WOW! thats great. wish i was nearer to you...I'd be your guinea pig.
i have always been into self-help, have several websites devoted to it (, and even wrote a book on it.. now i'm getting my board certified master of clinical hypnotherapy certification, and i'm excited!
i went to a hypnotherapist in the past, and found it helpful.
i started looking in to it last week and found an excellent place to get my certification, now, you are not going to believe this!
WOW! thats great. wish i was nearer to you...I'd be your guinea pig.
there are many of you out there that believes all jws protects child molesters.
i am a jw (for now) and i can tell you , i have never and never will protect a child molester.
i don't believe when i choose to live in society i will be a protecter of rapist or child molesters there either.
no offense getting out, but now that you clarified things for me i have to say this is one of the most ridiculous arguments i've ever heard in the defending of the society and their protection of pedophilia.
the fact of the matter is yes it happens all over the world. but where ever it happens people stand up and help however they can to protect the children involved. everywhere that is except in cults like yours.
protecting pedophiles by not turning them over to the police does NOT happen everywhere. requiring two witnesses to see the crime before you will help the child does NOT happen everywhere. lying and covering up does NOT happen everywhere.
i really really am sorry if you cant see that. but at least think up a logical intelligent argument before you try to defend those scum.
there are many of you out there that believes all jws protects child molesters.
i am a jw (for now) and i can tell you , i have never and never will protect a child molester.
i don't believe when i choose to live in society i will be a protecter of rapist or child molesters there either.
knowing it happens and saying nothing is the same thing as supporting those who do it. and we all know it happens in the org.
i am an african american also and have lived with prejudice but i dont see where that has anything to do with anything to do with the child molestation subject.
ps. i pray you see the light soon and get out of there
these letters will blow your mind!.
it's hard to beleive that one or two small-minded men in the service dept.
could be responsible for thousands of medical emergencies going bad or even death.
Mr Jansen
just wanted to add my thanks to you for writing these powerful letters and for not giving up. you really exposed so much. it was unbelievable to read some of the responses you got back. it really and truly opened my eyes even more so to the way the governing body really operates. thank you so much for writing and thanks to everyone who made these letters available to those of us who need to read them.
yesterday my brother (ever-loyal witness baptized same day as me 10 years ago; who is married to a holier-than-thou regular pioneer and subsequently with her encouragement has since avoided me as much as possible since i da myself) and his wife (see description above) came over to visit.. well.. shooting the proverbial shit, we got to the topic of movies.
asking politely if he or his wife had seen lord of the rings.. she interjected that it was inappropriate because it suggested wizardry and spiritism, and would never see such filth.
trying very hard to remain polite, my mom noticed the pause and said if they wanted to borrow any movies we have on tape to watch at home.. sneaky as i am, while they flapped their gums with my parents i glanced in the bag to see what they borrowed.. they took:.
sometimes you have to be patient with replies different people read them at different times of the day and week. i only just saw this one now and boy can i relate. but it was so late that i almost went to bed without responding. but then i saw your post a little farther down. you gotta take into consideration that everyone cant possibly respond to every post they read. it just takes too much time. im sure there is no big conspiracy with only responding to certain people.
anyway, i always thought my family was the biggest hypocrites on earth. that is one of the main reasons i faded. my dad is an elder and watchtower conductor and he is a big star wars fan. he never goes to the movies to see anything but when the new star wars came out last year or whenever that was he was there. but at the same time my son isnt supposed to watch the Dragontales cartoon on PBS because dragons are spiritism or something.
if they just thought for a second about how stupid they act they would maybe see it too.
well gnite.
last night, it struck me that stockholm syndrome has a lot to do with life in a cult.
i have started to research this connection, and found the following article at concerning child abuse including child sexual abuse.
i thought it was very interesting.. --------------.
Thanks Free Peace,
this is very interesting indeed.
i find your website helpful also
thanks l i s a for your a youngun i was disf.
2xs and on public reproof 3xs before 21 yrs...then 10 yrs ago i did it to myself dissassociated..lisa was never babtized so the babe does not count as far as the organizational rules and regulations are concerned..gossip had it in the glendale, ca.
congregation i linda kersey was forward and aggressive and oversexed before age 14 and i was still a virgin--age 15 then i made good the gossip mostly with the worldly hitched to lisas pappy now decd and another story and chapter in my book the one i aint writ unhithched when sweet lisa was about 7 yrs old..have been celibate and single mumy since--22 yrs now..i sleep in a single bed alone--i made my bed now i must sleep in it..that is the way iy is folks..i told mine now tell yours!!!
we didnt have much scandal in our little town. about the most scandalous thing that happened was a few years back. this couple have been in the hall for years and years. their daugther was a regular pioneer that lived with them even though she was near 40 years old she had never lived on her own. they took care of her needs since she was pioneering.
anyway the wife got sick with cancer and died very shortly after. it was a shock to everyone because they both were pretty healthy and only like in their 60's. they had been married for over 40 years and everyone worried that the poor husband would be lost without her so they tried keeping him busy and supporting the best they could.
well a few weeks after the funeral would you believe that he started dating one of the daughters best friends!? she is also a regular pioneer and one of the supposedly most spiritual minded sisters in the hall. she was recently divorced and her husband df'd. so the next thing you know they are getting married! yup. the woman is younger than his daughter.
so they have this big wedding with everyone in the congregation showing their support and stuff. behind closed doors of course everyone was whispering behind their backs but you wouldnt have known it. it was disgusting to me that the wife had not even been dead for a couple of months before they got engaged. my mom said everyone felt like they were betraying the wife who they had been friends with for years by attending the wedding but they went anyway.
anyway thats about as scandalous as it gets in that small town.
I missed a couple of those Dave. you are too funny! I dont know how you come up with some of the stuff that comes out of your mouth (well fingers).
thanks, laughter is definately theraputic..i've always wanted to be funny. i wanna be like you when i grow up.
i struggle with many of the same issues right now. i'm 29 and was born and raised in the 'truth' as well. i recently told my mom that i didnt believe the truth was the truth anymore. i only told her a couple of questions about policies but i didnt even get to any of the real issues. she got upset and we havent discussed it or anything else since. the limited relationship that we had is and will probably continue to be nonexistant.
but you know what? i know that i have to do this. i have to move on with my life and do what is right for me and my son. i wont apologize to her or anyone for breaking free from the cult and getting on with my life. i think i deserve it after being unhappy for so long.
i wont try to get my mom to believe the things that i know are true about the organization. not right now anyway. but i also wont hide my feelings anymore from he and my family. if they want to say i am possesed by satan and have been influenced by evil apostates then thats fine. but i think once i get my life together and they see how happy and healthy my little boy is and how fullfilling my life is they will know otherwise.
right now i am losing whats left of my family but thats ok. i am also gaining family cause i have family members outside the org that i havent had much contact with that i hope to one day.
you never know what the future holds..maybe one day my mom will listen to doubts and start asking hard questions about the org. maybe your mom will slowly start to understand that you have to do what you have to do.
for now dont worry about your family disappointment. they are not thinking like people at all, they think like JW's. and jw's are only allowed to think what the society says its ok to think.
you may never find a balance between your jw family and your life. keep hope alive but dont worry too much about it. maybe with time and a eye opening experience my mom and your mom will see the real 'new light'.
take care.
i'm wondering if the majority here were seriously conservative squeaky clean dubs?
i took the whole thing very seriously.
there seems to be such a fun element here - i can't imagine everyone being those dull folk all decked out in their wt uniform with accompanying plastic expressions.. marilyn
i havent much choice when your father is a big shot elder.