i would say the first place to start is to make plans for you both on a meeting night. This in effect tells him that you dont feel bad missing the meetings and thus he doesnt need to feel guilty on your part. But it does so without verbalizing it.
I love it when my wife says she doesnt want to go to the meeting, its the biggest relief in the world for me. Then its not me being the "bad guy" again. Remember, verbalizing your thoughts about the WS is THE TOUGHEST PART of this journey... at least for me it is. Dont force him to vocalize his feelings, if he was ready to do that he wouldnt lie to his mother. DONT put him on the spot. Even if your trying to support him he may not be ready to admit to himself what he is feeling.
Support him by your actions. Make plans for the weekend to go away or to "get something done" on a meeting night (this may inflict less guilt than recreation) If he is feeling anything like I am right now, you need to support him patiently and let him do this at his pace, at least for the time being..... IMO
I hope this helps............