not bad for an apostate...
JoinedPosts by emptywords
The things that are Wrong with being a JW
by jwfacts ini have been working on this article for quite some time as it kept getting longer and longer.
if you do not have time to read it all can you please just scan the headings and tell me if there is anything that i have missed.. .
ANTI-JW PODCAST Who is this guy?
by Terry in
what is weird about this podcast is that the fellow taking phone calls and answering questions seems to be a jw.
yet, he comes out and says the fds invented their "artfully contrived false story" about themselves.. .
His commentaries are really an eye opener...don't mind what he has to say at all.
How Many Former Elders/MS Taught What You Wanted & Ignored The Rest?
by Seeker4 inthis was prompted by the thread on whether you enjoyed being an elder or ms. some mentioned they taught what they wanted when they were an elder.
that was personally true of myself.
there were some things i stopped teaching over the years, and would refuse to counsel the friends about.
The next week roled around, and I had a Service Meeting part on - guess what? Field Service. I went up and stated that no human has the ability or the right to decide if one is doing enough in the ministry; that only Jehovah and us alone could decide this. I remember the look on the Service Overseer's face when I was giving this part. He looked like he wanted to kick me in the groin. Needless to say, my part went over like a lead baloon. Not one elder told me I did a good job, later. This was a major defining moment for me in my career as a Watchtower employee.
If there were or was more brother like you, the sheep would feel almost human.
How Many Former Elders/MS Taught What You Wanted & Ignored The Rest?
by Seeker4 inthis was prompted by the thread on whether you enjoyed being an elder or ms. some mentioned they taught what they wanted when they were an elder.
that was personally true of myself.
there were some things i stopped teaching over the years, and would refuse to counsel the friends about.
Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"
"Times they are a changin" (hopefully) I would have stood up and sung along this one.
Information Release
by JWD Temp innote to admins: this jwd account may be deleted after this post.
i have created this temp account as a further attempt to remain anonymous with this posting.
an internal resource has revealed that the following has been discussed at jw hq: .
Very very interesting if this is true!!!!
I hope all of our friends that have positions in the org stay on the alert.
Those who leak us information might want to consider leaking it through another member on the board that is out of the org. The information can be rewritten to discuss the main points and the leaker is totally untraceable.This is the wisest way to go....protects everyone still in.
How Many Former Elders/MS Taught What You Wanted & Ignored The Rest?
by Seeker4 inthis was prompted by the thread on whether you enjoyed being an elder or ms. some mentioned they taught what they wanted when they were an elder.
that was personally true of myself.
there were some things i stopped teaching over the years, and would refuse to counsel the friends about.
Iv'e come across some elders that are zealots, overly righteous about elder used to come out with outrageous personal opinions, neither from the WT or the bible....because he was so self righteous and unbalanced he expected everyone to be how he was.
Example....have to be completely out of the world, (the whole world is lying in the power of the wickedone, that must include bethel ) to the point that no TV, no worldy music, or litrature, (only if it is sited in one of the society litrature you can look it up) would not agree with anthing not anything that was not in the WT ,even though admiting that a lot has changed over the years. Depression is no excuse to miss A meeting....and all anxieties can be cured if study the bible and apply, mental illness is a big excuse for people not to apply or do truth.
Does not believe that a person can have a reason to leave Jehovah, in other words no excuse to be stumbled, when Jesus clearly talks about those that stumble others...and their fate Mth 18:6.
I wonder if he should literaly apply Mth 5:29.....If now that right eye of yours is making yiou stumble, tear it out and throw it away from you. For it is more beneficial to you for one of your members to be lost to you than for your whle body to be pitched into Gehenna.
APOLOGIES by real JW's: JW's are NOT False Prophets
by Terry injw1983 - jws are not false prophets .
jehovahs witnesses, in their eagerness for jesus second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect.
because of this, some have called them false prophets.
Book study a few months ago the elder conductor said... one thing that has never changed and will never change is 1914..
Everyone was nodding...and agreeing. That this date marks the time when cast Satan and hordes out of heaven and took kingdom power, since then Mth24 Lu21 Mk13 and 2Tim 3:1-5 has been escalating and been obviously fullfilled as we aproach the last trumpet or cry of 1Thess 5:3 "cry of peace andsecurity" verse 2 says though "that you yourselves know that Jehovah's day is coming as a thief in the night. They never picked a day but picking or suggesting (75) the year wouldn't exactly be like a thief, people step up their preaching work in expectation of assuring survivial at arma.
Question about 1914
by serotonin_wraith injws believe 1914 was a turning point with jesus' invisible reign, and the first world war started in 1914.. what order did it actually happen?.
did they think armageddon would be in 1914, then when it came and went they changed their mind and said it was jesus' invisible reign?
or did the war happen and only after they decided to say 1914 was a special year for them?
LOL the current org known as JWs could say "We never said Arma was coming in 1914" because literally they didnt.
I was never led to believe that 1914 was suppose to be the end, as you say that was never taught....long time ago and forgotten.
We were taught in 70's that the end of the gentiles ended in 1914 and that Christ was crowed king took his heavely position and cast out Satan and his followers (fallen demons) never to enter heaven again, cast down to the vacinity of the earth....the heavens cleansed and we have the devil full on...what the... so we have to put up with the ar*shole.
Birthdays and Job
by emptywords inthe societys stance on birthdays is either blatantly a lie, or a lack of bible knowledge on the part of the governing body!
while still attending at the kingdom hall i read job 1:4 where jobs childreneach had celebrations in his own day.
then read in job after his kids died and all his possession were lost where job cursed his own day.
It's just anotherway that the WBTS make the rank and file feel unworthy. We receive undersered kindness from Jah and we are not worthy enough to celebrate our birthday. We are not worthy enough to receive gifts from friends and family to celebrate being alive! What a lot of bs
But worthy enough for Christ to die for us...they love to make us feel like dirt, like we need them to look to for help at the proper time, we are pitiful and desperate....they undermine the ransom and Gods love.
Video based on DC talk on "Superiority of Education by Jehovah" It's short
by Wasanelder Once init's only three minutes or so, let me know what you think..
work for the money but spiritual blessing of knowing that if you drop dead on the job you will be ressurected in the paradise.
By the way does anyone know if a book was released and what it was on??