There would be the United Federation of Watchtower Opposers, (UFWO) and Babaylon The Great Watchtower Extermination Team. (BTGWET)
JoinedPosts by kurtbethel
Do WT Bible NWT pick and choose word meanings to suit their agenda?
by *lost* incan anyone offer thoughts on this.
any examples.
i just discovered this.. nwt v kjb isaaiah 14;12. kjv - uses lucifer.
They claim they have a "Pure language".
They don't. They have a very corrupt language.
Examine their use of the word "generation" and you will see this corruption.
MAJOR-Revelation Climak book critiqued
by Refriedtruth inthis is a major find and holding top ranked will get tens of thousands of hits.
get your licks in comments and vote up the good guys.
10 observations about jehovah's witnesses and the book of .... huffington post-it is argued repeatedly that only jehovah's witnesses are truly faithful to god and so they are uniquely situated to understand the contents of ....
My personal fav comment so far:
Chiptoss said-Many who are familiar with this book call it the Revelation ClimaXXX Spiritual Pornography Book. It earns this name because it is written by the governing body, the men who lead the sect, and it has example after example making the case that of all the millions of people on earth carrying forth the Christian message, only they are good enough to represent Jehovah on earth. They alternately slander Christians for their shortcomings, and boast about their own organizational accomplishments. They appear to be oblivious to the fact that anyone besides themselves have ever carried the gospel message to people.
[raising hand] Guilty!
The Revelation ClimaXX Spiritual Pornography comment is a tell that I did that. I use that term here any time I mention it.
I could have gone on at length about the many assorted bits of nonsense in that book, but I wanted to stay focused on getting in a couple of concise points that would show a casual reader that the book and organization has discredited itself very thoroughly.
Is this a religion of HATE? Check out what they have printed!
by Terry in"" (the watchtower, 6/15 1995, p. 4).
" (the watchtower, 11/15 1952, p. 703).
" (the watchtower, 10/1 1952, p. 599).
"Down to this year 1979, popes and prelates continue to woo favors from the U.N. But where do these clergymen belong? They are tied in with a religious "harlot," described in Revelation as "Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth." (Rev. 17:1, 3-6) As the world empire of false religion, this harlotrous "woman" plies her trade with the nations’ political leaders, as she declares her faith in the U.N. "beast," assuming even to ‘sit as a queen’ atop that "beast" in giving it direction. (Rev. 18:7) But just as she appears to be ‘sitting pretty’ with her political "lovers," the radical "ten horns" of that U.N. will come to ‘hate the harlot and make her devastated and naked,’ and desolate her completely." (The Watchtower, 10/15 1979, p. 15)
"Woo favors" huh?
Like a library card, perhaps?
ALL you ever need to know to understand NEW LIGHT (for what it really is)
by Terry inhere is what i'm thinking; see if you don't agree.... .
jehovah's witnesses are divided into three distinct tiers of membership.. 1.governing body anointed.
4.the rank and file jw & non-gb anointed are told what the shape is and what it means and what to do about it.. .
"Our friends insist that this Scripture indicates that in the end of this Gospel age the Lord would use not many channels for the dissemination of the Truth, but one channel . . . They hold that all of them received their knowledge ofPresent Truth directly from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society’s publications, or indirectly through those who have received their enlightenment through thischannel. They are glad correspondingly to co-operate as ‘fellow-servants’ with the Society’s work, believing that thereby they are following the leadings of the Divine Providence, as well as the instructions of the Divine Word."
That is the real problem with them, and it is their greatest weakness. They channel their teaching from invisible spirit beings. This puts them in the same mode of operation as Zetatalk, Ashtar Command, and hundreds of other spiritist channelers. Take a good look at the Zetatalk claims and predictions, and you will see the same kind of accuracy that the Watchtower channeling had made, which is near zero. Furthermore, channeling, like trinity or immortal soul, is not found anywhere in scriptures, and the practice is not approved in scripture under any other name.
It also shuts down parts of their brains, in case you haven't noticed.
