Maybe the rest are "bum" Witnesses?...
JoinedPosts by tenyearsafter
AGM Favoured Few
by IMHO inwhat is the point of a 'favoured few' being invited to assembly halls to hear a recording of the agm on sunday.. why couldn't they just play the recording at the kh for all to hear.. or are not the 'others' worth??
Video feed crashed during agm. Everybody sent home
by solomon inthe feed kept crashing this morning so after 3 hours they told everybody to go home.
Obviously, Satan is much stronger in Canada....
Shunning - Not Just JWs
by Joe Grundy in
this is a documentary from louis theroux on his return visit to westboro baptist chutch - as wacky a bunch as you'll meet.
but not that different, imho, as jdubs.. i never was a dub, but i hope as a human that i can share their pain.. being entirely secular here, it seems to me that some of the young ladies in the film need to experience 'worldly' love,.
I would think being shunned by WBC would be a good thing!
All kidding aside, shunning is a disgusting and despicable practice. I am DF'ed and semi shunned by family, but I don't really care that much. For others, the pain of shunning can be unbearable, and to those individuals, my heart goes out to you.
Donations aren't coming in from Western Countries: more confirmation
by Julia Orwell inin talking to sparky the elder today ( i found out he did the accounts for our congregation for years.
he said very rarely did the congregation meet its expenses without some well-off brother chipping in a few grand here and there.
the elders would also make up the shortfall.
Sorry...double post
Donations aren't coming in from Western Countries: more confirmation
by Julia Orwell inin talking to sparky the elder today ( i found out he did the accounts for our congregation for years.
he said very rarely did the congregation meet its expenses without some well-off brother chipping in a few grand here and there.
the elders would also make up the shortfall.
SFPW...the beauty of a forum like this, is that anyone can post their thoughts. I am a little puzzled by your attack on Julia, as she is reporting information passed on to her. I find your statement that " the organization's longevity is a testament to Jehovah's blessing" to be a bit misleading...using that same reasoning, you would have to admit that God's blessing is on the Catholic has been around a lot longer than the JW's...and a lot larger in numbers as well. They must really have God's blessing!
Don't hold your breath waiting for an apology.
by stillin inthis is true everywhere but it seems especially true with the witnesses.
they seem to feel that since god forgives them, you should too, so you end up with these pathologically rude, crude people.. "get over it" is what my wife says if i tell her about some incident where i couldn't believe my ears.
but i have to remind myself that she is also like that.. but she's right, too, because who wants to spend the rest of their life as a victim?
I remember when I was in, I had a janitorial business (surprise, surprise), and I employed JW's...worst experience ever! They would flake on jobs, call off at the last minute ("I need to get my hours in before the end of the month", "I have a talk to write", etc., etc.), and I was supposed to "understand" apology, just an assumption of understanding on my part. If I protested their actions, I became the bad guy! I REALLY resented that attitude...I would never knowingly hire a JW given their priorities regarding their jobs.
Seriously?...of course they would! LOL
What Are Some Stupid Rules In Watchtower World?
by minimus inthere's a lot.
one that i just don't understand is that no one should hold hands during a prayer.. where the hell do they come up with these rules??
It's ok to use the services of the police, but not ok to be a police officer.
It's ok to take blood fractions, but not ok to donate blood to provide blood fractions.
I guess I was ashamed of the JW religion...
by Jim_TX inwhen i was a kiddo growing up, i wasn't one of those that we all heard at assemblies giving their experiences... "here, let me show you the answer from the bible..." <reaching into their a** bringing out a bible>.
no, i would sit there in the audience, and think... that person has balls to do that.. when i went to grade school, i tried to keep as low of a profile as possible.
it was bad enough that i had to start the day by not saying the pledge of allegience like all the other school kids.
My most embarrassing moment was being in the D2D work, and a girl who I had a huge crush on answered the door. If I could have died right then and there, I would have! I was always embarrassed to admit I was a JW...I usually said I was a Christian.
Church Group Dies in Fiery Crash
by designs ina group of seniors from a baptist church were on their way back from gatlinburg va. where they had preached to the locals.
their bus blew a tire and veered into traffic catching fire in the accident.
8 people died and 14 others were injured.. how do people of faith come to terms with those considered faithful meeting such a tragic end and causing the deaths and injury of others.. ap news service.
To quote an oft used term..."Time and unforeseen occurences"