I guess I'll have to restrict myself to English language and leave out the stuff I read for work...anyway, I've started with
E. S. Herman and N. Chomsky. Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.
just a couple of days ago. I've always been fascinated by the role of mass media in today's society, so it's about time that I'll read what some experts have to say. So far, it looks like a very comprehensive, thorough, and well-defended analysis (which is probably why Chomsky is so hated by some conservative types - he's not your average hemp-shirt wearing hippie, but an intellectual in the good sense of the word).
Also, I'm leafing through
Paul Watzlawick. How Real is Real? Confusion, Disinformation, Communication
again, as so often before. I've always enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in the role of communication (or lack thereof) in our lives. Watzlawick's writing style is absolutely refreshing.
Music: Neil Young, Weld. Loud. What a shame the guy hasn't brought out anything remarkable in the past couple of years ("Silver and Gold"? Yawn! "Let's Roll"? Urgh!). Apparently it's better to fade away after all...