Logical Fallacies in WT Publications
by Oubliette in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:documentproperties> <o:revision>0</o:revision> <o:totaltime>0</o:totaltime> <o:pages>1</o:pages> <o:words>858</o:words> <o:characters>4892</o:characters> <o:company>oak park</o:company> <o:lines>40</o:lines> <o:paragraphs>11</o:paragraphs> <o:characterswithspaces>5739</o:characterswithspaces> <o:version>14.0</o:version> </o:documentproperties> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><!
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Examining their bait and switch techniques would be a gold mine for finding logical fallacies.
Alameda County Administrator makes $423,664 a year!
by VM44 inalameda county administrator's premium pay end hearst/article/premium_article_tools_480.tpl end premium_story_header.tpl article/types/premium_story.tpl hearst/common/author_name.tpl by matier & ross.
e hearst/common/author_name.tpl article_timestamp.tpl march 25, 2013. alameda county supervisors have really taken to heart the adage that government should run like a business, rewarding county administrator susan muranishi with the wall street-like wage of $423,664 a year.. for the rest of her life.. according to county pay records, in addition to her $301,000 base salary, muranishi receives:-- $24,000, plus change, in "equity pay" to guarantee that she makes at least 10 percent more than anyone else in the county.. -- about $54,000 a year in "longevity" pay for having stayed with the county for more than 30 years.. -- an annual performance bonus of $24,000.. -- and an additional $9,000 a year for serving on the county's three-member surplus property authority, an ad hoc committee of the board of supervisors that oversees the sale of excess land.. like other county executives, muranishi also gets an $8,292-a-year car allowance.. muranishi has been with the county for 38 years, and she's 63. when retirement day comes, she'll be getting a lot more than a gold watch.. that's because, according to the county auditor's office, muranishi's annual pension will be equal to the dollar total of her entire yearly package - $413,000.
she also has a separate executive private pension plan, for which the county chips in $46,500 a year.. "and she's worth every dime," said supervisor scott haggerty, who was on the board when it promoted muranishi to county administrator in 1995, voted for her and joined in approving her base pay and perks.. "we're lucky to have her," haggerty said.. he likens the job of running the county administration to being ceo of a $2.4 billion corporation, with 9,000 employees.. granted, the $2.4 billion is taxpayer money, and the county isn't set up to turn a profit.
These people who get $300,000 a year or even much much more, I don't understand why their jobs don't get outsourced like the ones making $20,000 a year.
I'm missing something in this thinking.
Shiver Me Timbers I Gots a Bible Study Matey!
by RayPublisher inthe new wt 2013 june tells kids that they might get to study with a pirate someday!
perhaps johnny depp will be resurrected for just that purpose?.
It is confusing. Do any other religions have this weird thing of it not being what you do, but when you do it?
I am not aware of any. It creates the absurdity of a bloodthirsty pirate or Stalin or Mao coming back and getting another chance, while some very good and kind person who recognized that the doorknocker's religion is dodgy would get incinerated and destroyed forever.
Doesn't the Watchtower criticize Christians for believing that immoral people can get an eternal reward?
The Church's Biggest Lie
by ProdigalSon inthink you've sorted out the mess that christianity has become?.
ever wonder why the other 2/3 of the planet doesn't believe the utter nonsense of "resurrection"??.
chew on this, christians:.
It's amazing to see the great lengths people will go to deny that one day they will die and that's the end of them.
Examples please; How does the WTS 'bait and switch' after Baptism...?
by The Song Remains The Same ini was wondering if there is a list already on here that presents the key 'game changers' or 'bait and switch' points that will happen once you get baptised?
this can include behavioral changes by the already members towards the newly baptised.. i've read somewhere about the 'love bombing' and how that stops, heard a bit about the time-in-service reporting, and that pressure to attend the meetings goes up (esp.
if missing a few).
The book, WHAT DOES THE BIBLE Really TEACH ? explains it this way:
Remember, too, that you have made a dedication to Jehovah God himself, not to a work, a cause, other humans, or an organization. Your dedication and baptism are the beginning of a very close friendship with God—an intimate relationship with him. —Psalm 25:14. - p. 183, para. 24
So to tell someone they must obey an organization after they are baptised is a huge bait and switch, as well as being corrupt and dishonest.