There gonna go broke...
JoinedPosts by emptywords
On: The possible destruction of America
by SixofNine inby: truthout writer william pitt.
hyperbole has become fact: before us all looms the possible destruction of america.. .
no, the nation isn't going to blow up on monday if the democrats in congress fail to follow through.
I went to the Kingdum Hall last night....
by pratt1 inas some of you may know, i have a close friend who is still a dub that i am the "godfather" of his son.
i mean this in the most literal sense, since it is in his and his wife's will, that if anything should happen to them, i would become their child's legal and custodial guardian.
anyway, i wento hear his second minsistry school talk last night and i have a few observations about the meeting.. 1. i was not aware that the #2 talk is now just a bible reading without an introduction or conclusion by the speaker.
Pratt, the dumb bastarda are finally figuring out that the GB is full of crap! Hope so.......death of the elite.
You want some big Watchtower news? I think this is big news.
by under_believer injust like the wts, the mormons (okay, the "church of jesus christ of latter-day saints," hey look, a religion with even less talent at picking a name than the jw's) hide their net worth.
nobody knows how much money they have, though estimates go as high as 30 billion usd.. .
well, this guy in portland is suing them for (what else) pastoral pedophilia, and part of the discussion of damages, the plaintiff argues, is the revelation of how much money the church has.
You may have seen this about witness child abuse...
Do the hours of the JW's reflect their actual preaching?
by justhuman inwhen i was watchtower witness and pioneer i recall how we used to abuse the hours at the field service.... getting up in the morning, and doing street work..after the street work going to the kindom hall for the field service, and the at the territory.
after finishing the territory continue some street work in order continue reporting the time.. so starting at 8.15 in the morning, then stop at 9.15 to drive to the kindom hall, and around 9.50 we were getting at the territory.
then after the 2 hours preaching(and usually 85%of the people were not home and the rest show no interest at all, and after 2 coffee brakes, finishing at 12.00. then going some street work at the center of the town until 1.00. so we used to report 5 hours!!!
I know its called doin time. Informal witnessing is ok to count time, street witnessing and so on.
But the quaility is really bad, after I was out for nearly 17yrs I couldnt' believe the lack of bible knowledge the pioneers had and hardly ever use the bible. It is all showing the mags and placing the WT litrature.
I guess they are trying to prove something to the org or something. I'm sure a lot really are doing this for Jehovah, but the joy goes after the hassle of not at homes, and abuse the weather, the pushing to do more, it becomes a burden and Jehovah goes out the door, and then youre just doin it to get the time in.
Becoming officially recognized as Annointed
by B_Deserter ini've heard there is a very secretive process the wts uses to determine whether or not they'll consider someone "of the annointed.
" from what i've heard it's a very rigorous set of questions.
can anyone here confirm this?
Most of the 144,000 already attended other religions and that is why they partake.
well if you say so, looks like we have another lot saying they are anointed must be catching, I personally dont believe in the elitism of the anointed, they all feel and say the same thing, going to be in heaven with Christ...
the sheep before the shepherd not the shepherd before the sheep.
Things were phrased so as those could grasp understanding back then, I would rather they say, we have 144,000 unionists going to look over the subjects and serve them givin them justice, blow the crowns and thrones, that is so caste.
Becoming officially recognized as Annointed
by B_Deserter ini've heard there is a very secretive process the wts uses to determine whether or not they'll consider someone "of the annointed.
" from what i've heard it's a very rigorous set of questions.
can anyone here confirm this?
because many had already died and the end hadn't come, so there some unfaithful and had to be replaced, and the system goes on.... la la la la la
What they fail to grasp is their erroneous teachings of 1914 Christ's presence and that there were judged and given the joy of being the FDS. They cant admit to being wrong because the whole WTBTS stucture is being held up by the 1914 and Christs approval of them.
Ezekiel and Micah, Isiah and parts of Jeremiah does not apply to modern day Christedom as they say, it applys to the evil slave class those professing to be of the faithful slave but are not.
22 things in my area...
by all_along_the_watchtower inhey, im not sure if anyone knows of this, but recenetly (well actually like about 3-4 months ago) jw's in my area have been told to create emergency preparation kits for themselves or thier familys, and to give the elders phone numbers of non-witness relatives for emergency contacts.. also one thing that they've just started doing is the elders are going around giving "sheparding calls" to everyone in the congragation and asking them questions such as *( they said this from the platform) "what do you find the hardest about being in the truth" or something along those lines.. i think that just might be a local thing, but it is strange and over the many years they have never really done any thing like that.. and the emergency thing i thik is strange too.. maybee they think a disater will happen here.... just thought i would mention this 'cause i find it a little strange.. well not that strange, their always on to something new and crazy...
think after the new orleans cyclone they may feel things unpredicatable, thats a hoot, uNpRdictAblel...
to their credit though they were in there quickly.
If this is protection ... throw me to the wolves!
by Frequent_Fader_Miles inpage 93 of the 1991 "flock book" discusses the treatment of victims of sexual abuse.
it states that elders should always do what they reasonably can to protect children from further abuse; follow the society's direction on such matters.
isn't that somewhat of an oxymoron?
said to help them get Jehovah's viewpoint...
how can they do that, what scriptures are they going to show, show the ones on how Jesus loved children, who protective he was of them,,,,,,,that would only put another nail in their coffin.
They cant show any scripture to condon their views, only that you should be forgiving, turn the other check, stay close to the congregation.
Just appallling.
Appealing a JC Decision
by Amber Rose ini had my jc about a month ago now and thanks to my dad i keep thinking "shoul i have appealed?
" has anyone ever heard of a decision being reversed because of an appeal?
do very many people appeal?
Incidentally, if you join the military or a church , you just get announced as d/a...but join the "Y" and they hold a committee...strange isn't it? I bet there are a fair few dubs who dont know that it is a d/f offence
Because they are homophobic, they think because someone joins the YMCA they must be gay or have tendencies, watching to many video clips.
Becoming officially recognized as Annointed
by B_Deserter ini've heard there is a very secretive process the wts uses to determine whether or not they'll consider someone "of the annointed.
" from what i've heard it's a very rigorous set of questions.
can anyone here confirm this?
but they do have their views, I've asked that question of a few elders and older ones, and have hear a similar ring, they are very zealous in the witnessing work, they have this strong desire to go to heaven and are in love with Jehovah and want to be with him, cant' wait to be with him, also feel a very very stong union with Christ and a oneness.