Don't let them win! They want you dead. You and all the rest of us that no longer believe their lies. You've been poisoned by their hate and their "vomitous" spiritual food. You can recover.
My daughter's best friend committed suicide in December,2005.
It changed my daughter's life forever. She went from soccer/cheerleader mom who home schooled her daughter to a raging alcoholic almost overnight. She has lost custody of both of her children and as of last week is officially homeless. She has been in rehab for drugs and alcohol, has regular run-ins with the law, and has been fired from 2 jobs. She is now with an a**hole boyfriend who has kicked in 3 doors in the last 2 weeks and knocks her around and kicks her downstairs. An unbelievable year and a half of chaos and drama.
She calls me sobbing in the middle of the night asking me why she couldn't prevent her friend's death and no longer wants to live herself because of the guilt she feels. I can hardly listen to her describe her nightmares.
Please understand that suicide ruins lives. There are consequences that you cannot see.
I beg you to get help. We care and ther is a lot of good advice here.