' and to let the 'anointing inside ' us 'teach' us <b>'ALL</b> things.' (1 John 2:27) By doing this and cleaning and clearing our hearts with Truth and Love can one go wrong? Yes Those today will decieve you to believe that 'the end is near' and the 'due time has approached.' They will enforce their beliefs upon you that indeed you must be part of their religion/organization in order to gain salvation. Yet this is false. Salvation comes through Christ,(John 3:16) not an organization. All religions will say they are The Truth, The Way and Life ...but there is only ONE who are these things, Christ (John 14:6). We are cautioned that many during that time ' will say <b>'I am he'</b> (The Truth, The Way, The Life) <b> AND 'the due time has approached' </b> yet with this we must take heed to the warning as to 'NOT go after them' (Luke 21:8) Yes even today people can and have been misled. Jah of Armies and Jah-Eshua do not wish for you to 'sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.' For It is written 'I want mercey <b>NOT</b> sacrifice' (Mt 12:7) There is only one thing one must do in order to gain 'eternal life' and that is Believe in Jah-Eshua! That is all. (John 6:47) I pray this has helped you Your Servent in Christ Fiveshadows
Edited by - FiveShadows on 21 June 2002 17:15:29